
Five super-rated movies, how many have you seen?

author:It's funny
Five super-rated movies, how many have you seen?

The Shawshank Redemption

Since Frank Dratter brought it to the screen in 1994, the film has been competing with The Godfather for the number one position on IMDB, and in recent years, the film has been ranked first in film history. Sometimes, many people will ask, why can this film be recognized by so many people? What exactly does it convey to us? In my opinion, it conveys one of the most important elements of human existence: freedom.

Five super-rated movies, how many have you seen?

"This Killer Is Not Too Cold"

One of the classic bridge segments in the film, it can be divided into three parts.

One is the murder of Matilda's entire family, including her father, mother, sister and brother, by the evil cop Stan.

Second, Matilda survived by going to the supermarket to buy something, and when Matilda came back from the supermarket to see the bad police standing in front of her house, and learned that her family had been killed, she calmly walked forward to Lyon's door and rang the doorbell to beg Lyon to open it.

Third, Leon has been watching everything that happens outside the door with cat's eyes, and when he sees Matilda walking to his door and begging for her, Leon has been hesitant, and when he sees the police standing in front of Matilda's house and suspicious, Leon finally opens the door to save Matilda.

Five super-rated movies, how many have you seen?

Forrest Gump

The film is based on Winston Groom's novel of the same name, Forrest Gump. In contrast, the original is an absurd novel full of irony, while the film embellishes and beautifies the story, forrest Gump is portrayed in the film as the embodiment of virtue, honesty, trustworthiness, seriousness, bravery and emphasis on feelings, making the film a symbol of idealized morality.

Five super-rated movies, how many have you seen?

"A Beautiful Life"

The film tells the story of a Jewish father and son who are sent to a Nazi concentration camp, the father uses his imagination to lie that they are in a game, and finally the father leaves his son's childlike heart unharmed, but he himself dies tragically. In 1999, the film won three awards at the 71st Academy Awards: Best Foreign Language Film, Best Actor, and Best Score

Five super-rated movies, how many have you seen?

The Pianist at Sea

On the first day of 1900, on the Virginian, a cruise ship to and from Europe and the United States, Danny Bodeman (Bill Nun), a worker in charge of adding coal on the cruise ship, was trying to pick up the remnants of rich people in the first class cabin, but accidentally found an abandoned newborn on the piano, packed in an empty cardboard box of TD lemons. Convinced that "TD" represents the abbreviation of Thanks Danny, Danny raised the baby independently, despite the ridicule of other workers, and named him 1900 to commemorate this special day.