
I often feel sorry for myself

author:Feral cat petite
I often feel sorry for myself

As a person with extreme inferiority, I am often used to facing the world with a "flattering personality", I often feel that I am very bad and not good enough, and often blame the reason for the bad results of many things as my own reasons.

Get used to being the first to apologize, admit your mistakes, and consciously take responsibility.

I always feel like I'm standing low, and everyone else is a shining star, even if I'm a star in the eyes of others, I feel like it's just to take care of my fragile self-esteem.

Therefore, I am often easily "hurt", because the unintentional words of others are "stabbed", and I am inexplicably sad because of my own sentimentality.

I often feel sorry for myself

Sensitive glass heart, although it is very fragile, the surface must try to pretend not to be alarmed, even if the inner waves are surging, you must arm yourself with strong armor.

Afraid of cowardice, so pretend to be invincible and do not care.

When I was struggling, I had already practiced the ability to be drunk and sing, and even if I had tears in my eyes, I would laugh and say, "I'm fine."

I often feel sorry for myself

Everyone understands the big truth, and I know that I also have my own merits, and I should not be arrogant, but I feel more remorseful because I know myself very well.

All the efforts are not worth mentioning until they are not recognized.

Always feel regret, always feel indebted, always pursue perfection in everything, want to do the ultimate, but the ability and energy are very limited, and it is difficult to overcome their weaknesses, just like entering a vicious circle, unable to extricate themselves.

I often feel sorry for myself

Such a life is very sad, always look at the faces of others and live, do not dare to fight and dare not insist on their own ideas, easy to shake and easy to compromise, always give in and always retreat, until there is no way to retreat and no way to go.

Confused, get by.

Pluck the clouds to see the fog without knowing it.

My life also has an end, and knowledge has no end.

It is better to be compassionate than to see oneself clearly.

Letting go of everything, letting the heart return to peace, pursuing what the heart needs, and the disturbances of the outside world, what does it have to do with me?