
Poetic Twenty-Four Solar Terms| Today, the Winter Olympics and Spring have come together

The law returns to the late years with less frost, and the grass and trees in the spring are known to the world.

Today, we have ushered in a new spring.

Take the first bite of the turnip of spring,

A mouthful of fresh spring remains on the tip of the tongue;

Bring the "spring chicken" sewn by your mother,

Gathered the energy to thrive for another year;

The whipping of the spring cow outside the window,

Blow the clarion call for a new round of struggle


Through the wind and snow, step over the Guanshan Mountain,

Break through the haze of the epidemic

Tonight, the Beijing Winter Olympics kick off at the beginning of spring!

Olympic athletes from all over the world gather in China to chase honors and dreams!

Shandong made "snow wax car" to start the journey, showing China's wisdom and strength!

When traditional culture meets the Olympics,

Spring romance and fighting spirit collide with sparks,

Joy and surging intertwined,

Dreams and hopes come together,

The earth is spring colored,

Together we move into the future!

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