
From the Shuimen Bridge to the Kongochuan Bridge, how many bridges did the enemy and us blow up in the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea?

author:Chinese military horn

Source: China Military Network WeChat · China Military Number

"Flying Tiger First Class"

On November 9, 1948, in the first stage of the Huaihai Campaign, the Ninth Company and One Squad of the Sixty-fourth Regiment of the 22nd Division of the East China Field Army were swift and tenacious, killing more than 30 enemy people, capturing 131 enemy, capturing 15 light and heavy machine guns, forcing the enemy to surrender, and there were no casualties in the whole class. In November 1948, the East China Field Army awarded the class the honorary title of "Flying Tiger First Class".

From the Shuimen Bridge to the Kongochuan Bridge, how many bridges did the enemy and us blow up in the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea?

The first phase of the Battle of Huaihai

"Attack like a tiger, defend like Mount Tai"

In the Battle of Huaihai in 1948, the regiment participated in the Nanping Rally, held its position, and repelled 16 enemy charges. In the ensuing attack on the Xunhe River, he rushed to the enemy position with a single blow, killing more than 60 enemy positions and occupying two enemy positions. In December 1948, the 4th Column of the Central Plains Field Army awarded the company the honorary title of "Attacking Like a Fierce Tiger and Defending Like Mount Tai".

The Second Company of the 35th Regiment of the 12th Brigade of the Southern Shaanxi Military Region was launched in november 1948 at the Battle of Huaihai, and was later assigned to the 4th Column of the Central Plains Field Army. In the Battle of Xiaolizhuang, the Second Company held its position within the formation of the battalion, repelled more than a dozen enemy attacks, killed more than a thousand enemy troops, and only 49 people remained in the whole battalion who still fought tenaciously and firmly held the position. In December 1948, the 4th Column of the Central Plains Field Army awarded the company the honorary title of "Attacking Like a Fierce Tiger and Defending Like Mount Tai".

"Attack like a tiger hero company"

In the Battle of Huaihai in November 1948, a regiment of the 85th Army of the Huang Wei Corps was attacked by the superior formation, and the four-linked company repelled more than ten counterattacks of the enemy, and in the end, there were only 14 people left in the whole company, and the bullets and grenades were also exhausted, so they fought with the enemy with bare hands. In January 1949, the Second Column of the Central Plains Field Army awarded the company the honorary title of "Heroic Company of Attacking like a Tiger".

"Tiger Class"

On April 24, 1949, in the battle to liberate Taiyuan, the 663rd Regiment of the 188th Division of the 63rd Army served as the first commando team of the main attacking sharp knife company, blowing up 10 enemy bunkers, repelling 7 counter-charge by the enemy, and annihilating more than 90 enemy personnel, paving the way for the main force to develop in depth. After the war, the Sixty-third Army awarded the class the honorary title of "Tiger Class".

"Tiger Company"

The 1st Company of the 563rd Regiment of the 188th Division of the 63rd Army was one of the two sharp knife companies in the Battle of Taiyuan in April 1949. During the battle, the officers and men of the whole company fought bravely and tenaciously, fought with blood, destroyed more than a dozen bunkers, repelled the enemy's repeated counter-charge, firmly controlled the breakthrough point, and made important contributions to the liberation of Taiyuan. After the war, the Sixty-third Army awarded the company the honorary title of "Tiger Company".

In October 1947, the 6th Company of the 562nd Regiment of the 188th Division of the 63rd Army was awarded the honorary title of "Steel Position Company" by the 3rd Column of the Jin-Cha-Ji Field Army. In the Battle of Taiyuan in April 1949, the 188th Division took the main offensive task, and the 6th Company of the 562nd Regiment was one of the sharp knife companies. During the battle, together with the first company of the 562nd Regiment and the 1st company of the 563rd Regiment, they successively captured more than 100 enemy bunkers and bunkers, annihilated more than 600 enemy soldiers, and conquered the "Shouyi Gate as strong as steel" that the enemy boasted. After the war, the Sixty-third Army awarded the company the honorary title of "Tiger Company".

From the Shuimen Bridge to the Kongochuan Bridge, how many bridges did the enemy and us blow up in the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea?

