
The leaders of the four major teams along the beach district paid tribute to the frontline staff and supervised the relevant work during the Spring Festival

On January 31, at the Chinese New Year's Eve, Liu Jun, secretary of the Yantan District CPC Committee, Liao Dong, deputy secretary of the district party committee and mayor of the district, Yang Bing, director of the Standing Committee of the District People's Congress, Wang Li, chairman of the district CPPCC committee, and other county-level leaders went down to the grass-roots level to visit and comfort the frontline workers, extended festive greetings and New Year greetings to the workers who still stuck to their posts during the Spring Festival, and thanked them for their hard work.

The leaders of the four major teams along the beach district paid tribute to the frontline staff and supervised the relevant work during the Spring Festival

At the intersection of the Yantan Public Security Substation, the Weiping Police Station's New Town Police Office, and the Two Lakes Bridge in Yantan New Town, Liu Jun and Yang Bing and their party paid tribute to the public security police, traffic police, and auxiliary police officers who were on duty in the front line of preparations for war. Liu Jun pointed out that in the past year, all the civilian auxiliary police have scrupulously performed their duties, faithfully performed their duties, always maintained full enthusiasm and mental state, and worked hard for epidemic prevention and control, social safety and stability, road traffic safety, and fireworks and firecrackers "three prohibitions". On the occasion of the Spring Festival reunion, it is the most arduous moment in the work of the public security organs, and it is hoped that the front-line people's auxiliary police can continue to carry forward the fine tradition of being particularly able to endure hardships and fight, faithfully perform their duties, and create a safe and stable social environment for the people to celebrate the Spring Festival.

The leaders of the four major teams along the beach district paid tribute to the frontline staff and supervised the relevant work during the Spring Festival

At the Chengguan Squadron of Yantan New Town, Liu Jun and Yang Bing sent condolences and New Year greetings to the sanitation workers and Chengguan team members, and thanked them for their contributions in maintaining the order of the city's appearance and environmental order and improving the city's taste. Liu Jun pointed out that in the past year, the vast number of urban management team members and sanitation workers have braved the wind and rain and the summer and frost, and have made positive contributions to maintaining a clean, tidy, beautiful and orderly urban environment. It is hoped that in the new year, the majority of sanitation workers and urban management team members will continue to be "urban beauticians", create extraordinary achievements in ordinary jobs, and make the streets along the beach cleaner, the environment cleaner, and the city more beautiful.

The leaders of the four major teams along the beach district paid tribute to the frontline staff and supervised the relevant work during the Spring Festival

In the Liangjiaba community of Weiping Street, Liu Jun, Yang Bing and their party had a cordial discussion with the community cadres and sent holiday blessings and sincere greetings to the frontline workers of the community. Liu Jun fully affirmed the good spiritual outlook of the party members and cadres throughout the region of giving up their small homes for everyone, fighting continuously, having the courage to take responsibility, and struggling hard. He stressed that the more the work goes to the grass-roots level, the more it tests the ability of party members and cadres to grasp implementation, and the whole region must strengthen confidence, anchor the goal, and make concerted efforts to jointly weave a work network in the fields of epidemic prevention and control, urban fire protection, gas safety, fireworks and firecrackers, prohibition and release, etc., and exchange their own hardship index for the people's happiness index to ensure that the people spend a safe, joyful, and peaceful Spring Festival.

The leaders of the four major teams along the beach district paid tribute to the frontline staff and supervised the relevant work during the Spring Festival

At the Zigong High-speed Railway Station Supporting Housing Construction Headquarters, Liu Jun and his party sent condolences to the migrant workers on the spot for the New Year and extended New Year blessings. Liu Jun thanked them for their efforts to enter the high-speed rail era in Zigong, and encouraged them to continue to carry forward the spirit of "craftsman", add bricks and tiles to the construction project of high-speed rail supporting housing, and live a good year along the beach with peace of mind and steadfastness.

The leaders of the four major teams along the beach district paid tribute to the frontline staff and supervised the relevant work during the Spring Festival

At the Xianshi Town Health Center, Liu Jun and his party fully affirmed the work of the health center in the past year, and expressed gratitude for the dedication of the medical staff regardless of personal safety and boundless love during the normalization of epidemic prevention and control. While wishing all medical staff a happy Spring Festival, Liu Jun urged them to do a good job of self-protection, continue to play the role of "first line of defense and first checkpoint", build a solid barrier for epidemic prevention and control along the beach, and effectively safeguard the safety of people's lives.

The leaders of the four major teams along the beach district paid tribute to the frontline staff and supervised the relevant work during the Spring Festival

At the Yantan Police Station, the District Traffic Police Brigade, the Exit of the Yantan Expressway, the District Epidemic Prevention and Control Office, the District People's Hospital, and Huangshi Town, Liao Dong and Wang Li visited and comforted the frontline workers, thanked the majority of workers who still stuck to their posts during the festival, and extended New Year greetings and good wishes to them and their families. At the same time, we encourage them to continue to carry forward the fine tradition of bravely shouldering heavy burdens and being able to fight hard battles in the new year, and make greater contributions to the high-quality economic and social development of the whole region with more enthusiasm and pragmatic style, centering on the center and serving the overall situation.

The leaders of the four major teams along the beach district paid tribute to the frontline staff and supervised the relevant work during the Spring Festival

In Washi Town, Weiping Street, Yanhu Community, Guofeng Farmers Market, Liao Dong visited the staff who insisted on sticking to the frontline, and supervised the prevention and control of the epidemic, fireworks and firecrackers "three prohibitions" and other related work. He stressed that it is necessary to implement various measures for epidemic prevention and control, strictly control key groups, strictly manage key places, strictly control key links, and unremittingly grasp all aspects of epidemic prevention and control to ensure that the people of the whole region spend a happy and peaceful New Year festival. It is necessary to resolutely hold the position, strive to be the first, earnestly fulfill the main business of banning fireworks and firecrackers, prohibiting the sale of fireworks and firecrackers, increase the intensity of inspection and control of key road sections and key periods, stop illegal fireworks, and guide the masses to spend a healthy, green and environmentally friendly Spring Festival together. It is necessary to fully mobilize and organize party members, cadres, and workers, stick to their posts, perform their duties, rationally allocate personnel and forces according to the key tasks at all stages, and make overall plans for all work during the festival.

Other county-level leaders also went deep into the frontline and the masses to carry out the Spring Festival visit and condolences to the frontline workers. (Li Yuhua, He Qinsi)

Editor: Chen Cui


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