
Hot comment 丨 To the New Year: Rush to the mountains and seas to pay tribute to the great you

"The New Year is an amplified life and a total explosion of emotions." At this moment, no matter where you are, you must have too many emotions, you must have too much to say.

Looking back on this year, I salute you to the great you, to you who love life, to you who dare to break your wrist with fate, and to pay tribute to you who are committed to chasing the light.

"Those who chase the light will also be covered with a thousand rays of light." Whether it is the athletes who grew "wings" at the Tokyo Paralympic Games, or the disabled graduates of Tsinghua University who have obtained the direct doctoral qualification with excellent results, they are not afraid of suffering, flying against the wind, and using superhuman strength to prove that they can fly higher. "Life is hard, but please believe enough", please believe in the power of struggle.

Hats off to the amazing you. Whether it is you in the "moving sculpture", or you who create the "life-saving document", whether you show the badge of the party member, or you who subdue the murderer. From you, I see responsibility and feel the power of faith.

On the road to chasing dreams, the most difficult thing is not how to arrive, but to leave immediately. Hats off to the amazing you. Standing in the aura of success as desired is remarkable, and daring to pursue dreams and surpass oneself is equally remarkable. Zhang Jiahao, a Chinese snowboarder who switched from baker, is legendary enough to get a ticket to the Beijing Winter Olympics despite his best efforts.

Hats off to the amazing you. Someone said, "All my efforts are just to live an ordinary life." "It is precisely in the most ordinary human fireworks, in the clutches of sorrow and joy, there is endless love and hope. Ordinary you and I, gathered into a torrent of social progress, can there be a mobile China, a progressive China, and a prosperous China.

Hats off to the amazing you, and to your family. Olympic champion Lu Xiaojun said that without the support of his family, it would be impossible to insist on several Olympic Games, especially after missing the gold medal. "Genius translator" Jin Xiaoyu was seen because the selfless parents behind him were like "a light in the abyss of suffering", lighting up their son's life. The family pays without complaint or regret, only then can you work with peace of mind, only then can you go forward, and only then can you have a great you.

Home and country celebrate together. The more we enjoy family affection, the more we think that "the foundation of the world is in the country, and the foundation of the country is at home"; the more we appreciate home and everything, the more we can deeply feel that "thousands of households are good, the country can be good, and the nation can be good."

From the youth oath of "please rest assured that the party will have me" to the affectionate confession of "clear love, only for China"... Agitated Chinese voices converge into a loud chorus. From Zhang Guimei, who "believes that girls in the mountains have a bright future", to Su Bingtian, who "we Chinese finally stand on the Olympic 100-meter final track", every tenacious and hard-working figure has formed a vibrant, tenacious and thriving China.

The plan of the year is spring. In a few days, the Beijing Winter Olympics will open, and the opening ceremony will be held on the day of Spring Festival. From the Summer Olympic Games in 2008 to the Winter Olympic Games in 2022, Beijing has become the world's first "double Olympic city", and the glory belongs to Beijing and to all the Chinese people.

Dedication to the world to dedicate a grand Olympic event is China's commitment. It is the responsibility of each of us to let visitors from all over the world feel the hospitality and civilized courtesy of the Chinese people, and feel the warmth of spring.

Hot comment 丨 To the New Year: Rush to the mountains and seas to pay tribute to the great you

The Spring Festival is a beautiful time to bid farewell to the old and welcome the new, and it will always bring people new expectations. In Chinese culture, the tiger is a symbol of bravery and strength. We often say that the dragon is alive and the tiger is alive, the dragon leaps and the tiger leaps, and we are eager to add wings and tigers to the tiger.

The grass and trees are hairy, and the spring mountains can be expected; the heart is full of spring, and the eyes are full of flowers. Please insist on love and rush to the next mountain and sea; please continue to move upwards and live up to this great era!

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