
Brother Cha's three brothers are not three or four - one of the strange people in the Jingshan literary circle

author:Mt. Shinjing

Liu Jian

Brother Chagasan's name is Chagasan, and curiously, he says he also has an English name, called Charles Gasan. He said that his name was Chagasan for extraordinary historical reasons. He said that his family had five brothers, he ranked third, it can be said that his father was a cripple to worship the New Year - a crooked place, gave him this very Liangshan characteristics, that is, the list of heroes in the order of going up the mountain. However, according to this reasoning, his name should be Cha Jia San, not the current Cha Jia Shan. He was good, and he didn't bother to care about what jia san or Jia Shan, simply came to a line without changing his name, sitting even more without changing his surname, and the name ChaGa Shan has been used to this day. Perhaps it was his sense of conservatism that moved the heavens and the earth, so that those who were older or younger also learned from him and called him "third brother" with crookedness, and he did not respond with a long "um" without moving.

Brother Cha's three brothers are not three or four - one of the strange people in the Jingshan literary circle

Brother Cha is a native of Jingshan, who originally lived in Cross Street, which is now the Delta of Chengzhong Road, just opposite Mr. Nie's home. Perhaps when Cross Street was transformed into a delta, he did not know what kind of foreign rice soup was poured, and he ghostly moved to the south side of Jingyuan Avenue on West Street, and lived in a vacuum for more than thirty years. When he heard people say to his face that he was a native of Jingshan, he did not directly refute that more than one thing was less, but took advantage of the fact that people were not paying attention and whispered: "I have checked the family tree, my ancestral home is in Zhejiang, and Jin Yong, who wrote martial arts novels with his original name Zha Liangyong, is the same sect." After saying that, a strange smile that was not easy to detect appeared in the corner of his eyes, and he looked like he was not ashamed.

Brother Cha was born in October 1945 AD, and now, counting with his fingers, his "Fang Age" has been seventy and seven, according to the old saying, he has long passed the age of ancient rarity, and has reached the age of relying on the old and selling the old, or doing nothing. But he was restless, and he didn't care about his age, and he secretly gave birth to a ghost idea with a belly full of flowers and greenery: today he drank tea with a few classmates (women) and added a few good stories; tomorrow he would compare the length and thickness of the lines with a few painter friends and the thickness of the lines and the width and thickness of the colors; the day after tomorrow, he turned around, carried a camera, and followed behind the ass of another Strange Man of the Jingshan Literary Circle, Dou Bogo, and picked up the spring light and autumn colors and the red men and green women upside down; and some times, a person sneaked open the "Yi Jianzhi" on the desk, spanning thousands of years of time and space He went to the Southern Song Dynasty and, together with the great literary hero HongMai, commented on the merits of the regime and the gains and losses of the times. At the end, the phone invited a few literary friends, and after two cups of sorghum were down, they suddenly burst out of the mouth: "Mom pull a bar, dare to compare wine with me!" Suddenly, the heroic spirit of the good man in the green forest exploded violently, shaking the dining table within a meter radius of no grass.

Brother Cha's three brothers are not three or four - one of the strange people in the Jingshan literary circle

Some people say that Brother Cha is a yin and yang strange person, and it makes sense to think about it carefully. You see, after a lifetime of being a doctor, he had already become a deputy chief physician before he retired. At present, a retiree with a senior title, the pension benefits are conceivable, but he is desperately calling him poor. No, in his spare time, he also likes to play mahjong, and straight barrels to play mahjong is called gambling. Whenever he gambled with people, he always repeatedly nagged that his money was hard to come by. If a good person asked the reason in detail, he showed a pitiful look: "In order to gamble, the premature money given by my wife, I have saved, accumulated day by day, and it is not easy to have the capital to gamble today." When asked how he was too early, he smiled slyly: "Every morning I fill my hunger with three large cups of boiling water." On this matter, a more genuine person asked his wife Sister Li in person, and Sister Li listened to it and hummed out of her nostrils slowly: "Do you believe this?" ”

