
What is it like to paint Shifang with Chinese painting?

He is obsessed with Chinese painting, but he does not love landscapes

Love to outline the style of hometown

Today, Wei Mei'er wants to introduce one to you

Shifang local painter Zheng Qicai

Look under his brush

What kind of Shifang will be shown

Rivers, wild ducks, farmland, buildings under construction... Recently, at the Shifang Rule of Law Cultural Theme Park in the southern section of the Raft River, the paintings made by Zheng Qicai, a local painter in Shifang, attracted many people to stop and watch.

What is it like to paint Shifang with Chinese painting?

"Zheng Qicai is obsessed with Chinese painting, but he does not send love to landscapes and rivers, and loves to outline the style of his hometown." He uses his brush to show the unique scenery of Shifang. Hua Xiaofeng, chairman of the Shifang Municipal Federation of Literature and Literature, introduced.

Zheng Qicai is an authentic farmer who has loved to draw since he was a child, and when he was young, he mainly drew pencil drawings. At the age of 19, Zheng Qicai studied Chinese landscape painting under the guidance of Yang Xuehu, a local painter from Shifang.

Under the guidance of Yang Xuehu, Zheng Qicai gradually transformed from amateur to professional. "You don't have to think about anything, just paint." Zheng Qicai still remembers that time vividly.

What is it like to paint Shifang with Chinese painting?

Painting allowed Zheng Qicai to find the joy of life, and the days of learning and creating while studying passed for three years. However, the good times did not last long, and as the pillar of the family in his early 20s, he had to choose between supporting his family and hobbies.

"At that time, I could only silently put down my paintbrush and choose to run a second-hand car store." Zheng Qicai said that once the brush was released, it has been 25 years now. Today, when Zheng Qicai sits in his second-hand car shop, his heart has not been calm for a long time.

"I work more freely as a used car dealership, and I want to pick up my dreams from my youth." Mr. Zheng said he decided to pick up the paintbrush again when he was 46 years old.

After years of brushing, when he picked up the brush again, Zheng Qicai said that he was a little lost, and the painting techniques he learned in his early years were unfamiliar, and the works he drew could not even look at himself.

"The dreams of the past must not be ruined." Since then, Zheng Qicai has studied Chinese painting with painters Zeng Gang, Li Xugui, Gong Renjun, etc., and has slowly found the "tenacity" of his youth, and his works have been recognized by more and more people.

In 2020, when the new crown pneumonia epidemic struck, Zheng Qicai, who lived at home, after watching various anti-epidemic news reports, had the idea of doing something for the staff fighting in the frontline of epidemic prevention and control. So he picked up a paintbrush and quickly created a number of anti-epidemic paintings at home.

What is it like to paint Shifang with Chinese painting?
What is it like to paint Shifang with Chinese painting?
What is it like to paint Shifang with Chinese painting?

Zheng Qicai's works include doctors who visit doctors, people who insist on sticking to the card point, traffic police, etc., as well as sanitation workers who guard their homes. "Behind these works, there is a warm story." Zheng Qicai fixed the warmth of the scene under the brush.

From 2020, Zheng Qicai began to create a series of Chinese paintings. In the mountains, in the factories, in the cities, in the suburbs, they have left a creative figure.

What is it like to paint Shifang with Chinese painting?
What is it like to paint Shifang with Chinese painting?
What is it like to paint Shifang with Chinese painting?

In the face of the changes in his hometown, Zheng Qicai can always find warm colors in it. In his paintings, there are high-rise buildings rising from the ground after the transformation of shantytowns; there are the beautiful rural pictures slowly unfolding in the poverty alleviation...

What is it like to paint Shifang with Chinese painting?
What is it like to paint Shifang with Chinese painting?
What is it like to paint Shifang with Chinese painting?
What is it like to paint Shifang with Chinese painting?
What is it like to paint Shifang with Chinese painting?
What is it like to paint Shifang with Chinese painting?

"Artistic creation should draw rich nutrition from reality, and the hot spots that the masses care about and pay attention to should be expressed in literary and artistic techniques, giving them strong characteristics of the times, and then I will continue to focus on beautiful villages and urban changes, and use the brush in my hand to draw a more livable hometown." Zheng Qicai said.

Editor: Xiang Qing (trainee) Reporter: Zhang Xiaoling

Editor-in-charge: Peng Junsheng, Zhang Xiaoling, Mou Juan, Wang Yan

Producer: Peng Xiaoying

Director system: Jiang Junhong

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