
Special Article: "Tigers and Tigers Are Mighty" to Welcome the New Year Overseas compatriots jointly wish the motherland prosperity and prosperity

author:Overseas network

Source: Xinhua Net

Beijing, 2 Feb (Xinhua) -- Special Article: "Tigers and Tigers Are Born of Might" to Welcome the New Year Overseas compatriots jointly wish the motherland prosperity and prosperity

Xinhua News Agency reporter Zhao Jingjing

Big red lanterns hang high and celebrate the festival. Bid farewell to the old tiger year, and return to the earth and all things in the spring.

This lunar year of the tiger in the new spring, compatriots around the world celebrate the Spring Festival, look forward to the Winter Olympics, wish the great motherland "tiger and tiger vitality", prosperity and prosperity, and pray for the new year of the world to defeat the epidemic, "spring full of people".

Tiger wings: "China Red" and "Winter Olympics" meet perfectly

The Tokyo Tower in Japan lights up the festive "Chinese Red" light, and the two Chinese characters of "the future" taken from the slogan of the Beijing Winter Olympics on the tower are reflected in each other... On January 31, overseas Chinese and people from all walks of life in Japan greeted the Chinese New Year and blessed the Winter Olympics in the dazzling "Chinese Red".

In the long-standing traditional Chinese culture, the Spring Festival is the most important comprehensive carrier, the most humane warm memory, and the most colorful special representation. When the traditional Spring Festival and the Winter Olympics "meet happily", this festival of global attention is destined to bring more celebration and glory to the sons and daughters of China.

Walking into the rehearsal base of the Tang Yun Art Troupe, an amateur cultural group in São Paulo, Brazil, the cheerful festival atmosphere came to the fore. The troupe is rehearsing a special program for the Spring Festival performance, "Spring Wind Ten Mile Newspaper New Year". Lin Yun, head of the art troupe, said excitedly: "This year's Winter Olympics and the Spring Festival add to each other's brilliance, and the rich festive atmosphere coupled with the spirit of hard work and sportsmanship make the New Year of the Tiger particularly meaningful." ”

Wang Zheng, who has lived in Canberra, Australia for 16 years, hangs a Chinese knot in the living room as in previous years, and the home is full of festive atmosphere. As the Beijing Winter Olympics approached, Wang And her daughter looked forward to watching the live broadcast of the games and cheering on the Olympic athletes. Wang Zheng said: "The Perfect Encounter between the Winter Olympics and the Spring Festival hopes to convey our unique Chinese culture and let everyone know that together, we can defeat the epidemic and have a better future." ”

Thousands of rivers and mountains cannot separate the hearts of overseas compatriots, nor can they stop the feelings of compatriots whose blood is thicker than water. In a variety of activities, overseas compatriots expressed their sincere blessings to the motherland.

Hosted by the overseas Chinese community in Cape Town, the legislative capital of South Africa, the Spring Festival Gala of the Chinese New Year and the Winter Olympics was broadcast on January 28. In the opening program, a large number of overseas Chinese and ethnic Chinese helped the elderly and young to climb the famous local scenic spot Signar Mountain, held up a banner with yellow characters and red backgrounds of "I love China, I love China Festival", and wished the motherland prosperity and a happy new year for compatriots at home and abroad.

Although New Zealand is facing a new wave of COVID-19, the capital Wellington is still full of colorful Chinese New Year elements, with huge Chinese knots, paper cuts, lucky characters, red lanterns and bilingual celebration posters decorating Wellington to the fullest. The New Zealand Overseas Chinese Community also held various online and offline celebrations to express their wishes for the Spring Festival and the Winter Olympics through poetry, painting, recitation, song and dance.

Wang Ruibin, a new and old overseas Chinese in his 80s, said: "China has overcome many difficulties to host the Winter Olympics, showing China's self-confidence, responsibility and responsibility as a big country. The expectations and pride of our overseas Chinese and ethnic Chinese for the Beijing Winter Olympics are difficult to express in words, and we look forward to China's dedication to a wonderful and outstanding Olympic event for the people of the world. ”

The Spring Festival meets the Olympics, which is a special fate. The encounter of two events will surely intertwine the melody of beauty and commonality.

Tiger roaring: writing perseverance and struggle in the epidemic

"Although the time and cost of shipping under the epidemic have risen sharply, the company still ensures that Chinese food imported from China will be transported to and on the shelves years ago, and also makes tangyuan and dumplings, and prepares couplets, lanterns, Fuzi and other New Year goods," said Lin Fengqin, a Jiangsu native who has been in Jordan for 12 years, hoping that overseas Chinese in Jordan can have a colorful Chinese year.

During the epidemic period, in order to help solve the basic material supply of overseas Chinese in The Covenant, lin Fengqin and her husband operated supermarkets and farms urgently allocated materials, opened a WeChat supermarket, and continuously provided agricultural products and other material supply and distribution services for embassies, Chinese-funded enterprises, and overseas Chinese in the covenant.

