
Regarding the back side of the sun, some people say that there is another earth that is true

author:Vegetable leaves

Scientists have recently suspected that there is another planet in the solar system, the ninth planet, but they are not sure and are not on the other side of the sun. Scientists also calculate based on changes in the motion of other celestial bodies in the solar system. The mystery has not yet been solved.

Regarding the back side of the sun, some people say that there is another earth that is true

People are curious and suspicious of places that cannot be seen. For example, it is magical to think that the far side of the moon is very magical, because of the tidal lock, the moon can only see one side on the earth. For example, is there another earth on the back of the sun, is there still a human being on that earth, and is there another you on it?

In fact, there is no other Earth on the far side of the Sun, and through physical laws and mathematical calculations, classical mechanics from Kepler to Newton can already describe the operation of the solar system. The existence of another Earth-sized object was long ruled out, and the application of the law of gravitation accurately predicted the existence of Neptune, which was officially discovered in 1846.

Regarding the back side of the sun, some people say that there is another earth that is true

We assume that there is now the earth's twin brother, Earth 2, directly opposite the back of the Sun. At this time, the system is balanced. But it is unstable.

If Earth 2 shifts a little bit — it becomes out of alignment with Earth. For example, if you are hit by an asteroid, its position will change to a certain extent, which is often the case in the solar system.

According to Kepler's law, the planets sweep an equal area per unit time when orbiting stars, and the orbits of the planets are all elliptical orbits, with perihelion and aphelion from the sun, and the altitude from the aphelion to perihelion from the surface of the sun is constantly changing, and the gravitational potential energy and the kinetic energy of the planet are constantly changing.

Regarding the back side of the sun, some people say that there is another earth that is true

Because the elliptical orbit, the area swept by the planet per unit time is a certain, and the speed of the planet at the perihelion aphelion is quite different, the sun and two planets in the same orbit cannot always be in the same straight line.

In turn, it proves that the existence of planets will have a weak impact on the movement of stars, but also affect the surrounding planets, if there is another planet behind the sun, it is bound to have a weak impact on the oscillation of the sun itself, the orbital parameters of other planets in the solar system will also have subtle changes, according to long-term observations is not difficult to judge. The discovery of Uranus in history was the first mathematical proof that there were other planets other than Saturn, and the gravitational force caused Saturn's orbit to be slightly different from the observed results, and later Uranus was observed.

Regarding the back side of the sun, some people say that there is another earth that is true

But the scientific community has not ruled out the possibility of new planets on the outer periphery of the solar system.

As we all know, Pluto has been eliminated from the planetary team, and there are only 8 planets now, the farthest of which is Neptune.

Nasa's New Horizon unmanned probe, the farthest spacecraft ever sent by humans to carry out a mission, has now completed the exploration of Pluto and is flying to the Kuiper Belt to explore an asteroid in depth, the Kuiper Belt object named 2014 MU69, with a diameter of less than 700 kilometers.

Regarding the back side of the sun, some people say that there is another earth that is true

Some scientists believe that there may well be a gaseous planet at the farthest edge of the solar system.

Brown and Constantine Batkin of the California Institute of Technology published a paper in the American Journal of Astronomy, claiming that through mathematical and computer modeling, they had found evidence of the existence of a ninth planet in the solar system, which is 10 times larger than Earth and exists outside the orbit of Pluto.

The orbit of the unknown planet around the Sun is a "peculiar elliptical orbit" with an average distance of 32 billion kilometers from the Sun and a far-aphelion of 160 billion kilometers. The aphelion of Pluto's orbit is only 7.4 billion kilometers. The planet takes 10,000 to 20,000 years to orbit the sun, and there is no way for humans to observe it now.