
The two sons were both autistic, the wife was depressed, and the husband actually threw his wife out of the house!

The two sons were both autistic, the wife was depressed, and the husband actually threw his wife out of the house!

The woman in front of her who was kneeling on the ground and constantly prostrating her head and begging her husband Hu Baosheng not to drive her out of the house was today's heroine, Huang Xinmei.

At this moment, she pulled her hair in pain, constantly banging her head against the yellowed wall of the home, trying to control her collapsed emotions with pain, but her cruel husband seemed to have seen it long ago, holding his younger son while insisting on separating his wife and eldest son.

The husband's pulling behavior completely angered Huang Xinmei, and she picked up the pan and smashed it at her husband again and again, venting her inner anger.

What is it that makes this supposedly happy family uncomfortable? What causes a husband to throw his wife out of the house? What about two young children? Faced with all kinds of thorny issues, our reporters rushed to the scene.

When Huang Xinmei, who had been driven out of the house by her husband, saw the reporter, she suddenly knelt down, her eyes were full of despair, and under the warm comfort of the reporter, Huang Xinmei gradually calmed down and had the courage to bring the reporter to the door.

Huang Xinmei kept tapping on the door and knelt down to pray for her husband to open the door, as soon as her husband Hu Baosheng opened the door, Huang Xinmei seized the opportunity from the crack in the door and tried to squeeze into the house, facing her husband's pushing and shoving, Huang Xinmei finally failed to return home successfully, and once again lay on the cold cement floor and cried bitterly.

The two sons were both autistic, the wife was depressed, and the husband actually threw his wife out of the house!

When our reporter came forward to coordinate with her husband Hu Baosheng, Huang Xinmei suddenly rushed into the house and pounced on her younger son, just when she was about to catch her younger son, she was still grabbed by her husband Hu Baosheng and pulled Huang Xinmei outside the door, facing the insults and struggles of his wife Huang Xinmei, her husband Hu Baosheng turned a blind eye and had an iron heart to drive his wife out of the house.

The two sons on the side only watched everything that happened, the eldest son stood by the waist as if he had become accustomed to it, and the two children's non-crying and non-noisy scene seemed painfully sensible.

When the reporter asked her husband Why Hu Baosheng wanted to drive his wife Huang Xinmei out of the house, Hu Baosheng helplessly said that because he had been running around for many years, the children were handed over to his wife to take care of alone, but because his son had always been different from ordinary people, Hu Baosheng believed that it was because his wife did not take care of the two children, resulting in the child's behavior now being strange, so he wanted to drive his wife out of the house.

In the face of such a statement, Huang Xinmei could not accept it at all, thinking that she herself had done everything for the children, and the neighbors who were watching also accused Hu Baosheng, the two children were not the same as ordinary people, hu Baosheng did not give the children enough fatherly love, and because she worked outside for many years, she did not understand the situation of the children, and only saw the surface and put all the fault on the body of his wife Huang Xinmei.

The two sons were both autistic, the wife was depressed, and the husband actually threw his wife out of the house!

In the face of children being treated differently, the husband's incomprehension, the tightness in life, etc., all kinds of pressures and difficulties have made Huang Xinmei crushed again and again, collapsed again and again.

Hu Baosheng, who was condemned, told reporters a shocking secret, their two sons turned out to be autistic patients, the eldest son could not communicate with people normally, the second son was mentally degraded, Huang Xinmei was lying on the side looking at the two children bouncing around, fell silent, and her eyes shone with tears.

It is the heartache of the children is also the heartache and chill of their own situation, although sometimes because of the collapse and the child's disobedience to scold the child, but she is a mother, pregnant in October, no mother does not want the child to grow up healthy and healthy, husband Hu Baosheng feels that it is because the wife did not educate the children well, which led to the children's autism.

Huang Xinmei took the reporter to the window, all the windows were nailed with wooden strips, that is, afraid that the younger son would be naughty and climb out of the window, Huang Xinmei introduced to the reporter one by one that she paid careful attention to the family, and the details of these lives were never noticed by her husband.

