
China Needs Reform Reform for Development June 3, 1985

author:Free travel old Liu

Internationally, 1985 was a very important year. In March 1985, soviet union leader Mikhail Gorbachev came to power, and his new thinking on reform brought about many important changes in the Soviet Union. After the Third Plenary Session of the Eleventh Central Committee of the Communist Party of China in 1978, china was also carrying out a series of reforms, the rural areas carried out the responsibility system of co-production contracting, the state land was handed over to the peasants to contract, the peasants wanted to plant whatever they wanted, and everything was decided by themselves, which greatly mobilized the enthusiasm of the peasants. The earliest appearance of package production to households appeared in Yongjia County, Wenzhou District, Zhejiang Province in 1956. In the summer of 1957, 1,000 agricultural cooperatives in the counties of the Wenzhou area implemented this approach, but it was subsequently criticized. In the spring of 1978, in order to resist the drought, many production teams in Anhui Province also implemented the implementation of package production to households, and by 1979, about 10% of the production teams in the province had implemented this production responsibility system. At the same time, some poor production teams in Guizhou, Sichuan, Gansu, Inner Mongolia, Henan and other provinces and autonomous regions have also implemented this production responsibility system. The earliest to restore the practice of contracting production to households was the Xiaogang Production Brigade (Xiaogang Village) in Fengyang County, Anhui Province, which was later highly praised as the first shot of reform and opening up. The package was supported by Deng Xiaoping and Wan Li, then secretary of the Anhui Provincial Party Committee.

In the past, the distribution model in the countryside was the will of the chief, the captain of the production team had the final say, the big pot of rice, egalitarianism, good work and bad work, could not be well reflected, and the value of everyone's labor seriously dampened the enthusiasm of the broad masses of peasants. On the evening of November 24, 1978, 18 farmers were packed in a low, dilapidated hut in Yan Lihua's house at the west end of Xiaogang Village, Fengyang County, Anhui Province. A secret meeting concerning the fate of the whole village is taking place here at this moment. The direct result of this meeting was the birth of a letter of guarantee of less than 100 words. The most important contents are three: one is to divide the land to the household; the second is to no longer reach out to the state for money and grain; and the third is that if the cadres are imprisoned, the members of the society will guarantee to raise their children until they are 18 years old. At the meeting, Captain Yan Junchang particularly emphasized, "We divide the fields into households, do not hide from the top, and are not allowed to disclose it to anyone." "In 1978, this move was a brave and even great feat. In October 1979, the threshing ground in Xiaogang Village was golden, and after measurement, the total grain output of that year was 66 tons, equivalent to the total grain output of the whole team from 1966 to 1970. Since the people's commune in 1958, in the text about the countryside, "package production to households" is a word that appears very frequently.

The superiority of the socialist system should create productive forces more advanced than the capitalist system. Reform means liberating the productive forces, and reform means enhancing comprehensive national strength. Why Yu came out on a hiking expedition was to understand China's national conditions and people's feelings, see with his own eyes the development and changes in various parts of the motherland, and make his due contribution to reform and opening up and promoting the development of society. Practice is the only guarantee for testing truth. The world rises and falls, and the pirate is responsible. Sun Yat-sen, the great forerunner of the revolution, once said: "The tide of the world is mighty; if it goes along with it, it will prosper, and if it goes against it, it will perish." The revolution has not yet succeeded, and comrades still have to work hard." As a patriotic citizen, we should be the promoters of reform and opening up!

The Chinese nation is at an important historical juncture, and in order for our country to take off, it is necessary to carry out a series of fundamental reforms, including the system, traditional concepts, national consciousness, values, moral concepts, aesthetic standards, philosophical views, and so on. Reform is a revolution, reform is a war without gun smoke, and reform is the redistribution and readjustment of interests. Everyone will consider the problem from their own interests and decide whether to support and oppose. Reform has never been smooth sailing, and reform has to pay a heavy price. Especially in the ancient land of China, this has increased the arduousness of this reform. Reform and opening up is like the rolling water of the Yangtze River, and no force can stop its pace of progress!