
On the night of the carnival, the man 5 skills took her to the top

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Sexual skills that men must learn on carnival nights

In the life of both sexes, healthy and perfect sex will bring some joy and pleasure to both parties, and can also increase the feelings between husband and wife. Men don't think that hey hey is a very simple thing, there is no skill. If that's what you think, then I can say for sure that your woman won't be sexually blessed. Studies by sex experts have shown that men who do not master certain sexual skills cannot make women reach orgasm and get sexual satisfaction. Master the necessary sexual skills of men, you can go straight to her bed, straight to her heart, make her want to die, and the two of them have sex orgasms together. Therefore, it is important to master sexual skills. Men, in particular, must know some sexual skills. So, what sexual skills do men have to learn?

First, make good use of one of your tongues

It has a deep meaning: talking. Being willing to talk about sex between you is more important than that. Break the barrier from time to time, ask her how she really feels, and learn about the roots of her pleasure from her perspective, and you'll benefit a lot. Also, don't forget to make a pleasurable sound during intercourse, don't be shy, she needs to know and feel that you are truly happy.

Second, discuss your sexual fantasies

Husband and wife exposing their sexual fantasies to each other can get you into state right away, which is more effective than foreplay

Third, find new areas

Let her know you're a big adventurer! Don't let tradition limit your fun — many people forbid new attempts, new searches, not because it causes physical pain, but because it's a psychological disorder. One of the things that can best provoke the lust of both parties is to watch each other masturbate; this is not only not insulting, but also allows both parties to better understand the most sensitive areas of the partner and improve their sexual life. Fourth, concentrate

Some people will keep thinking about other irrelevant things in their minds during intercourse; remember, your partner is a very emotional animal, and she is bound to be able to detect your distraction. If you don't get it right, she can think of another woman for you! However, some deviant sexual fantasies are exceptions, which can increase the staying power of your enthusiasm, so you may wish to try; but the object remembers the one in front of you, so as not to call the wrong name at the moment.

Fifth, lubricants

Prepare some lubricant, although women can reach super excitement and orgasm, you still need to prepare some. With sufficient time to prepare, the first successful ejaculation may take more than an hour.

On the night of the carnival, the man 5 skills took her to the top


If you have a male hidden, please add WeChat nxjkzd2 (long press copy) to care for couples life, sexual harmony, urgent, pay attention to once, sexual bliss for a lifetime, be her "superman"!

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