
12 absurd cartoons, giving you the joy of not thinking, come and relax

We often use such a sentence to self-regulate, or to explain others: "Happy is a day, unhappy is also a day, so why not choose to live happily"? At first glance, there is nothing wrong with this, the logic is also very correct, but if you think about it carefully, you will find that there is a problem here, when we encounter troubles or setbacks in life, it is not just a silly pleasure that can be solved, a good mentality is the foundation, but the problem solving can make people really happy.

Modern people seem to be more and more easy to be unhappy, and even the emergence of emo such a popular word on the Internet, we can see a variety of patients suffering from depression on the news, why not worry about eating and wearing modern people are not happy?

12 absurd cartoons, giving you the joy of not thinking, come and relax

In Xiao Dai's view, this has a lot to do with the improvement of living standards, the level of education, and the awakening of self-awareness, Maslow divides human needs into seven levels, and when the most basic physiological, security, belonging, and love needs are met, people will also pursue the need for self-realization.

That is to say, people's needs will change with their own growth, the information explosion era allows everyone to see the larger world, but some people think more, but can not keep up with the pace of the times, so there will be frustrated negative emotions, some people try to keep up with the pace of the development of the times, but also the state of physical and mental exhaustion, really can easily cope with the ease, but it is said that it is a minority in the minority.

12 absurd cartoons, giving you the joy of not thinking, come and relax

The rapid development of the society brings people a lot of pressure, but also produces a lot of social problems, some people can realize, some people may not be aware, and some people turn a blind eye. Some comic artists have begun to aim the perspective of artistic creation at these shortcomings of real society, and they have integrated personal views into their works, which has also triggered the audience's reflection and resonance.

Humorous comics are one of them, and Dieter Bevers, a freelance cartoonist from Belgium, has created a series of funny and absurd satirical illustrations with a humorous art, and the artist has managed to make you laugh out loud with simple and powerful comics.

In addition to making people laugh, through Dieter Bevers's comic works, we can also taste a deep connotation. Next, we may as well temporarily let go of the pressure of life, read The Funny Comics of Dieter Bevers together, and feel the happiness he brings us without thinking.

1. Walk the baby.

12 absurd cartoons, giving you the joy of not thinking, come and relax

2. Matryoshka dolls.

12 absurd cartoons, giving you the joy of not thinking, come and relax

3. Rock Panda.

12 absurd cartoons, giving you the joy of not thinking, come and relax

4. Pirate Captain.

12 absurd cartoons, giving you the joy of not thinking, come and relax

5. Tearful onions.

12 absurd cartoons, giving you the joy of not thinking, come and relax

6. Alien hair absorber.

12 absurd cartoons, giving you the joy of not thinking, come and relax

7. Primitive man.

12 absurd cartoons, giving you the joy of not thinking, come and relax

8, not as you think.

12 absurd cartoons, giving you the joy of not thinking, come and relax

9, cattle driving luxury cars.

12 absurd cartoons, giving you the joy of not thinking, come and relax

10. Flying penguins.

12 absurd cartoons, giving you the joy of not thinking, come and relax

11. Washing time.

12 absurd cartoons, giving you the joy of not thinking, come and relax

12. Raise your hands.

12 absurd cartoons, giving you the joy of not thinking, come and relax

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