
Citizens celebrate the festival city brain pass, Shanghai Pudong City Transportation Center has such a group of people

author:The Paper

The Paper's senior reporter Zou Juan

Citizens celebrate the holidays, they pass the customs.

On February 1, the surging news reporter learned from pudong new area that in the pudong new area urban transportation center, there is such a group of people, they are dedicated to the people, strict discipline, give up their small family for everyone, whenever the festival comes, it is their "group to start work" is the most active time.

Citizens celebrate the festival city brain pass, Shanghai Pudong City Transportation Center has such a group of people

Pudong New Area Urban Transportation Center on duty. Photo courtesy of Pudong New Area Urban Transportation Center

They are a duty group composed of commanders, emergency duty chiefs, platform duty chiefs, main duty officers and deputy duty personnel of the general duty room, and office support personnel, and the specific implementers of the four measures of "observation, management, prevention, and division".

In terms of "view", relying on the district city brain and the "Pudong New Area Intelligent Emergency Comprehensive Management Platform", the comprehensive use of image monitoring, high-altitude eagle eyes, drone video, crowd flow heat map, screen viewing screen, video consultation, 800M radio, "City Express" individual soldiers and other modern facilities and equipment, pay close attention to Pudong urban operation signs, trunk road traffic, popular commercial outlets and attractions and the operation of traffic stations, and through video consultation and relevant units to carry out collaborative disposal of abnormal situations.

Citizens celebrate the festival city brain pass, Shanghai Pudong City Transportation Center has such a group of people

Pudong New Area Urban Transportation Center on duty.

In terms of "management", around the risk elements such as large passenger flow, large traffic flow, fire alarm, production safety accidents, extreme weather, and public opinion, strengthen the implementation of duty forces, information collection, research and early warning, and emergency disposal.

In terms of "prevention", relying on the scenic spot passenger flow eye, the public sentiment and public opinion intelligent perception platform, the public opinion awareness system, the crowd monitoring system, the video surveillance and other intelligent monitoring systems, the "city brain" rain and snow freezing special scene, the dangerous chemical intelligent supervision platform and other intelligent means, to achieve real-time monitoring and early warning of social conditions, meteorological disasters (rain and snow freezing), production safety situation, and do a good job in contact coordination, tracking reports and other work. For example, through the public sentiment and public opinion wisdom perception platform, the daily pudong new area 12345 hotline work order overview data is grasped in real time, timely discover all kinds of new and high-incidence problems in the city, carry out real-time early warning, real-time solution to the urgent difficulties and expectations encountered by citizens during the festival, and ensure that citizens spend a safe, happy and peaceful festival.

Citizens celebrate the festival city brain pass, Shanghai Pudong City Transportation Center has such a group of people

In the "department", once the information on major and sensitive emergencies is received, the duty group shall, in accordance with the principle of "unified leadership, classified disposal, hierarchical response, and efficient linkage", rely on the "district emergency command platform", quickly verify the basic situation of the incident, report to the leaders of the district on duty in a timely manner, timely start the corresponding special emergency plan, establish a command and communication system, and carry out linkage disposal.

Responsible editor: Li Jiawei Photo editor: Shi Jiahui

Proofreader: Yu Chengjun