
Teacher Chen Fei teaches you to write 丨 "Some Small Stones I've Seen" Yin Allen (second grade)

author:Begonia blossom education
Teacher Chen Fei teaches you to write 丨 "Some Small Stones I've Seen" Yin Allen (second grade)

Once, it seemed to be a summer, I went to the beach with my grandmother and grandfather.

On the beach, I saw some small stones, and those small stones all looked different, some like horns, some like duck eggs, and some like a pagoda, which was very beautiful.

I threw them forward, and they were rolling, like they were spinning in circles. I put them in my pocket and ran around, and I ran faster and faster, "What's going on?" "Oh, it turned out to be a hole in the pocket, and when I looked back, it all fell to the ground, as if it were a colorful path." I saw that there was only one of the largest stones left in my pocket, and my grandmother told me to go, and I took only this one stone.

I really want to pick them up again!"

Instructor: Chen Fei

Teacher Chen Fei's comments:

This article is written by a 7-year-old girl, and the composition of the class is surprising from the poetic topic!

The whole text is full of the child's most adorable childish charm, full of childlike fun, the language is full of poetic spirituality and artistic conception, the child's pure heart and innocence are vividly expressed, the language expression is frank and unrestrained, the scene and the mood are natural, like fairy tales, like poetry, like picture scrolls... It's a rare masterpiece! It is also the most distinctive and brilliant masterpiece in this study! Congratulations, little talented girl, come on!

Teacher Chen Fei's micro-comment: "Where does the child's innocence go?"

I haven't read an article like "Some Little Stones I've Seen" written by Yin Alan's children for a long time, she is like a shining pearl and shell on the beach, which can only be met by chance, which makes people happy! If you get a treasure! Love! It is like a clear spring in the desert, which makes people excited and surprised! How I long for children to be able to open the window of the heart like this, open their hearts, and write with their spotless natural intelligence, unfettered, unrestrained, free and frank expression, no imitation, no plagiarism, and openness to the true and pure crystal-like spiritual world. But the reality is not at all like this, either the composition written by the older child is too naïve and naïve, or the composition written by the younger child is too old and loses its childishness! Where does the innocence of the child go? Each child is like a small sapling, it was originally simple and frank, but the outside world is devastated, the parents' education is lacking, not timely care, the suppression of the education system, the imitation of the composition model plagiarism, just like this, the child's original wisdom will slowly degenerate, and even disappear!

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