
The department compiled the second unit of the sixth grade Chinese language examination center carding paper and the standard paper of the second unit of the standard paper

author:The breeze is gentle and the flowers are blooming

<h1 class= "pgc-h-arrow-right" > combing paper at the second unit</h1>

Test Point 1: Chinese characters

1. Read pinyin and write words.

wèi jù mùfá jiǎn lòu jiāng shéng

( ) ( ) ( ) ( )

yuè yuè yù shì chǎng péng ch ē shēn yín qīng tīng

( )( )( )( )

2. Use "__" to add braille to select the correct pronunciation.

I. He flew so fast that the boys felt dizzy (xuān xuàn).

2, but when the boy went in, he was roaring and chaotic (hùn hún), sounding at least thirty.

3, Douglas widow (guǎ gǎ) woman stood by to see if Tom complied.

4, Robinson also raised the captured live goats (xù chù).

5, his pale yellow hair, the freckles on his nose, the patches on his leather pants and socks are the same as in the past (mó mú), but they have become very small and small.

Third, compare one to another, and then group words.

Fear ( ) by ( ) fence ( ) loan ( )

Club( ) Nationality ( ) Shan ( ) Goods ( )

Test Point 2: Words

4. Fill in the appropriate words in parentheses.

( ) tent ( ) of the banquet ( ) weather

( ) of the lamp candle ( ) waiting for ( ) life

( ) The life scene of the goats on the desert island ( )

5. The following words will be completed.

Floating( ) Lian ( ) ( ) ( ) Know the non ( ) can not ( ) ( )

Falling ( ) Stream ( ) ( ) ( ) ) Everything ( ) Spirit ( ) God

( ) Unheard of ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) Difficulties ( ) ( )

Test Point 3: Sentences

6. Sort the following sentences.

It was a small white house with stone walls and wooden supports, as if pressed into the ground by the tall, steep grass roof.

( ) He climbed to the thick stone wall covered with thorns and blackberry vines and sat there looking around his home.

But no matter how small and poor this place is, it is good enough for him.

The other annex houses were also small, and the cultivated land was so narrow that almost no horses could roll on it.

7. Add correct punctuation to the following sentences.

I The weather was wonderful this day, the water in the canal was babbling, the trees were full of buds, and the birds were singing in their ears

2. There were shovels for digging or carrying soil, crane-billed shovels, shovels, needles and threads, and things like underwear, but I quickly got used to it

3. They shouted come and see, and found both of them

4. He was cold and hungry, and he thought how to survive in such a place

5. It was probably a dream, an illusion, and he thought that in a little while I would definitely be another person

6. This most painful experience in the world has taught the world that in times of difficulty we can look at the good and the bad and find something to comfort ourselves

8. Complete sentence practice as required.

I was full of words that I wanted to say but couldn't say, and tears were like rain, spilling on the ground. (imitation sentence)


2. There are a few pieces that, while not worth much, were useful to me. (Construct sentences with dotted words)

3. Reading must be intentional, _________

4, listen to jun a seat, ________

5, he listened to his mother's words and went to the house to do his homework. (Replaced by a double negative sentence)

6. Mo Daojun went early, ____

7, According to my estimates, I was on September 30 ____

9. In-class reading.

(1) Robinson Crusoe (excerpt)

Every day he went hunting in the forest with his gun and his dog, or to the sea to fish and raise the live goats he caught. Later, he actually had herds of goats, and he could often drink goat's milk and eat lamb. Among the things Robinson had brought from the ship were some wheat, which he had thrown into the walls at will because they had been gnawed by rats, and did not expect that soon they would grow tender shoots, and later produce ears. He used this bit of wheat seed to plant the harvest repeatedly, and in the fourth year, he finally ate the grain he had grown.

1 Use "-" to draw the words in the first two sentences of the essay that describe Robinson's actions.

2 To survive on a desert island, Robinson did the following:





3, Robinson did these things, solved the problem of ________

4. From this text, it can be seen that Robinson has the characteristics of ______

5, the word "livestock breeding" in the text means ( ).

A. Breeding B. Refers to domesticated mammals

(2) The Adventures of Tom Sawyer (Excerpt)

By dusk on Tuesday, the town of St. Petersburg was still shrouded in grief, and the two lost children had not yet been found. The people of the town had prayed publicly for them, and many others had prayed privately for the two children, sincerely praying for their safety, but still no good news came from the cave. Most of the searchers have given up searching for children and gone back to town to do their usual work, believing that the children are clearly not going to be recovered. Mrs. Thatcher was very ill and spent most of her time talking nonsense. It was heartbreaking to hear her calling out to her children, to see her raise her head and listen to her ear for a long time, and then to fall weakly and weakly as she groaned. Aunt Polly had fallen into grief and despair, and her gray hair had turned almost completely white. By Tuesday night, the town had ceased all activity, and the whole town was cast in the shadow of sadness and misery.