Brother Cha has been a good wine all his life, and he also said that his good wine is famous. He said that he had swallowed mountains and rivers and swept across the banks of the river with a single wine glass, which did not sound like pure bragging. He said that it was when Jingshan was under the jurisdiction of the Jingzhou region, when he was working at the epidemic prevention station, which is now the Center for Disease Control and Prevention. At that time, due to work reasons, he had the opportunity to drink to the public security, Songzi and Shishou on the south side of the Yangtze River, and drank until the sky was dark, and the drinking was so that the family turned over on their horses; he turned around, and then carried the wine glass, drinking to the Tianmen, Qianjiang, Jiangling and Qiuyang in the north of the river, as well as Jingmen and Zhongxiang, as long as he saw the hops tumbling in the cup, he would kill for a while, and he would not give up without picking a few people under the table. He said that the people he met who dared to drink with him were all unable to touch his hands, and for this reason he also created a name of his own, called "Drinking All Over Jingzhou Invincible Hand". Finally, he summed up his drinking style, which can also be regarded as a rule for himself, saying that the most basic principle of his drinking is: "When he is a guest, the host says that if he does not drink, he will not drink; when he does the east, the guest says that he will not drink if he does not drink." ”

With the majestic wind of a good man in the green forest, as the third brother of the wine world, the third brother of Zha, who has been traversing the wine rivers and lakes for decades, is difficult to meet the enemy. He did not expect that this earth is round, heroes always have twilight, those tigers who accidentally run to the plains will also be bullied by the earth dogs, not to mention that the Jingshan literary circle is originally a place where Crouching Tigers and Hidden Dragons are located.

What is amusing is that this scene happened five years ago.

On that day, at the invitation of Li Wenhua, the director of the cultural station of Sunqiao Town, who is also one of the strange people in the literary circles of Jingshan, The Third Brother Zha went to Sunqiao to make a cultural plan for the construction of beautiful villages in Shalingyuan Village. When he went, Brother Cha did not think at all that Li Wenhua's nickname was "Jackal Brother", which was the jackal of the jackal dog, and the jackal dog and the earth dog who bullied the tiger might be cousins. No, after the end of the day, Li Wenhua "banged" and threw two bottles of Tuopai Daqu on the lunch table. Then he swept the third brother with squinting eyes, and suddenly yelled at him: "Crisp jump, drink!" ”

Four people, two bottles of wine, the lunch table seems to be calm, two bottles of wine are naturally divided equally.

Of course, the afternoon is gambling, needless to say.

Before dinner, when going to the toilet, Li Wenhua shook his urine and said with a ghostly fetus: "Today, I want to try the depth of the third brother of Hacha." ”

At the dinner table, two more bottles of Tuopai Daqu stood tall in front of Third Brother Cha.

Open and drink.

Li Wenhua, who had ulterior motives, gave full play to his "jackal" nature, carried a wine glass, and applied both soft and hard to Brother Cha, meticulously and slowly grinding, and beating and pestering indiscriminately. Third Brother Cha was also not ambiguous, he saw the moves, braked with static brakes, and looked like water came to cover the ground. It was still the result of the four people at noon, the four "hate pot" people getting together, of course, the bottom of the bottle quickly turned to the sky. Finally, brother Jackal stood up with great gentlemanliness and solemnly announced to the whole world the end of the liquor store. Only when waving goodbye, the corners of Brother Jackal's mouth revealed a sly smile that was not easy to detect.

Poor Third Brother Cha finally saw his own door, but at this time, he was already involuntary. With his hands clutching the wall a few feet away from his door, he couldn't walk. When his wife, Sister Li, saw the situation, she said with disgust: "Third brother, is It Lang who drank like this?" You don't look at your age anymore. ”

One day I drank a pound of wine, and that year, Brother Cha was seventy-two.

If it is said that the swallowing of mountains and rivers and sweeping across the banks of the great river was the "five levels and six generals" of Brother Cha on the wine rivers and lakes, then the dinner table in Shaling Village was the "Maicheng" of the wine carefully designed by Brother Jackal for Brother Cha.

I heard that Third Brother Cha never said what the size of his heart was, let alone what was in it. Although he did not say it, people who knew him knew that Brother Cha San's heart was actually quite big, and the content was quite a lot, and those thousands of years of historical events and popular figures in Jingshan had always been in brother Cha San's heart, and they had been depressed for decades, and these grains, which were generally solid and fermented, slowly produced sauce, incense and fragrance through calendar years, producing extraordinary smells and charms, and whenever it was quiet in the middle of the night, they flew out leisurely, accidentally caught their wings on the paper, and became those wonderful and deep words written by Brother Zha.

Brother Cha's three brothers are not three or four - one of the strange people in the Jingshan literary circle

He circled around Huiting Lake, and when people were not paying attention, he threw out a long article of 10,000 words "Before the Water", which ghostly recounted the underwater world and told what others could not see now anyway - the past life of Huiting Lake. He also did not talk much about "martial virtue" in his writings, and he filled the walls without rules and without rules: from the rise and fall of Zhenggong Academy to the annihilation of Hu Jiafa, Li Jiafa and Zhang Jiafa; from the ins and outs of the Chawen Jing Tomb to the tragic experience of Gao Dai's tomb during the Cultural Revolution; from the bloody rain and wind on the slope of the hand to the long road of Qinglin Concave; from the end of the Tangji River to the bridge of the Yaohe River, he stubbornly grasped the source of the Water and refused to let go. The thousands of years of ups and downs that have been buried by Huiting Lake have become the soft sighs of countless readers, after their hearts have been wet by the lake and become particularly soft and crisp.

