
Yuan Guocai cursive display Author: Yuan Guocai

author:Railway soldier culture
Yuan Guocai cursive display Author: Yuan Guocai
Yuan Guocai cursive display Author: Yuan Guocai

New Year’s Day

[ Song Wang Anshi ]

In the sound of firecrackers, the spring breeze sends warmth into Tu Su.

Thousands of households always exchange new peaches for old charms.

Yuan Guocai cursive display Author: Yuan Guocai

Snow at night

[ Song Lu You ]

The north wind blows snow four more early, Jiarui Heavenly Sect and the year is removed.

Half a lamp of Tu Su Yu was not lifted, and the small grass in front of the lamp wrote a peach symbol.

Yuan Guocai cursive display Author: Yuan Guocai


[Song. Zhu Xi]

Katsuri looking for the Surabaya waterfront, the boundless scenery is new for a while.

Waiting for idleness to recognize the east wind, thousands of purples and thousands of reds are always spring.

Yuan Guocai cursive display Author: Yuan Guocai

Spring dawn

[ Tang ] Meng Haoran

Spring sleep is not aware,

Smell birds everywhere.

The sound of wind and rain at night,

How much do you know about the flowers.

Yuan Guocai cursive display Author: Yuan Guocai

Will enter the wine Jun is not seen

【Don · Li Bai]

When the king did not see, the water of the Yellow River came up from the sky and rushed to the sea and never returned.

Jun is not seen, Gao Tang Mingjing sad white hair, towards the green silk twilight into snow.

Life must be full of joy, do not make the golden bottle empty to the moon.

I am born to be useful, and I will come back when all the money is gone.

To cook sheep and slaughter cattle for pleasure, one will have to drink three hundred cups at a time.

Cen Fuzi, Dan Qiusheng, will enter the wine, the cup does not stop.

With a song of Jun, please listen to it for me.

The bell drum is not expensive enough, but I hope that I will not wake up when I am drunk.

The ancient sages were all lonely, but the drinker kept his name.

King Chen used to feast peacefully and enjoy it, fighting wine and ten thousand people's indulgences.

What is the master's words and less money, the direct 21 to sell to the king's discretion.

Five flowers and horses, a thousand gold qiu, Hu'er will be exchanged for fine wine, and Er will sell all the ancient sorrows.

EDIT: Have fun