
Who is the good man in "Water Margin"?

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Author: Wei Donglin

Who is the good man in "Water Margin"?

"Water Margin" is one of the four major novels of the Ming and Qing dynasties, one of the four masterpieces of classical China, set in the peasant uprisings such as Song Jiang in the late Northern Song Dynasty, with a tortuous and fascinating storyline, and has always been deeply loved by the people.

"Water Margin" has created 108 heroes and good men with different personalities and distinctive characteristics, and most of their nicknames are well-known and very in line with their own characteristics. For example, song jiang was named for his eagerness to be righteous and righteous, and to be righteous and to loose wealth; Xiao Li Guanghuarong, who was named for his outstanding arrow skills and hundred steps through Yang; and Wu Yong, the wisdom of many stars, was named because he was full of economy, his chest was splendid, and his resourcefulness was sophisticated. However, there is a person whose nickname is extremely out of proportion to his own strength, and has become the laughing stock of the people. He is the little bully Zhou Tong.

Who is the good man in "Water Margin"?

(1) The overlord is born, and the gods give way

The overlord is a figure who speaks one thing in society, dares to act boldly, and dominates the party. After king Ping of Zhou moved east to Luoyi, the royal family declined, and the princely states increasingly ignored the Zhou royal family, and they began to compete for hegemony. The State of Qi was the first to rise up to fight for hegemony, and the monarch of the State of Qi was the Duke of Qi Huan, who, with the assistance of the famous Xiang Guan Zhong, was the prince of Jiuhe and yikuang tianxia, and finally established his hegemonic position in the Kwai Qiu Alliance.

Xiang Yu at the end of qin was a well-known figure in the history of the mainland, who was able to carry the crown and swallow mountains and rivers. He fought bravely and bravely to take a hundred. In 207 BC, he led an insurrectionary army through the Zhangshui River, and he ordered his soldiers to smash the pot and sink all the warships into the water, indicating that they would march forward bravely and never turn back. It was with this spirit of breaking the ship that he defeated the invincible Zhang Handan and directly led to the demise of the Qin Dynasty.

After the fall of the Qin Dynasty, Xiang Yu was content with the status quo and lacked enterprising spirit, and fought a four-year Chu-Han war with Liu Bang, and finally was besieged and killed himself in Wujiang. Although he was defeated and killed, Xiang Yu's heroism was remembered by posterity.

Li Qingzhao, a great female lyricist of the Southern Song Dynasty, wrote a poem praising Xiang Yu, "Untitled": "Born as a master, dead as a ghost male, still thinking of Xiang Yu, refusing to cross Jiangdong." ”

Xiang Yu was unwilling to live and did not want to return to his hometown to see Jiangdong's father and elder, but chose to kill himself in Wujiang. The reason why Xiang Yu, the hero of the first generation, was defeated by Liu Bang, who was born in the underground. Largely due to his indecisiveness and self-sufficiency. But this can not hide Hualong's heroism.

Let's look at another famous figure, The Little Bully King, Sun Ce.

Sun Ce was the son of Sun Jian, one of the eighteen princes of the Late Eastern Han Dynasty, and at the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty, the world was in chaos, and Hao Jie rose up. Sun Jian was one of them, and later Sun Jian was tragically killed in a conflict with Liu Biao. Sun Ce was only under 20 years old at the time, and Sun Ce first served under Yuan Shu, fighting everywhere, and finally found an opportunity to borrow a little from Yuan Shu to return to Jiangdong.

After some fighting, he pacified the six counties and 81 prefectures in Jiangdong, so that sun wu group began to have a solid rear base, and also laid a solid foundation for the further growth of Sun Quan in the future.

Unfortunately, due to being framed by villains, Sun Ce died young. Before dying, he handed over Jiangdong's career to his younger brother Sun Quan and entrusted Zhang Zhao and Zhou Yu to assist him. And left two prophecies: internal affairs are not decided to ask Zhang Zhao, and foreign affairs are not decided to ask Zhou Yu.

It is conceivable that if Sun Ce did not die early, then could the Sun Wu Group unify the country and the mountains and pacify the world? Zhuge Liang, known as the "Wolong", had already made an accurate judgment of the general trend of the world when he was not yet out of the woods, and gave Sun Wu a high evaluation. He said this in the "Longzhong Pair":

Since Dong Zhuoyin, Haojie has risen. Sun Quan owned Jiangdong and had been in power for three generations. The country is dangerous and the people are attached, and the meritocracy can be used for it, which can be used for help and cannot be tried.

