
Thick black science: People who really become big things will have these two significant characteristics, see if you have them?

Li Zongwu, the leader of the Houhei Study Sect, pointed out: A person, but when doing things, he must talk about some strategy and strategy, and he may as well use a dim sum machine and talk about some wrists - this is the way to succeed!

It is undeniable that thick black science has its dross and its essence, we may as well go to the false truth, extract a little charm from it, and take it as the wisdom of doing things in the moment, so as to promote a person to be more successful faster.

Thick black science: People who really become big things will have these two significant characteristics, see if you have them?

Thick black science: People who really become big things will have these two significant characteristics, see if you have them?

Characteristics 1, good at climbing branches and knotting expensive

In the eyes of the thick blacks, there are three basic elements of successful doing things: self, nobles, and opportunities. Among them, the self is the premise, the opportunity is the goal, the noble person is the key, and it is the necessary link for the self to grasp the opportunity. Zhuge Liang to Liu Bei, Guan Yu to Cao Cao, Xiao He to Liu Bang and Han Xin... Countless facts in ancient and modern China and abroad have proved that the encounter with nobles can be the biggest sign of opportunity, and any success in life is "half yourself, half noble." ”

In life, everyone hopes to meet some noble people who can call the wind and rain. But because most of the nobles occupy important positions and are very hot, it is difficult for mortals to get to know them. At this time, we may as well learn from Hu Xueyan: Knowing noble people at the time of distress. When a noble person is in distress, he really needs a certain amount of eyesight. If you think that the other party is a lost noble, you should get to know each other in time and have more contacts. Or take the opportunity to give advice, point out all his shortcomings, and encourage him to change his ways and do good. If you have the ability, you should give appropriate assistance and even give material relief. And material relief, do not wait for him to open his mouth, should take the initiative at any time. Sometimes the other party is in a hurry, but they will not speak directly to you, or deliberately indicate that they do not have such an urgent need. If you know the situation, you should do your best to help, and you should not look proud in the slightest, making him feel ashamed on the one hand and making him feel a sense of confidant on the other. The encounter of an inch of gold, the grace of a meal, can make him remember it for a lifetime. In the future, if necessary, he will strive to repay. Even if you don't need it, he will never forget you as a confidant.

Thick black learning wisdom today: If thick black people are good at climbing branches and knotting expensive, it is better to say that they are good at human investment. It is undeniable that spending blood and money early to cultivate a backer for yourself is equivalent to building a road for yourself.

Characteristic two, good at bowing his head and being patient

The old saying has clouds: "The path is narrow, leave a step with the people; the taste is strong, minus three points for people to taste." This is the world-related blissful method. This sentence is intended to illustrate the virtue of forbearance. In the wisdom of thick black, concessions in everything seem to be a loss on the surface, but in fact what is gained from it is bound to be much more than a loss. The wise must know how to endure the unbearable things in the world. As the saying goes, "How can a man not bow his head when he is under the roof?" "Bear with it and solve the problem, take a step back from the sea and the sky."

In the eyes of the thick blacks, the world is full of ingenuity, sinisterness, lying, deception, ingenuity, conspiracy, and struggle, and the virtues of honesty, loyalty, kindness, concessions, and weakness have all escaped without a trace. Each other's ability to do things, conspiracy instead of friendship; each other thinks they are smart, so they are stupid to each other; each wants to take advantage of each other, so in the end, everyone digs their own corners.

In fact, low-key is by no means useless, does not equal cowardice, on the contrary, low-key can achieve great things, in order to save themselves, overcome others. Let's listen to a conversation between Lao Tzu and Shang Rong.

Thick black science: People who really become big things will have these two significant characteristics, see if you have them?

Shang Rong was a nobleman in the Yin Shang period, and he was also a very learned person at that time, and Lao Tzu had learned from him. When his life was in danger, Lao Tzu came to his bedside and greeted him, saying, "Teacher, do you have anything else to teach your disciples?" ”

Shang Rong said: "You have fully mastered my thoughts, and now I just want to ask you: people have to get off the bus and walk when they pass through their hometown, do you know why?" ”

Lao Tzu replied, "I think this probably means that people have not forgotten the nurturing grace of the water and soil of their hometown." ”

Shang Rong asked again: "Walking under the tall and verdant ancient trees, people always have to bow their heads and walk respectfully, do you know the reason for this?" ”

Lao Tzu replied, "Maybe it is because everyone admires its tenacious life." ”

Shang Rong opened his mouth for Lao Tzu to see, and then said, "Do you see my tongue is still there?" ”

Lao Tzu said puzzledly, "Of course it's still there." ”

Shang Rong asked again, "So are my teeth still there?" ”

Thick black science: People who really become big things will have these two significant characteristics, see if you have them?

Lao Tzu said, "It's all gone." ”

Shang Rong stared at Lao Tzu intently and said, "Do you understand what this is?" ”

The old man pondered for a while and said, "I think this is the strong one that is easy to die prematurely, but the weak one can survive forever, right?" ”

Shang Rong smiled satisfactorily and said to his outstanding student, "The truth of the world is all contained in these three things." ”

Low-key is a strategy that appears to be weak, but more powerful than strong.

Thick black learning wisdom is used today: most successful people are models of high standards and low-key behavior. High standard is a realm, low-key behavior is a kind of demeanor. Nowadays, the way to save oneself, develop oneself and achieve oneself is to live a high standard and be a low-key person.

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