At this moment, everyone suddenly found that the eldest son was missing, Huang Xinmei hurried downstairs to look for the eldest son Langlang, the eldest son did not know the way home because of autism, Huang Xinmei shouted his son in the streets and alleys, and finally found the wave in the nearby small park.

The two sons were both autistic, the wife was depressed, and the husband actually threw his wife out of the house!

In the face of his anxious mother, Langlang seems to be like a child playing hide-and-seek, with a bright smile on his face, he is completely unaware of his behavior, and even grabs things, and Langlang, who refuses to go home, finally returns home with his mother under the temptation of the small cake bought by his mother.

Led by reporters, the couple took the children to an autism professional institution to consult the situation of the two children, experts said that the eldest son has passed the best treatment time, but the younger son still has a glimmer of hope, and asked to let the two children separate, lest the younger brother learn the brother's uncontrolled bad behavior.

But there is only one wife in the family, so how can these two children be separated? The husband and wife put their last hopes on the child's grandparents, hoping that the in-laws could help take care of the eldest son, and after learning about the couple's intentions, the mother-in-law took Huang Xinmei to the room to talk alone.

But not long after, there was Huang Xinmei's crying, the reporter rushed in, only to see Huang Xinmei kneeling on the ground holding her mother-in-law crying bitterly, it turned out that the mother-in-law suffered from a serious heart disease, and she simply could not help bring another child, let alone an autistic child, the mother-in-law proposed to give the eldest son to someone else.

Let Huang Xinmei concentrate on taking the younger son, it is undeniable that the mother-in-law's proposal is the most effective way to treat the younger son, at this time Huang Xinmei helplessly shook her head and left the house with the eldest son without a word, she was too worried that her child would be sent away, she could not accept such a thing happening to her.

The two sons were both autistic, the wife was depressed, and the husband actually threw his wife out of the house!

Husband Hu Baosheng found his wife and eldest son in the past shantytown, the wife told her husband that she decided to take the eldest son to live in this shantytown alone, let the younger son receive treatment, this proposal was firmly opposed by the husband, he was not at ease with the depressed wife living alone with her son with autism, our reporter also found that Huang Xinmei could not control her emotions, often collapsed and painful, and did some extreme behaviors that hurt herself.

For safety reasons, under the persuasion of everyone, Huang Xinmei returned home with her son and husband.

In order to better solve the problem of Huang Xinmei's family, we invited the husband and wife to the studio, Huang Xinmei told the host that she had a child before, but at that time she had just married her husband, the family was so difficult that she could not even eat food, and she had no ability to raise children, so she secretly beat the children in her belly, and now both children are suffering from autism, Huang Xinmei's heart is also full of guilt for her husband, she knelt in front of her husband and began to cry, begging for her husband's forgiveness, and her husband Hu Baosheng lifted his wife up In the mediation of the program group, he also understood the difficulty of his wife, and the feelings of husband and wife for many years made him also choose to forgive his wife.

At this time, the program team also received a good news, the autism rehabilitation center considered the actual situation of the Hu family, the rehabilitation center decided to help the younger son to do rehabilitation training for free, and provided professional rehabilitation help for the eldest son.

The two sons were both autistic, the wife was depressed, and the husband actually threw his wife out of the house!

The pain and calamity of the world, some can not be communicated in words, even if the process is very bumpy, fortunately the rescue of the two sons finally saw a new hope, the father's love is like a mountain, the mother's love is like the sea, the child is the continuation of the life of the Hu family and the couple, but also the strength of despair and self-healing, is a light in the darkness, even in the most difficult time, the husband and wife have never thought of giving up any child.

Improper family does not know chai mi gui, do not raise children do not know the grace of parents, only through experience, can we truly appreciate the parents to raise us is not easy, who words and grass hearts, repay the three Chunhui.

Despite the bumps along the way, husband Hu Baosheng still decided to take his wife Huang Xinmei's hand, work together to tide over the difficulties, accompany the children to slowly treat autism, with the husband's understanding and care, wife Huang Xinmei's depression has also improved, emotions have slowly been controlled, with the company of parents Two "children from the stars" have become no longer lonely.

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