What is even more astonishing is that Brother Zha, a chinese medicine doctor who saved his life and helped the injured, was obsessed with the bloodshed that came from the dead to life. All kinds of wars that have taken place in history in the land of Jingshan, no matter how they won or lost, are torn in the palm of Brother Cha's palm, and finally follow his keyboard, turning into a soul-stirring war scene: the Battle of Wuchu in the Sima River Valley in ancient times, the Battle of Xinshi that occurred when Qin attacked Chu; the Battle of Yundu launched by the Green Forest Rebel Army in the Middle Ages, the Battle of Jingshan when Yue Fei resisted Jin, the Battle of Jingshan by Li Zicheng's Dashun Army; and the Battle of Jingshan by the White Lotus Sect in modern times. There were also the Taiping Army and the Eastern Twister Army going straight down to Jingshan and so on.

Brother Zha San has never been good at writing about his own or other people's wind and moon affairs, perhaps because that kind of writing is too lingering and compassionate, making him prohibitive. Therefore, he wrote about the Pen Peak, wrote about the Jingshan Arch, wrote about the Flower Garden Terrace and the Ten Thousand People Cave, wrote about the "Jingshan Deer Village", and also wrote about the Old Stork Pagoda and the Duobao Temple. Writing this and writing that, writing in the dark, in short, are some old things that go back and forth, and people who write ghosts dare not come. According to some people who knew his thoughts, he was no longer a normal person, and had become a living archive of Jingshan.

Many people just can't understand why he, who has been a doctor all his life, has no medical texts passed on to the world, so as to save lives and help the injured in the darkness? Is this strange choice of his reminiscent of an idiom - the left side door? I don't know if he is so light on medical treatment and heavy writing, is he not doing his job? I don't know which one of them has analyzed him further, and thinks that he has spent his whole life pursuing this kind of pursuit, that is, he wants to be an authentic person who does not do the right thing and does not repeat it. What is even more strange is that he does not seem to care much about the opinions of others, but insists on going his own way, and after many years, he has turned the words that write the historical allusions of Jingshan into a thick collection of cultural essays, "The Old Garden", which, in his own words, has become a long series of deep footprints on his life path. What should people do when they hear him say this? It seems that there are only a few sighs.

Brother Cha's three brothers are not three or four - one of the strange people in the Jingshan literary circle

In terms of subordination, Cha Sange belongs to the chicken, but some people say that he belongs to the turtle, which sounds strange. A closer look at the reasons for this reveals some truths. You see, he usually speaks and acts slowly and logically, usually always loves to be quiet and does not like to move, always sleeps when it is dark, the chickens chirp, and when things happen, he is not alarmed, not impatient, not angry, not complaining, everything conforms to nature. When he talked about why he was like this, he casually burst out a medical scripture: "The ancient man, who knows it, the law is in yin and yang, in the number of techniques, eats and drinks moderately, lives and lives constantly, does not work in vain, so that he can be a god and a form, and finally the heavens and the year, the hundred years are gone." ("Yellow Emperor Neijing Su qing, ancient innocence" - author's note)

From this point of view, the people who say that the three brothers belong to the turtle are medically proficient and have a strong scientific basis and realistic data. Without going far, let's say that in that year, the members of the Writers' Association went to the Enshi Grand Canyon to collect wind. Looking at the thousand steps straight up the clouds, some people chose to give up climbing and return in place; some people directly called the slider to lie down and be carried up, while Brother Cha picked up the steps without hurrying, and after a few hours, standing on the top of the peak, he smiled a little or two with ill will at the people who went to the top of the mountain.

It was in that Grand Canyon that the seventy-year-old Third Brother Zha became more unpredictable, allowing his limelight to directly overshadow many young people around him.

He said it wasn't surprising.

Usually, I get along with Brother Cha more, and it is not strange that he does not have any mistakes.

Mom that bazi, who is on the side to say: Zha San Brother's life realm shows that he is not a human! Oh, it's a flag.

February 1, 2022 in Longhu HuashengSheng Daigou Community, Tongzhou, Beijing

(Photo in the text by Liu Yongmei)