
Riko Nipba Hitting #Day 41 "Therefore"?

author:TechLive stayed in Japan to work together

Author: TechLive Donichi Koko Dokokai, Sakai Juku Science and Engineering

Riko Nipba Hitting #Day 41 "Therefore"?
Riko Nipba Hitting #Day 41 "Therefore"?

【Japanese Sanwen】 Series, excellent science and engineering lady Yurika sauce will select more representative science and engineering Japanese content for translation and explanation every day, including but not limited to science and engineering exam past questions, excellent research proposals/emails, specialization/professor homepage, academic papers, academic columns, etc.

Let's learn a little bit every day and accumulate a little bit!

It's hard to go up, but count every step! Down-to-earth to achieve their own regret-free life! 頑張れ!

/ Polytechnic Japanese Punch Card Day 41! /


If the gain of the amplifier is large enough, vi can be considered almost zero. Therefore, the potential of the inverting input terminal of the arithmetic amplifier is almost equal to the ground potential, which is called virtual ground.

INTERVIEWER Tokyo Institute of Technology Analog Electronic Circuit Lecture 11. Arithmetic amplifier circuit


If the gain of the amplifier is large enough, vi can be regarded as almost zero. Therefore, the potential and ground potential at the inverting input of the amplifier are approximately equal, a phenomenon known as virtual ground.

Yurika Memory Card #041

  • Almost - scrupulous, grand, basic
  • [Omisu]-Nursing Work,认为,视为
  • Therefore - In this way,
  • Equal [equal] - equal, equal
  • Virtual Ground [Kasosechi] - An imaginary
Riko Nipba Hitting #Day 41 "Therefore"?

*The above content is for learning and communication purposes only.

It's hard to learn today! Reply to the background [Punch card] and get full of energy!

Let's meet tomorrow and see you again!

Riko Nipba Hitting #Day 41 "Therefore"?

Welcome to pay attention to the [Japanese Sanwen] series of TechLive's Japan Polytechnic Association, and accompany you every day to improve your Japanese language skills in science and engineering ~ cheer together! 頑張れ! What suggestions are welcome to leave a private message to tell The Little Li Duck!