
An American company that specializes in making records for animals has a special preference for Wang Xingren


There is a company in Los Angeles, USA, which specializes in animal records, called "Laurel Valley Animal Company". Founded in 1999, the company has a particular preference for Wang Xingren, regularly bringing in animal communication experts and psychologists to make music for dogs, and the final music is also selected by the dogs. Take the latest release of laurel Valley Animal Company's "I Am Here waiting for you" as an example, it was jointly created by the company, animal communication expert Paula Brown and the treatment dog "Surf Dog Ricochet", Brown composed a tune through the communication with "Ricochet", played it to the dog, and then modified according to the reaction of "Ricocht" after hearing it, and the finished product was polished by singer Donna Delori and approved by "Ricochet". Skip Haynes, one of the company's founders, said: "We turn what dogs say into music... Strive to use music to build bridges between animals and people. Every record we produce is dedicated to some kind of animal or another. (Qiao Ying) [Xinhua News Agency Micro Feature]