
【United Front History】 The Party's adjustment of the relations between the various anti-Japanese classes and strata

author:Zhejiang United Front
【United Front History】 The Party's adjustment of the relations between the various anti-Japanese classes and strata

The united front is the Marxist strategy and tactic of the proletariat in realizing its own unity in the liberation movement and striving for the expansion of the allied forces. In the glorious course of magnificent waves, the Communist Party of China has integrated the Marxist united front thinking with China's reality, creatively established and developed the national revolutionary united front, the workers' and peasants' main united front, the anti-Japanese national united front, the people's democratic united front, and the patriotic united front in the new period.

At present, the whole party is carrying out party history study and education. The "Zhejiang United Front" launched the "United Front History" column to tell the glorious history and reminisce about the glory days. "Spiegel is therefore illuminated, the ancient things are known to the present" Learning history is to better move towards the future. Let us benchmark the expectations and requirements of General Secretary Xi Jinping, keep in mind the original intention of our party in establishing a united front, carry forward the fine traditions of the united front, sum up the successful practice of united front work, summon up the spirit of marching into a new journey and forging ahead into a new era, continuously promote the high-quality development of united front work with a high posture, strive to write a new chapter in the united front of Zhejiang, and celebrate the 100th anniversary of the founding of the party with excellent results!

Background guide

During the War of Resistance Against Japan

The Anti-Japanese National United Front

(July 1937-August 1945)

The July 7 Incident broke out and the National War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression broke out. The Communist Party of China actively promoted the establishment of an anti-Japanese national united front based on the cooperation between the Kuomintang and the Communist Party. During this period, the party's united front theory and policy matured in an all-round way and achieved great success, and Mao Zedong put forward the famous thesis that the united front, armed struggle, and party building are the party's three magic weapons. The party adhered to the principle of independence and self-determination in the anti-Japanese national united front, developed progressive forces, won over the middle forces, isolated stubborn forces, and established a "three-three system" democratic regime in the border areas, thus laying a solid foundation for the final victory in the War of Resistance Against Japan. The successful persistence and development of the anti-Japanese national united front has also further promoted the development of democratic parties and patriotic democratic movements, and the people's revolutionary forces have been consolidated and strengthened as never before.

For the sake of the national revolutionary war, the Party adjusted its class and stratum policy in order to achieve unity against Japan. As early as December 1935, on the eve of the Wayaobao Conference, the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China issued the Decision on Changing the Tactics Toward the Kulakyo, which adjusted the anti-kulak policy originally implemented in the Soviet zone. After the Xi'an Incident, on December 20, 1936, the central authorities instructed the Northeast Army, the Northwest Army and other friendly army areas to adopt rent reduction and tax reduction methods to achieve initial improvement in the people's living standards. On February 10, 1937, in the "Telegram from the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China to the Third Plenary Session of the Kuomintang", it was publicly proposed to stop the policy of confiscating the land of landlords.

At the Luochuan Meeting, it was decided to change the land policy to be implemented in the rural areas to a policy of reducing rents and interest rates that not only allowed the existence of tenants, but also reduced the burden of land rent on the peasants and the exploitation of usurious loans. In December 1940, the central government further proposed the implementation of a policy of rent reduction and interest reduction on the land issue, requiring landlords to reduce rent and interest and peasants to pay rent and interest. The anti-Japanese base areas behind enemy lines are in the countryside, and the main classes in the countryside are landlords and peasants, and serious contradictions between them are inevitable. This policy takes into account the interests of both peasants and landlords and combines the development of the united front with the solution of peasant problems.

However, because they were busy opening up the situation behind enemy lines, dealing with cruel "sweeping" and other reasons, many anti-Japanese base areas focused on reasonable burdens, and rent and interest reductions were not universally and conscientiously implemented. In view of this situation, the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China issued the "Decision on the Land Policy of the Anti-Japanese Base Areas" on January 28, 1942, and issued the "Instruction on How to Implement the Land Policy Decision" on February 6. On the basis of summarizing experience, these two documents clearly stipulate the policies and implementation methods of rent and interest reduction. He also pointed out that in order to reduce rents and interest rates, it is necessary to let go and mobilize and organize the masses, rely on the poor peasants, unite with the middle peasants, and practice the democratic politics of the "three systems." After the masses are mobilized, we must pay attention to correcting the "Left" bias and at the same time pay attention to protecting the enthusiasm of cadres and the masses. Stubborn landlords must be dealt with, but not everything.

Since then, the anti-Japanese base areas have generally carried out a campaign to reduce rents and interest rates. Through rent reduction and interest rate reduction, the land ownership relations and economic status of various classes in the base areas have been appropriately adjusted. The number of landlords and the proportion of land owned have decreased. The number of poor peasant households has decreased, the average number of land occupied by each household has increased, and the economic status has risen significantly, some of which have risen to the level of middle peasants. The number of households and the proportion of land occupied by the middle peasants have also increased significantly.

At the same time, the base areas encouraged the transfer of the landlords' assets to industry, and enabled the enlightened gentry to participate in anti-Japanese social and government work together with representatives of other strata, while the kulaks were encouraged to develop production. The proper adjustment of production relations and class relations in the base areas has united all classes and strata, improved the political status and living conditions of the peasants, promoted the consolidation of the anti-Japanese national united front and the development of the anti-Japanese democratic base areas.

【United Front History】 The Party's adjustment of the relations between the various anti-Japanese classes and strata

During the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, Li Dingming, a well-known democrat who was vice chairman of the Shaanxi-Gansu-Ningxia Border Region Government, accepted on behalf of the Border Region Government a plaque presented by the Eighth Route Army's Left Guard Corps as a "Model of Democracy."

In addition, Shaanxi, Gansu, and other anti-Japanese base areas also carried out the practice of streamlining the military and streamlining the administration. In November 1941, at the second session of the Senate of the Shaanxi-Gansu-Ningxia Border Region, Li Dingming, vice chairman of the Border Region Government, and 10 other non-party democrats put forward a proposal that "the government should thoroughly plan the economy and implement the doctrine of crack troops and simplified administration." In this regard, the reaction from all walks of life has been mixed, and there has been a lot of discussion, and some people even believe that this will affect the development of progressive forces. Mao Zedong copied the proposal word by word in his notebook and commented on it: This method is precisely the antidote to transforming institutionalism, bureaucracy, and formalism. Mao Zedong proposed to submit the proposal of streamlining the army and streamlining the administration to the congress for discussion. Li Dingming was encouraged and spoke boldly at the conference. After he finished speaking, Mao Zedong immediately stood up and applauded while walking to the front of the stage to pay tribute to him. After the meeting, he personally approached Li Dingming to further understand and discuss detailed methods. On December 17 of the same year, the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China issued the instruction of "streamlining the army and streamlining the administration", which was successively implemented in Shaanxi, Gansu, and Ningxia and other anti-Japanese base areas. The "streamlining of the army and the streamlining of administration" played an important role in overcoming the temporary difficulties caused by the "sweeping up" of the enemy and the puppets, the blockade of the diehards, and natural disasters in the anti-Japanese base areas. In 1944, Mao Zedong once again pointed out in his "Serving the People" made by Zhang Side in his memorial service: "The idea of 'streamlining the army and streamlining the administration' was put forward by Mr. Li Dingming, a person outside the party; he mentioned it well and was good for the people, so we adopted it." ”

(Source: United Front New Language)

【United Front History】 The Party's adjustment of the relations between the various anti-Japanese classes and strata