
12 years of grinding a sword, finally won the winter Olympic gold medal, dream of the ice rink

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12 years of grinding a sword, finally won the winter Olympic gold medal, dream of the ice rink
12 years of grinding a sword, finally won the winter Olympic gold medal, dream of the ice rink

12 years of grinding a sword, finally won the winter Olympic gold medal, dream of the ice rink

——Reporter's note

12 years of grinding a sword, finally won the winter Olympic gold medal, dream of the ice rink

Fan Kexin won the women's 500m championship in the Shanghai leg of the 2015-2016 ISU Short Track Speed Skating World Cup on December 13, 2015

Recalling Fan Kexin's nearly 20 years of short track speed skating life is a vivid history of youth struggle. She moves forward with her dreams and uses struggle to interpret regretless youth.

At the age of 9, due to the inability to afford dance tuition, Fan Kexin was sent by his mother Nie Guiling to learn skating.

In 2009, at the age of 15, Fan Kexin emerged and won the women's 500m championship of the National Short Track Speed Skating League in Harbin.

In October 2010, Fan Kexin, who had just turned 17, was called up to the Chinese national team to participate in the Short Track Speed Skating World Cup in Montreal, Canada, and won the gold medal in the women's 3000m relay with teammates Zhou Yang, Liu Qiuhong and Zhang Hui, becoming the world champion.

In March 2011, Fan Kexin participated in the short track speed skating World Championships for the first time and won the women's 500 meters championship.

In March 2012, Fan Kexin defended the event in the women's 500m final of the Shanghai World Short Track Speed Skating Championships with 44.438 seconds, helping the Chinese team achieve five consecutive championships in the event.

On February 22, 2014, at the Sochi Winter Olympics, Fan Kexin finished second in the women's 1000m final with a time of 1:30.811 and won his first Winter Olympic medal.

In 2018, at the Pyeongchang Winter Olympics, Fan Kexin passed by the Winter Olympic medals.

On February 5, 2022, at the Beijing Winter Olympics, Fan Kexin and his teammates Qu Chunyu, Ren Ziwei and Wu Dajing won the gold medal in the mixed 2000-meter relay. This is the first gold received by the Chinese delegation at the Winter Olympics.

For 20 years, Fan Kexin, a world famous short track speed skater, has been chasing his championship dream on the silver track, giving up the opportunity to reunite with his family for the New Year without regret.

12 years of grinding a sword, finally won the winter Olympic gold medal, dream of the ice rink

In 2017, Fan Kexin came to the Qitaihe Sports Center to interact with the young athletes in his hometown

Fan Kexin is an athlete who went out from the "hometown of Winter Olympic champions" Qitaihe. As a media person in Fan Kexin's hometown, I have been paying attention to Fan Kexin's growth and progress, recording her and her speed skating life with a pen, and can be said to be a witness on her dream road.

On February 5, at the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics, Fan Kexin and his teammates Qu Chunyu, Ren Ziwei and Wu Dajing won the gold medal in the mixed 2000-meter relay competition, which not only ushered in the opening of the Chinese short track speed skating team, but also left a strong mark in the history of China's ice and snow sports and the history of Qitaihe short track speed skating!

The Hybrid 2000m Relay is a new event for the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics. This is a very exciting short track speed skating event, which requires the athlete's physical condition, male and female cooperation, and completion of relays. The victory of the Chinese team in this competition is of great significance to China's short track speed skating career and short track speed skaters.

No one can succeed casually, and there must be unforgettable experiences behind the opening of life. Behind Fan Kexin's highlight moments there is also bitterness and bitterness:

Poverty breeds dreams. When Fan Kexin was a child, he lived in a movable board room of less than 10 square meters, and used a tea pot for dinner, because he had no money to pay tuition, and gave up his beloved dance. When I started to learn to skate at the age of 9, the seeds of my dreams began to take root. She is determined to persevere in the slide, realize the dream of a champion, change the situation of her family's poverty, change her destiny, and create history and miracles.

Injuries can't shake dreams. Training injuries are common for Fan Kexin, breaking his arm, hitting his green leg, grinding his foot... In order to insist on skating, she has endured unbearable pain from ordinary people since she was a child. In 2008, she was diagnosed with iron deficiency anemia during puberty and suffered from dizziness and fatigue, but she gritted her teeth and continued to train.

If you are not insulted, you will become a great instrument. From the "five champions" of the 500 meters of the World Championships, to the silver medal at the 2014 Sochi Winter Olympics, to the unfavorable teacher in the 2018 Pyeongchang Winter Olympics, to the gold medal at the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics, Fan Kexin's ice sports career is like a roller coaster, ups and downs, laughter and tears, experienced highlight moments, but also fell into a low, but no matter what, in the end she withstood the pressure and ushered in the peak moment of her career.

Love goes hand in hand, and the motivation is unlimited. Looking back on Fan Ke's new short-track speed skating career, there has always been a mysterious force - love, which inspires her. Family, relatives and friends, coaches, teammates, caring enterprises, hometown people, the party and the government, have always been her strong backing. The Qitaihe Municipal Party Committee and Municipal Government solved practical difficulties such as housing and medical treatment for her family, allowing her to skate with peace of mind and no worries. "You win, we applaud you; if you lose, we encourage you with enthusiasm." The people of Qitaihe have been paying attention to her every game.

No one's sports career can be smooth, Fan Kexin uses courage, self-confidence and dedication to make the flower of youth never wither in the struggle. Fan Kexin, we like you! You are the pride and glory of the "Hometown of Winter Olympic Champions" Qitaihe! I hope that you will continue to work hard at the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics, cut through thorns, continue to write legends, and write a more wonderful speed skating life!

Text/Photo Reporter: Yuan Xiaoling Qin Cunguang

Editor: Luan Hao

Audit: Zhang Jinhua

Coordinator: Qiu Dongmei



Qitai River

12 years of grinding a sword, finally won the winter Olympic gold medal, dream of the ice rink
12 years of grinding a sword, finally won the winter Olympic gold medal, dream of the ice rink
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12 years of grinding a sword, finally won the winter Olympic gold medal, dream of the ice rink

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