No matter where it is, there is always some taste of the year that people remember. In Chinatown, manila, the capital of the Philippines, there are long queues in front of traditional pastry shops during the Spring Festival. Soft glutinous and sweet Chinese cakes are not only delicious food with a sense of ceremony, but also represent the expectations of local overseas Chinese and Ethnic Chinese for reunion. But the pandemic plunged the local traditional pastry shop into crisis. The century-old shop of the Cai Qingshan family has been in operation for four generations, and during the epidemic, the long-established store was forced to close for a while. In order to get rid of the impact of the epidemic, the owner Cai Qingshan opened up ideas, not only opened his own online store, but also let the store enter a number of local mainstream e-commerce platforms, and the business was done from offline to online, and now online orders are steadily increasing.

From Asia to South America, from Africa to the Middle East, overseas compatriots have exerted enthusiasm, struggled and worked hard, and written a moving chapter of courage and perseverance in the epidemic, showing the world the image of China, China's warmth and China's strength in the new era.

Busy, difficult, persistent... This is the most common word in Zhang Tinghong's brain since the beginning of the epidemic. Zhang Tinghong is the Chinese director of the Confucius Institute at Egypt's Suez Canal University. After the outbreak, some colleagues had to leave their posts. Faced with numerous teaching tasks, Zhang Tinghong resolutely chose to stay in office after his term of office expired in July last year to ensure the operation of the Confucius Institute. "Ding Cai and The Two Families Are Prosperous, Rich as Spring Family Portraits", at the beginning of the New Year, Zhang Tinghong prayed for the prosperity of every compatriot's family, hoping that the epidemic would dissipate as soon as possible, the motherland would flourish in the Year of the Tiger, and Guotai and The People's Security would be safe.

On the construction site of the Goldenport Expressway project in Cambodia, the machinery still roared on the day of the Chinese New Year's Eve; during the Spring Festival, the officers and men of the ninth batch of Chinese peacekeeping engineer detachments in West Africa to Mali were still fighting in the front line of peacekeeping; in Tanzania, the 31st Chinese medical team aiding Zanzibar remained in the medical posts of foreign aid... Practicing what they preach, not afraid of hardships, and sticking to their posts is the most simple and unpretentious silent blessing they have offered to the motherland.

Tiger Leap New Journey: Be a good bridge and messenger of the motherland

The prosperous motherland is the foundation and strong backing for the survival and development of overseas compatriots. In the past lunar year, the Communist Party of China ushered in its centennial anniversary, China won the battle against poverty as scheduled, built a moderately prosperous society in an all-round way as scheduled, and achieved the first centenary goal.

"'Spring Festival bag' is a 'family letter', and it is even more pampering. In the face of the epidemic, no country can care for students from a foreign land as much as the motherland," Yang Xiaoxu, an undergraduate student at the Kharkiv State Zhukovsky Aerospace University in Ukraine, was full of joy after receiving the "Spring Festival Package" issued by the Chinese Embassy in Ukraine.

The "Spring Festival Package", "Health Pack" and "Spring Seedling Action" let the compatriots overseas always feel the concern and care of the motherland, and the strong family and national conditions flow in their hearts; overseas compatriots also always care about the motherland, contribute to the friendship between the motherland and the host country, and be a good bridge and messenger.

In Japan, from organizing overseas Chinese and ethnic Chinese to donate quickly to Wuhan to rescue overseas Chinese infected in Japan, the All-Japan Federation of Overseas Chinese and Chinese Associations has been fighting in the forefront of the fight against the epidemic; in Brazil, donating to local poor communities, the Brazilian Association for the Promotion of Peaceful Reunification of China has contributed to the promotion of mutual understanding between the Chinese and Pakistani people... In the past year, many overseas compatriots have united as one, working hard in their respective fields to serve Sangzi.

The Year of the Tiger has arrived, in traditional Chinese culture, the tiger is the king of the hundred beasts, is a symbol of strength, bravery and fearlessness, the Year of the Tiger carries the good wishes of overseas compatriots for the motherland in the new year, prosperity and prosperity, and sincere prayers for the countries of the world to sweep away the haze of the epidemic and restore the thriving weather.

Ouyang Chaofan, a Chinese student studying for a doctorate in linguistics at the University of Havana, Cuba, said: "I love my motherland and look forward to the good fortune of the Chinese Year of the Tiger. (Participating reporters: Guo Dan, Luo Jingjing, Chen Haoyou, Bai Xu, Yue Dongxing, Wu Danni, Ji Ze, Wang Hao, Lü Tiantian, Chen Weihua, Zhao Yan, Lu Huaiqian, Guo Lei, Wu Changwei, Liu Kai, Yan Jie, Xie Hao, Lin Zhaohui, Li Dongxu)

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