I. Write synonyms for the following words.

Sincere --- ( ) Despair ---- ( )

2. Why is the town of St. Petersburg shrouded in grief?


3. This passage writes two meanings, one is ________ The second is --


4. The part of the selected essay describing the relatives who lost their children is very expressive, mainly using the methods of ____________ Let us feel ___________

10. Comprehensive Practice.

There are many famous works in the world, in addition to the famous works learned in this unit, what else do you know? Are there any of your favorite masterpieces? Read one of your favorites aloud and write about your post-reading feelings.

Unit 2 up to the test volume

First, the basic standard. (33 minutes)

I. Read pinyin, write words. (5 minutes)

(1) What if my ship is there qīng fù( ) ?

(2) He climbed to a thick stone wall covered with jīng jí( and blackberry vines climbing edges.

(3) The chickens stopped their mouths when they saw the cat and pretended to concentrate on eating the páo( ) bugs on the ground.

(4) The sharp quǎn( ) tooth touches its throat.

(5) He read the sutra triumphantly for a while before saying, "Do you want me to do you a favor?" Is it because

Do you often tug at my tail? ”

2. Add Braille zhuyin to the following. (8 minutes)

Sundial ( ) vine ( ) hiss ( ) after calling slightly ( ).

Iron shovel( ) comfort ( ) worry ( ) wounds rebellion ( ) chaos

3. Write words as required. (9 minutes)

(1) Clear (containing numbers) ________

(2) Confused (AABB style) __

(3) Continuous (AABC type) ____

4. Write the words according to the meaning of the following sentences. (5 minutes)

(1) It is very desolate, and there is no one home. ( )

(2) A bird frightened by a bow and arrow is a metaphor for a person who has been frightened and is particularly frightened when he sees the slightest movement. ( )

(3) Poor production, do not pay attention to quality. It also refers to irresponsible and hasty work. ( )

(4) Look into the distance. ( )

(5) Peace of mind, not impatient, not angry. ( )

5. Fill in the blanks with your choice of words. (6 minutes)

Civilization Culture

(1) Robinson almost forgot to return to England, to society.

(2) Our China ( ) has a long history.

Seek Seek

(3) He goes everywhere ( ) his pen.

(4) The crow goes out ( ) food.

Comfort, relief

(5) In general, this is one of the few torturous situations in the world, but there is something worth ( ) in it.

(6) She is in a bad mood these days, you have to be well ( )

Second, accumulation and application. (8 minutes)

I. I am now in a _____

2. As mentioned before, this day _____

3 He ______

3. Oral communication. (5 minutes)

Do you like to read? What type of books do you like to read? Choose your favorite book and write reasons why you like it.

Fourth, reading perception. (24 minutes)

(1) Travels on a Goose Ride (Excerpt) (10 points)

May Rose was the oldest and smartest among them, and now the most angry. "Come here," she said, "and all you have done should be (yīng yìng) and it is time to be punished (yīng yìng). You have walked from under your mother's legs ( ) the small stool she sat on when she milked the cows, you have poured your mother as she walked by with the milk bucket many times, and you have been so angry that she stood here and wept many times! ”

The boy wanted to tell them that in the past he was not good to them, and now that Houhai was there, as long as he told him where the little gourd fairy was, he would never make trouble again. But the cows didn't listen to him. They were very noisy, and he was really worried about which cow would break the reins, so he thought it would be better to slip away early.

I. Choose the correct pronunciation for the words in the text, and draw "——". (2 minutes)

2. Fill in the appropriate verbs in parentheses and talk about the use of these verbs to reflect what kind of character characteristics the little boy is. (6 minutes)


3. Find synonyms for the following words in the text. (2 minutes)

Age 111 ( ) Escape 111 ( )

(ii) The Adventures of Tom Sawyer (excerpt) (14 mins)

As the priest continued to preach boringly, Tom was once again in pain. Immediately he remembered one of his babies... As soon as it was released, it bit Tom's finger. He naturally flicked his finger, and the beetle rolled into the aisle, facing the sky on its back, helplessly flicking its legs, unable to turn over... The others were not interested in the priest's sermon either, so they took the beetle to relieve their boredom, and they stared at it.

