
Glass and porcelain tableware printing sticker digital printing technology

Imagine a world where making cutlery and glass details is both simple and quick. Decals allow you to place all colors at the same time, eliminating the labor-intensive processes associated with screens, simplifying preparation, reducing ways, and reducing delivery times from weeks to hours.

Dip-Tech FR-1 is the first ever digital printing solution for decal applications, designed by a team of experts from Pharaoh and Dip Tech. This innovative machine uses specially designed ceramic ink for digital printing on decal paper for stunning, original, and highly durable glass and ceramic tableware products. You can preview image position and profit control, wet layer thickness, add variable information, register five different jobs, and print them at the same time. The Dip-Tech FR-1 has a powerful vacuum table that flattens the wrinkle laminates.

Glass and porcelain tableware printing sticker digital printing technology

Two sets of motorized indexing pins enable you to position multiple decal formats and print simultaneously. Equivalent to a special ink system and immersion using a dedicated ceramic ink. Dip-Tech FR-1 enables you to print almost any detail design for a wide range of glazes, glass and glass applications. Colors can be easily mixed to get a rich color gamut, and you can print up to eight different colors simultaneously at high resolution and high throughput.

Digital decal printing enables the screen printing process, simplifies the document preparation process, reduces inventory levels and screen storage space, reduces ink and solvent waste, and shortens lead times. Once the printing is complete, the vacuum table retracts towards the loading table and automatically releases the printed appliqué. Digitally printed using Dip-Tech FR-1, the results speak for themselves. Beautiful details and gorgeous colors are combined with special graphic effects that are difficult to achieve with traditional techniques.

All of this meets industry standards and is easier and faster than ever to deliver. This is the future of decal printing and it is available. Now, brought by Pharaoh and Dip Tech.


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