
Bangs screen seconds to kill Apple! Samsung Galaxy Tab S8 Ultra real camera photo first exposure

According to @SamMobiles reported on foreign social platforms, the first spy photo of the Samsung Galaxy Tab S8 Ultra tablet has been exposed, although it uses a bang screen, but it is not obvious under the blessing of the large screen, compared to the Bangs screen of Apple mobile phones and new MacBooks.

Bangs screen seconds to kill Apple! Samsung Galaxy Tab S8 Ultra real camera photo first exposure

It is reported that the tablet has a 14.6-inch large display, the aspect ratio is 16:10, the real machine map shows that the black edge is very narrow, with a very small "bangs", the overall screen visual experience is still very good.

The media said that the Galaxy Tab S8 Ultra is about to become the best Samsung tablet to date, and even the top Android tablet on the market to date.


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