
【Chronic disease prevention and control】"Less quiet" and "more active", the two should be equally important!

"Less quiet" and "hyperactive"

The two should be equally important

When it comes to physical activity, the first thing that probably comes to mind is how to exercise.

But is it enough to just care about "moving"?

What is the impact of a person's state of "stillness"?

How should we achieve "less static and more movement"?

The following may be able to help you out!

A universal "formula for motion"

Both movement and stillness should be paid enough attention

【Chronic disease prevention and control】"Less quiet" and "more active", the two should be equally important!

On how an adult should be physically active when conditions permit, WHO has made clear recommendations:

At least 150 to 300 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic activity, or at least 75 to 150 minutes of high-intensity aerobic activity, or an equal amount of moderate-intensity and high-intensity combined activity are performed each week.

【Chronic disease prevention and control】"Less quiet" and "more active", the two should be equally important!

During the week, moderate or higher intensity resistance exercise is done for 2 or more days, and every other day to strengthen the muscles and exercise all major muscle groups.

【Chronic disease prevention and control】"Less quiet" and "more active", the two should be equally important!

But is it enough for us to focus only on the way we "move" for the question of "physical activity"?

In addition to sleep time, we have about 16 hours of time to decide how to spend it. Assuming 30 minutes of moderate/high-intensity physical activity every day, would it be okay if we all sat comfortably for the remaining 15 and a half hours?

The answer is no!

【Chronic disease prevention and control】"Less quiet" and "more active", the two should be equally important!

This requires that we pay sufficient attention to another WHO recommendation:

Limit sedentary time and use sedentary time for all kinds of intense physical activity, including mild intensity.

The meditation time is too long

Benefits of physical activity

May be weakened

【Chronic disease prevention and control】"Less quiet" and "more active", the two should be equally important!

Nowadays, our lifestyle makes us sit much longer than we spend active time, working, attending classes, watching TV, using electronic products, etc. are mostly done by sitting. It sounds comfortable, but its negative effects have quietly happened.

【Chronic disease prevention and control】"Less quiet" and "more active", the two should be equally important!

Sedentary, especially sedentary with poor posture, can have negative effects such as joint injury, muscle stiffness, slowed blood flow, slowed fat breakdown, insufficient oxygen exchange, and reduced brain flexibility.

Over time, sitting increases the risk of certain chronic diseases such as cancer, cardiovascular disease, diabetes, kidney and liver disease, and increases the risk of death as an independent risk factor.

【Chronic disease prevention and control】"Less quiet" and "more active", the two should be equally important!

Studies have found that the health benefits of moderate/high-intensity physical activity are affected by sedentary behavior. Even, when the sedentary time reaches more than 11 to 12 hours in a day, the health benefits of moderate/high-intensity physical activity may be weakened or offset!

【Chronic disease prevention and control】"Less quiet" and "more active", the two should be equally important!

In other words, reaching the recommended amount of exercise will not compensate for the health risks caused by sitting for a long time!

Therefore, "whether to engage in regular physical activity" and "whether there is sedentary behavior" are two equally important important contents that need to be considered separately and developed into action plans.

Less static and more moving

Interrupt sedentary state

【Chronic disease prevention and control】"Less quiet" and "more active", the two should be equally important!

We can think about sedentary behavior from two perspectives, one is the total time of sitting, and the other is a single uninterrupted period of sitting, both of which are related to their health hazards, which also provides us with coping ideas.

Many times, it is not easy to change the state of physical standing or sitting when working and studying, and we can start from the perspective of interrupting the sedentary state.

【Chronic disease prevention and control】"Less quiet" and "more active", the two should be equally important!

Studies have found that interrupting sedentary behavior every 30 to 60 minutes can prevent the health risks associated with sedentary behavior. Physical activity used to interrupt sedentary behavior can be moderate/high intensity or low intensity. Replacing sedentary with any intensity of physical activity is beneficial.

【Chronic disease prevention and control】"Less quiet" and "more active", the two should be equally important!

In this way, we can make reasonable arrangements for the "movement" and "stillness" of the day. For example, take the bus up and down, get off one stop early to walk, or go to the gym after work to ensure sufficient time for moderate/high-intensity physical activity every day.

【Chronic disease prevention and control】"Less quiet" and "more active", the two should be equally important!

At work, you can use tools such as mobile phones to set a "class bell" for yourself as you did when you went to school, reminding yourself to get up every 45 minutes to walk around, climb stairs, stretch your limbs, and move for 5 minutes. In this way, grasp "moving" and "static" with both hands, slowly develop a habit, and you will find that it is not difficult to move less quietly and more!


[1] World Health Organization. WHO guidelines on physical activity and sedentary behaviour

[2] Chastin S, McGregor D, Palarea-Albaladejo J, et al. Joint association between accelerometry-measured daily combination of time spent in physical activity, sedentary behaviour and sleep and all-cause mortality: a pooled analysis of six prospective cohorts using compositional analysis[J]. Br J Sports Med. 2021,55(22):1277-1285.

[3] Diaz KM, Howard VJ, Hutto B, et al. Patterns of Sedentary Behavior and Mortality in U.S. Middle-Aged and Older Adults: A National Cohort Study[J]. Ann Intern Med. 2017,167(7):465-475.

Contributed by: Chronic Disease Institute of the Municipal Center for Disease Control and Prevention

Edit: Suki

The image comes from the Internet


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