At this time, a wandering poodle came over lazily, depressed, looking lazy and lazy in the idle summer day, it was tired of staying in the house, and it wanted to come out to change the environment. It spotted the beetle at a glance, and its hanging tail immediately stood up and shook. It examined the captive, circled around it, sniffed it from a distance, and walked around it again, and its boldness grew, and it got closer and smelled it again. It opened its mouth and carefully tried to bite it, but it didn't... Finally it got bored, its jaw lowered little by little, and it was bitten by it as soon as it touched its opponent. The poodle screamed and shook its head violently, so that the beetle was thrown out of the way a meter or two by it, and fell on its back to the sky. The viewer in the neighboring seat felt a sense of lighthearted pleasure in his heart and laughed, some of them covered their faces with fans and handkerchiefs, and Tom was simply happy to die... After a while, he was bored again...

At this time, all the people in the church were red in the face because they were trying not to laugh, and they were out of breath, and the sermon suddenly stopped, and there was silence. Then the priest began to preach again, hesitating and out of tune, trying to get attention again, in any case it was impossible, because even if he said something serious, there was always a moment of disrespectful laughter behind the back seat, as if the man who had just said something ridiculous. When the people finally finished their crucifixion and the priest blessed them, the audience could not help but feel a sense of relief.

I. Please summarize the storyline of the selected paragraph and ask for a clear explanation of the cause, process and result. (6 minutes)

2. What is the author's intention in describing with great interest the actions of beetles and poodles, as well as the reactions of those around them, with great delicacy? (8 minutes)

5. Practice heaven and earth. (30 minutes)

In daily life, it is often easy to lose some precious things inadvertently, such as self-esteem, self-confidence, integrity, friendship, and maternal love. However, as long as you look for it with your heart, there will also be unexpected gains. Please write an essay with the question "I found ________

request. I. Complete the title.

2, self-determination.

3, not less than 450 words.

Refer to the answer

Unit 2 Combing Papers

Fear Raft Simple Reins Eager to Try Convertible Car Groan Listen

Two omitted

Iii. Fear Club Comfort Books Fence Coral Loan Cargo

Fourth, the simple, barbaric, sunny, brilliant, useless, lonely and nameless hordes are sad

Fifth, I want to be able to pray and think about flowers and waters, flowers, water, and flowers, and flowers, flowers, and flowers,

VI. 2 1 4 3

Seven 1. ,,。

2、、,。 ,,。

3 :" ! !"

4 , : , ?

5 " , !" ," 。 ”

6 : ,,。

8. 1. The weather is really too cold, the wind is like a knife cutting, and it hurts to scratch the face.

2. Although he was young, he knew how to help his mother with housework.

3. A word is worth a thousand dollars

4. Ten years of reading

5. He listened to his mother and had to go to the house to do his homework

6. There are also early pedestrians

7. Ascend to this deserted island

9. (1) 1. Take a belt to hunt, fish, catch livestock, drink and eat

2. (1) Hunting (2) Fishing (3) Raising goats (4) Growing grain

3. diet

4. Strong-willed, intelligent and capable

(2) 1. Sincere disappointment

2. The two children were lost, and people thought that the children could not be found

3. Children are lost People think that children can't be found

4. Action Appearance The mournful mood of people who have lost their loved ones

10. Omitted

Unit 2 Compliance Test Volume

One. 1 (1) Overturning (2) Thorns (3) Planing (4) Dogs (5) Raising

2 Slightly

3. (1) Five lights and ten colors, three hearts and two minds, seven up and eight down

(2) God's spirit, trembling, and respect, (3) Depression, chatter, and rhetoric

4. (1) Deserted (2) Birds of Fright (3) Shoddy (4) Distant view (5) Peace of mind

5. (1) Civilization (2) Culture (3) Search (4) Seek (5) Comfort (6) Comfort

Ii. I. Sadness No verbal communication is unheard of

2. The weather was exceptionally sunny, the air was fresh, and the spring breeze was blowing

3. I was astonished and didn't move at all

3. Slightly

IV. (-) l. Omitted

2. The pumping trip reflects the naughty and mischievous character of the little boy.

3. Age slips away

(ii) I. While preaching in a chapel in the town, a poodle is teased by the beetles brought by Tom and runs around the scene, bringing ease and happiness to the people who feel depressed and depressed.

2. At this particular moment of the chapel sermon, people are bored and bored, and the actions of beetles and poodles, although only games that children are interested in, are particularly interesting at this time, attracting people who should be particularly solemn and solemn. In this way, the author ruthlessly lashed out at the hypocrisy, decay, and darkness of American religion at that time

5. Slightly