In the Battle of Taiyuan, the 188th Division of the 63rd Army stormed the enemy's "Life Fortress" Twin Pagoda Temple

The 2nd Company of the 582nd Regiment of the 194th Division of the 65th Army, in the battle on the outskirts of the Taiyuan Campaign on April 20, 1949, as the first echelon, quickly crossed the enemy trench, and took the enemy's No. 1 bunker group in 20 minutes, opening a way for the attacking troops. After the general offensive of the Taiyuan Campaign began, the second company followed the main force into the city and surrounded and annihilated the enemy artillery. After the war, the Nineteenth Corps awarded the company the honorary title of "Tiger Company" and a "Tiger Company" award flag.

"Attack like a tiger"

On April 20, 1949, the 2nd Company of the 580th Regiment of the 194th Division of the 65th Army directly inserted itself outside the enemy's great southern gate during the battle on the outskirts of the Taiyuan Campaign, and pounced on the enemy in depth with one blow, even conquering many enemy strongholds, creating favorable conditions for the general attack on Taiyuan. After the general offensive began, the second company attacked the south gate with the main force and met the division with the brother troops in front of the enemy's appeasement office. After the war, the 19th Corps awarded the company the honorary title of "Attacking like a Tiger" and awarded a medal flag.

On August 25, 1949, the Seventh Company of the 565th Regiment of the 189th Division of the Sixty-third Army served as a right-wing commando unit during the doujiashan offensive battle at the eastern gate of Lanzhou, slammed into the enemy's forward position, continuously broke through obstacles, passed through two outer trenches, destroyed several open bunkers, repelled the enemy's repeated counterattacks, inflicted heavy casualties on the enemy, and opened up a path for the attacking troops. After the war, the Sixty-third Army awarded the company the honorary title of "Attacking like a Tiger".

On August 25, 1949, the 30th Company of the 30th Regiment of the 10th Division of the Fourth Army participated in the Battle of Shenjialing in the Battle of Lanzhou. The three companies and regiments repeatedly competed with the enemy on the main position, repelled more than 20 counterattacks of the enemy's platoons, companies, and battalions, completed their tasks with excellence, and contributed to the liberation of Lanzhou. After the war, the First Field Army awarded the company the honorary title of "Heroic Company of Attacking Tigers".

From the Shuimen Bridge to the Kongochuan Bridge, how many bridges did the enemy and us blow up in the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea?

"Attack like a tiger hero company" award flag

From the Shuimen Bridge to the Kongochuan Bridge, how many bridges did the enemy and us blow up in the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea?

The "Heroic Company of the Tiger", also known as the "Three Companies of the Tiger", has been rated as an "advanced unit in grass-roots construction" for 29 consecutive years, commended by the Army as a "Model Unit for Practicing the Goal of Strengthening the Army" in December 2018, and commended by the Xinjiang Military Region as a pacesetter unit of the "Four Irons" Unit at the end of 2019. He has been awarded the collective first class merit once, the collective second class merit 4 times, and the collective third class merit 15 times

"Attack like a fierce tiger, meritorious to Taiyuan"

The 1st Company of the 566th Regiment of the 189th Division of the 63rd Army was formerly known as the 1st Regiment and 1 Company of the 1st Division of the Workers' and Peasants' Red Army that participated in the Autumn Harvest Uprising in 1927. In 1937, he was awarded the honorary title of "Combat Pioneer Company" by the headquarters of the Eighth Route Army. In 1949, in the battle to liberate Taiyuan's Twin Pagoda Temple, the 566th Regiment carried out a major surprise attack, and a company quickly conquered the enemy bunker, seized the enemy artillery position, captured 250 people below the commander of the enemy artillery regiment, and captured 5 mountain artillery. After the war, the Sixty-third Army awarded the company the honorary title of "Attacking Like a Fierce Tiger and Making Meritorious Contributions to Taiyuan."

From the Shuimen Bridge to the Kongochuan Bridge, how many bridges did the enemy and us blow up in the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea?

Liberation of Taiyuan

The 7th Company of the 567th Regiment of the 189th Division of the 63rd Army, in 1949, in the Battle of Taiyuan against the Twin Pagoda Temple, carried out a major assault from the west, digging the traffic trenches to about 100 meters away from the enemy's forward position. After the general offensive began, the seven companies quickly launched an attack, interspersed with a detour approaching the enemy's headquarters, and even defeated multiple enemy bunkers. After the war, the Sixty-third Army awarded the company the honorary title of "Attacking like a Tiger".