The reason why Sun Ce is called Xiao Bawang is because he is a hero who stands tall in the sky, Hao Jie, and he single-handedly created Sun Wu's foundation. His exploits were comparable to those of Xiang Yu, the king of Chu, and Sun Quan carried forward Jiangdong on the basis of inheriting his father and brother.

Zhou Tong was nicknamed the Little Overlord, but it was obviously not the same as the several overlords and overlords above.

Who is the good man in "Water Margin"?

(2) The debut performance is smashed, and the laughter is generous

Our protagonist Xiao Bawang Dutong's first appearance was in the fifth "Xiao Bawang drunk into the golden tent, flower monks make a big fuss in peach blossom village".

Zhou Tong, the little bully king, occupies Peach Blossom Mountain and is the second village lord of Peach Blossom Mountain, who makes a living by robbing his family and robbing houses. In a robbery encountered Li Zhong, the two men fought li zhong slightly better, so Li Zhong became the lord of the big village, and Zhou Tong became the lord of the second village.

Zhou Tong heard that Liu Yuanwai's daughter in Peach Blossom Village was born beautiful, so he wanted to grab her to Peach Blossom Mountain as a pressed lady. It coincided with the rutizhi Ruda monanda that was passing through this. Lu Ti, who has a hot sausage in the ancient road, was able to abandon his enviable profession for the sake of the father and daughter of Jin Cuilian, who had never known him, and killed the town of Kansai with three fists, and has been out of the world ever since.

Seeing what happened to Liu Laohan now, how could Lu Tizhi stand idly by?

So Lu Tizhi disguised himself as the daughter of Liu Laohan and waited for Zhou Tong to come and recruit relatives. Zhou Tong did not know what the plan was, and as a result, he was beaten by Lu Ti and looked for teeth on the ground. Later, he moved in with Li Zhong, and Li Zhong was also tight when he saw Lu Da, and this matter had to be put to rest. The marriage with Miss Liu's good deeds had to be abandoned. How can such a sect and such martial arts be compared with the famous Chu Bawang and Xiao Bawang?

Lu Da, Together with Li Zhong and Zhou Tong, went up to Peach Blossom Mountain. Zhou Tong was extremely stingy, and he was reluctant to give a large amount of gold and silver to Lu Da, but he discussed with Li Zhong to go down the mountain and make another deal and get a little entanglement for Lu Da. Lu Da was not accustomed to the behavior of the two, and after Li and Tuesday went down the mountain, Lu Da swept away the gold and silver on the mountain and went down the mountain alone.

Li and Tuesday people came back to find out about this, hated to the root of their teeth, wanted to catch up and felt that they could not beat him, so they had to hold their breath darkly. How can such a person do things, such a broad mind, such a temperament, be worthy of the title of overlord? It can be seen that Zhou Tong's appearance does not have a little heroism, but leaves a joke.

Who is the good man in "Water Margin"?

(3) Mediocre martial arts, doing nothing, and spending a life in vain

Zhou Tong's reappearance was when Hu Yanzhuo was destroyed by Liangshan and fled to Qingzhou, when he was stolen by Zhou Tong and Li Zhong to kick the snowy black horse. Murong Prefect of Qingzhou gave Hu Yanzhuo 3,000 troops and horses to attack Taohua Mountain. Zhou and Li knew that they could not defeat Hu Yanzhuo, so they asked Lu Zhishen, Yang Zhi, and Wu Song for help from Erlongshan, and after the Three Mountains gathered righteousness, Zhou Tong led the Taohuashan people to liangshan to join the company immediately. He sat on the eighty-sixth chair of Liangshan. During the conquest of Fang La, Zhou Tong accompanied Lu Junyi in attacking Dusong pass, and was beheaded by Li Tianrun with a knife while exploring the way. No merit has been established, no grass has been obtained, but it has been a lifetime.

Zhou Tong, on the value of force is far inferior to Xiang Yu; on righteousness and Sun Ce are not the same. Zhou Tong's nickname for the Little Overlord mainly refers to its resemblance to Xiang Yu in appearance. With no appearance and no god, he is the most vain person in "Water Margin".

Who is the good man in "Water Margin"?

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