
Jincheng traditional food You have to try it during the New Year

author:Cultural industry integrates media

Intense, festive, peaceful, joyful... All the beautiful words about the new spring will become a good blessing around us, and all the good will often be put into the stomach and into the heart with a series of traditional delicacies. Today, let's take a look at the traditional food of jincheng, you must try it in the New Year.

Jincheng traditional food You have to try it during the New Year

Jincheng Top Ten Bowls

  The Ten Bowls are a comprehensive dish specialized by the Jincheng area, which is a classic hospitality delicacy for the New Year, with a long history and legends. The top ten dishes of the ten bowls mainly include wood ear shellfish, oiled meat, small crispy meat, paste meat, sweet and sour balls, swan eggs and so on. It takes cold dishes, hot dishes, soup dishes and staple foods as the system system, and according to the "ten bowls", "six six", "eight six" and "eight eight" as the distinguishing standards, it can be used for weddings and funerals, as well as for banquets and friends.

Jincheng traditional food You have to try it during the New Year

Zezhou Bagong roasted green onions

  The scallions are large, fragrant, spicy, thick and solid, and the texture is fine. The preparation of roasted scallions is quite complicated. Cut the green onion into segments, take only the white onion, pass over the hot water, then pour it into the frying pan and fry it, fry it well, and then pass the water. Then cut the tenderloin into strips, stir-fry in the pot, and then steam it on a plate with the green onion, and a historical dish of Bagong roasted scallions is ready.

Jincheng traditional food You have to try it during the New Year

High-flat roasted tofu

  Takahira grilled tofu is a special traditional dish in Takahira City, which has a history of more than 2,000 years. According to legend, in the Battle of Changping in 260 BC, Zhao Kuo was defeated by the Qin general Bai Qi in one fell swoop, and 400,000 Zhao troops were killed by Bai Qi. The cruelty of baiqi aroused the hatred of later generations, so they compared tofu to white meat, boiled and eaten in boiled water at fire, in order to vent their anger. Unexpectedly, people feel quite fresh after eating, and they have a unique flavor. This dish has a yellow flesh and white flesh, a fluffy texture, spicy and fragrant, and a unique flavor.

Jincheng traditional food You have to try it during the New Year

Lingchuan stone scrambled eggs

  Fresh native eggs are fried with stones and have become a long-standing local specialty in Lingchuan - "stone scrambled eggs". Legend has it that when the founder of Go, Miko, played chess, he often forgot to eat and sleep. Therefore, the entourage took local materials and used iron tools and stones from the mountain to scramble eggs, and the aroma immediately attracted the rice, and the "stone scrambled eggs" have been passed down to this day.

Jincheng traditional food You have to try it during the New Year

Yangcheng liver burning

  Yangcheng liver roast is a local famous food in Yangcheng County. Fresh pork liver is added as a feed, wrapped in flower oil, and fried, steamed, fried and other processes to reach the brown and crispy soft. It is characterized by crispy outside and crispy inside, delicious taste, accompanied by wine and delicacies, and hot food is not greasy. There are as many as 13 kinds of ingredients, the main ingredients are: fresh pork liver, lard oil, starch, pork fat powder, eggs, sweet noodle sauce and so on.

Jincheng traditional food You have to try it during the New Year

Stir-fried cold powder

  Stir-fried cold powder is a folk traditional snack in our city, which has a history of more than 100 years. Cut the cold powder into cubes about 4 cm wide and 1 cm thick and set aside. Put a small amount of cooking oil in the pot, heat it up and stir-fry the cut cold powder cubes. Add the vinegar sauce and minced garlic and let the cold powder taste until it tastes.

Jincheng traditional food You have to try it during the New Year

Qinshui Suzhuang flavor black goat

  Suzhuang flavor black goat is a specialty of Qinshui. Flavorful stir-fried black goat cooking method, goat meat washed with cooking wine to remove the smell, cut into thin slices, smeared with soy sauce, let stand for 25 minutes. Wash and cut the red pepper into rings, heat the oil pot, simmer the red pepper, put the goat meat and stir-fry to make the meat aroma, add celery segments, green onion segments, stir-fry, use black pepper, salt, msg to taste.

Jincheng traditional food You have to try it during the New Year

Hairy pills

  Maotou pills belong to the local flavor and are also famous foods in Jincheng. The method is very simple, that is, mix the meat filling and add powder to knead it into balls, and then steam it.

Jincheng traditional food You have to try it during the New Year

Sweet potato balls

  Sweet potato balls are a folk traditional flavor snack, sweet but not greasy. When eating, you can put some white sugar, the taste is better.

(Reprinted from: Jincheng News Network)

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