During the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea, the heroic Chinese Volunteer Army fought with blood and bravely killed the enemy, and a large number of heroic units emerged, and many formed units were awarded various honorary titles by higher-level organs, of which two companies were awarded the honorary titles of "Attacking like a fierce tiger and defending like Mount Tai":

In October 1951, the Ninth Company of the 595th Regiment of the 199th Division of the 67th Army of the Volunteer Army stubbornly held position No. 59 in the Area of Pear Boat Cave during the autumn offensive of the "United Nations Army", repelling eight company-to-battalion attacks of the 21st Regiment of the US Seventh Division, and winning time to cover the deployment of the 67th Army of the Volunteer Army on the north bank of the Han River. After the war, the 67th Army of the Volunteer Army awarded the company the honorary title of "Attacking like a fierce tiger and defending like Mount Tai".

In April 1953, the 4th Company of the 541st Regiment of the 181st Division of the 60th Army of the Volunteer Army was tasked with holding the nameless heights northwest of the 883.7 Highlands, fighting fiercely with the South Korean Army for 6 days and nights, repelling 32 enemy attacks, annihilating 1427 enemy and capturing 9 enemy. At the end of May of the same year, a combination of sneak attack and strong attack was used to conquer another nameless height held by the enemy in one fell swoop. In June 1953, the 60th Army of the Volunteer Army awarded the company the honorary title of "Attack like a tiger, defend like Mount Tai".

From the Shuimen Bridge to the Kongochuan Bridge, how many bridges did the enemy and us blow up in the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea?

The volunteers held their ground

In peacetime, our army actively carried out military training and painstakingly practiced excellent military skills. In order to improve the ability to prepare for war, in the early 1960s, the whole army carried out mass large-scale military training activities, and in 1964 held a huge competition, a large number of advanced individuals and collectives emerged, many companies were awarded honorary titles, of which two "night tiger companies" appeared:

The Second Company of the 367th Regiment of the 123rd Division of the 41st Army, formerly known as the 2nd Company of the 11th Regiment of the 5th Jiaodong Detachment of the Eighth Route Army formed in February 1938, was awarded the honorary title of "Steel Eighth Company" by the Jiaodong Military Region in August 1945; in February 1948, it was awarded the honorary title of "Model Company for Attacking Tough Points" by the Eighth Column of the Northeast People's Liberation Army. In the 1964 all-army contest, the Second Company, as the only representative of the Forty-first Army, participated in the night offensive combat competition organized by the Guangzhou Military Region, organized and commanded accurately, coordinated operations well, and won the first place. In April 1964, he was awarded the honorary title of "Night Tiger Company" by the Guangzhou Military Region.

At the end of 1964, the Company of the Mechanical Battalion of the Tank Regiment of the 70th Division of the 24th Army participated in the night training and examination of the armored troops of the Beijing Military Region, and with excellent military technology, won the first place in the 5 examination subjects of tank night shooting, tank platoon marching and tank repair, and the total score ranked first among all participating teams. In December 1964, the Beijing Military Region awarded the company the honorary title of "Night Tiger Company".

From the Shuimen Bridge to the Kongochuan Bridge, how many bridges did the enemy and us blow up in the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea?

Oil painting "Night Tiger"

"Red Hearted Tiger Scout Company"

The reconnaissance company of the 148th Division of the 50th Army of the Army started with professional training in 1956 and trained a large number of military technical experts. In the 1964 competition, 137 pacesetters of various types and 14 advanced squads (times) emerged in the whole company. On behalf of the Shenyang Military Region, the company participated in the scout contest of the whole army and won the first place in the freehand climb and the third place in martial arts technology. On August 1, 1964, the Shenyang Military Region awarded the company the honorary title of "Red Heart, Tiger and Guts Reconnaissance Company".

From the Shuimen Bridge to the Kongochuan Bridge, how many bridges did the enemy and us blow up in the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea?

In 1964, the whole army competed

(Author: Xu Ping, an expert in military history)

(Produced by China Military Network WeChat and China Military Number)

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