
"International Sharp Review" and "Opening Up the Olympic Games" make China and the world a win-win situation

Source: China Radio and Television Corporation International Online

"For every volunteer, the Olympics is the biggest dream. I hope that what I do will build a bridge for international exchange. Recently, Li Xiao, a Volunteer for the Beijing Winter Olympics and a Ukrainian girl, faced the camera of the Central Radio and Television Station and told her about a "small goal". Li Li, who has lived in China for 9 years, said that China's rapid development and convenience have long been inseparable from her.

Open the door to the Beijing Winter Olympics and you'll see many volunteers like Li Xiao who work passionately. In fact, the global recruitment of volunteers for the 2019 Beijing Winter Olympics was launched only 4 days ago, and the number of applicants exceeded 460,000. This is the epitome of China's "opening up to the Olympic Games", and it is also the attraction of "open China".

Since its successful bid to host the Winter Olympics in 2015, China has learned from the experience of the Beijing Olympic Games and other countries in hosting the Games, and has run the concept of openness through the entire process of preparing for the Winter Olympic Games. In recent years, the Beijing Winter Olympics Organizing Committee has selected 37 foreign experts and introduced 207 foreign professional and technical personnel to participate in the preparatory work.

Russi, chairman of the ALPINE Committee of the Firthia, is the first foreign expert to be hired. For seven years, he has worked with the organizing team to survey the track, determine the design plan, and discuss a series of issues such as cable car construction and track traffic. Another South Korean expert, Jeong Doo-hwan, who has extensive experience in the management of alpine skiing venues, said: "China's opening up to the Olympic Games has provided us with valuable opportunities. ”

At the same time, in terms of venue construction, ice and snow making, event organization, training and competition, china has taken the initiative to cooperate with international sports organizations, and has made a series of breakthroughs, which has effectively promoted Sino-foreign sports exchanges. No wonder The Self-proclaimed "Hardcore Chinese Fan" of American Snowboarder Sean White recently cheered on the video platform: "We're going to China!" Pakistani scholar Shakr Ahmed Ramay recently published an article saying that in order to ensure full opening up, China has adopted a new framework for the international community to participate.

Facing the world, facing the future, and facing modernization, the Beijing Winter Olympics will become a booster for opening up to the outside world – this is China's firm commitment. According to the "Ice and Snow Sports Development Plan (2016-2025)" formulated by the Chinese side, by 2025, the total scale of China's ice and snow industry will reach 1 trillion yuan. Taking the Beijing Winter Olympics as an opportunity, many foreign-funded enterprises are catching the "express train" of China's ice and snow sports development.

In Zhangjiakou, one of the host cities of the Beijing Winter Olympics, by the end of 2021, the city has signed a total of 54 ice and snow equipment research and development and manufacturing projects. A number of world-renowned ice and snow equipment enterprises such as the French MND ropeway, the Swiss BMF ropeway, and the Italian sky ice snow machine have been put into production. As an important boost to China's expansion of opening up, the Beijing Winter Olympics have brought rich opportunities to the development of the world's sports industry and the development of the ice and snow industry. IOC President Bach commented that the Beijing Winter Olympics will leave a rich legacy to the world. For example, China's efforts to bring 300 million people to participate in ice and snow sports will open a new era for global ice and snow sports.

The Olympic Games are not only a sports event, but also a platform for exchanges between different civilizations. From the emblem "Winter Dream" to the mascot "Ice Pier" and "Snow Rongrong", from the National Ski Jumping Center "Snow Ruyi" to the National Speed Skating Hall "Ice Ribbon", the Symbols of the Beijing Winter Olympics have become a window to display the unique Chinese culture, witnessing the important contributions made by China's "opening up to the Olympic Games" to carry forward the Olympic spirit and promote the integration of Eastern and Western civilizations.

Tomorrow, the Beijing Winter Olympics will be officially opened. The people of the world who gather on this open platform will not only share a competitive event, but also see China's determination and efforts to promote world sports exchanges, open cooperation and mutual learning among civilizations. Embracing the world and giving back to the world – China strives to "move toward the future" with the world, as the slogan of the Beijing Winter Olympics says. (International Sharp Review Commentator)

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