
【Ten little poems, writing hearts and words】

author:Shi Ge Song Zhan
【Ten little poems, writing hearts and words】

【There is a distant view from the upper floor at the end of the ugly year】

Tianshui with a slanting sun,

Climb the stairs and look at the cool north wind.

Sideburns and folded smoke and dust,

Twilight Drum also startled Bird Feather Zhang.

Hasty year after year,

Lazy day by day grooming.

Idleness is afraid of growing old with others,

Dream of waking up every winter night is long!

A sigh, old years.

Climbing the stairs and looking away, the young man is proud and peaceful?


【Ten little poems, writing hearts and words】


Faintly past dark eyes,

Wind Lone Star Han Sail early harvest.

Look up at the clouds and water,

Swooping with joy and worry.

He was a sea-goer,

Tonight the pillow is cold and reminiscent of the painting boat.

Not the fireworks in the old man's room,

Will also be pen and stone racing!

Human fireworks are always warm and kind. 有了它,一代一代,花落花开,青山不老,‬舟‬行‬天‬际‬......

【Ten little poems, writing hearts and words】


Write the flying clouds to write from the heart,

A curtain of contemplation on the paper groaned.

Time has become a ridge head grass,

Poetic withering into cobweb dust.

The dream of crossing the distant Tianhe River is in,

Birds in the nearby mountains are heard.

Tianya Dancing Snow is more spontaneous

The old wine is also about to be poured by the deceased!

There is always wild grass in the heart, willing to shake and shake, the grass color returns to green, and the thinking returns to spring.

【Ten little poems, writing hearts and words】

【Friends summoned to drink and sent home】

Cold night small wine drink three cups,

The epithetical poems are underworked.


Years rush every time they are empty.

Consciously blowing the wind to reduce the tacky,

Echo the snow dance music calmly.

Crystalline pen stroke base color,

Drunken dream garden plum red!

Just dream! ‬光阴凉薄,世事变迁,保持自己热气腾腾的底色一一如此,也许会减了俗气,多出从容。

【Ten little poems, writing hearts and words】

【Remote Mail Daxing'anling】

Year after year sighs,

Sideburns are known to be more numerous.

Last night's diary hung in the shadow of the moon.

Today's homework is recited.

Looking back at the snow on the ridge,

A river improvised in a cup.

Wander the seas with the scenery,

There is a lot of fun in the world!

A place that is never forgotten must be love.

Distant youth, once a dream, thirty years and forty years, fell into dust.

Flipping through the diary, where is the yellowed text, it is clear that it is a whistling past.

【Ten little poems, writing hearts and words】

【Tell me and send it to a friend】

Faith knows that dream wings are always difficult to fly,

How to find the little starry sky?

Battle Sword once learned to chase the wind,

Ling Han loves to take pictures of the window plum the most.

The two sideburns of the bright moon at the end of the world,

Dust in front of the homeland is a handful of ashes.

Lazy mind,

Xiao Xiao's eyes blow wild wind!

No longer sensitive and sentimental, it will naturally be less vulnerable.

“仗剑曾学追风客,凌寒最爱照窗梅”一一能不能找回曾经的豪迈和浪漫呢‬? ‬愿加持行动力。

【Ten little poems, writing hearts and words】

【Blessing of the Year of the Tiger】

Tiger Xiao Ruiying reported spring,

The taste is the most intimate over the years.

Fu Xing hugged and sent love far away,

The word luck means deeply.

Jili Landscape is a grass

Peaceful World Exhibition White Clouds.

Downwind Poetry and Painting,

The heart shines brightly in ancient and modern times!

Look up at the sun, moon and stars, bow to the mountains and rivers.

What passes is the years, what changes is the rings, and what remains unchanged is the true feelings and sincere blessings of the world!

Most of the poems are word games, but the wishes in the poems are fervent and sincere!

【Ten little poems, writing hearts and words】

【Nongyin Spring Festival Lyrical】

Looking back at the dust of the world,

It is not that people are old and drunk.

Often recall Weihai blowing snail number,

Every Sigen River leans on green pine.

Yunya's mind is full of thoughts,

Flowers and rain fly a thousand weights.

Tiger Howling Dragon Yin is another year old,

Still dream into the spring bell!


Tiger Xiaolong is another year old, listen to the spring bells, she is waking up, she is calling...

【Ten little poems, writing hearts and words】


Yamakawa Kusaki system concentric,

It's spring again.

Clean the sideburns of the old snow,

New Year dust on raw clothes.

Can know the epidemic haze to add resume,

Ning Xin Dongfeng iron wrinkles.

Shake your spirits and ascend,

Star dares to drink a thousand bottles!

After more than two years of epidemic haze, dust has accumulated in people's hearts. May the people of the world feel sorry for each other, reduce the wrinkles of the wind, and may the mountains and rivers be unharmed as soon as possible, and life return to the right track.

【Ten little poems, writing hearts and words】
【Ten little poems, writing hearts and words】
【Ten little poems, writing hearts and words】

【Noboritaka the day before Risshun】

The eagle flies away the old marks,

Long days looked dust-free.

The road is thousands of feet high and lives on the soil,

The wind is strong and the spirit is long.

Travel lights on the warmth of the world,

Plum blossom shadow weather new.

With the intention of receiving the stars from afar,

Lead to the song Wuling Spring!

Not to be happy with things, not to be sad with oneself, is an open-minded and calm mood of life.

It may be difficult to do, but we often ascend to the far horizon, let the heart become vast, and then we are mutually accommodating with the world.

Spring, it is like a shadow...

【Ten little poems, writing hearts and words】
【Ten little poems, writing hearts and words】
【Ten little poems, writing hearts and words】