
Futures ultra-short-term only use tick charts, can I? Futures intraday trading only look at tick charts? Futures ultra-short-term and futures day trading only use tick charts, and it is not possible to only look at tick charts. Futures day

author:I'm going to get rich slowly

Futures ultra-short-term only use tick charts, can I? Futures intraday trading only look at tick charts?

Futures ultra-short-term and futures day trading only use tick charts, and it is not possible to only look at tick charts. The main styles of futures intraday trading are speculative orders, intraday swings, intraday trends, and so on. Futures short-term trading, there are many factors to consider, some futures trading master's method, it seems to be short-term, in fact, long-term, because they have been trend following for a long time. Now let's talk about futures short-term trading, just look at the harm of tick charts.

1. Only look at the tick chart, it is easy to reverse the main trend. The direction of the main trend is the big trend, with great boldness. A trader just staring at the little thing in front of him has no pattern. If a house is not swept, why sweep the world? This sentence emphasizes starting from small things and starting from details. But if you sweep the floor at home every day with a broom, you can't grasp the trend of the world. This example is given to illustrate that only looking at the tick line ignores the overall situation, which is easy to cause the eyes of the rat.

2. Only look at the time-sharing chart, it is easy to be mobilized by the disk surface, resulting in emotional operations. I remember when I first started doing futures trading, I went from the opening to the close, and I have been chasing up and down, going in and out, so unhappy! After the lunch break, I was still happy to stare at the screen, waiting for the afternoon to open. These are all manifestations of no trading plan and no trading determination.

The tick chart is partial, and the weekly and monthly levels are the whole. Whether it is analysis, market direction, or analysis of the momentum of the market, we must be based on the whole, establish the concept of the overall situation, more specimens for research, and a long cycle of analysis. Another example, a group of people sitting at a table eating, through a five-minute performance, can you know who is more capable? If we look at the performance of five months, it is easy to judge the strength or weakness. Trader A ate three waves of quotes in five months, Trader B ate a wave of quotes in five months, and Trader C did not eat a market once in five months. Now you are willing to talk to, A and B, who is talking about trading? In short, look at a person, analyze a period of time, the time period can not be too short, you need to think big, start small.

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Futures ultra-short-term only use tick charts, can I? Futures intraday trading only look at tick charts? Futures ultra-short-term and futures day trading only use tick charts, and it is not possible to only look at tick charts. Futures day

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