
China is celebrating the holidays, but the Israeli air force is taking advantage of the night to take off, and Syria has a huge explosion

author:Wheat Field Military Observation

Perhaps everyone is paying attention to the situation in Ukraine, in fact, the situation in Syria is still worth paying attention to, in the early morning of January 31, China is celebrating the holiday, and when the Chinese New Year's Eve, the Israeli Air Force took advantage of the night to launch air strikes on targets on the outskirts of Damascus in Syria. After nearly a month, Syria again made a loud explosion, with witnesses saying they heard five explosions.

China is celebrating the holidays, but the Israeli air force is taking advantage of the night to take off, and Syria has a huge explosion

Israel is bombing Syria again

In the eyes of many people, this is a manifestation of the strength of the Israeli Air Force, believing that the Israeli Air Force is very powerful, and it can do it whenever it wants, and it will blow up wherever it wants. It is not worth noting that the Israeli Air Force had endured for more than a month before the air strike was carried out, and on December 28, 2021, when Israeli Air Force fighters launched an airstrike on the container area of the Syrian port of Latakia, it was later discovered that the attacked container contained milk powder, oil and car tires.

China is celebrating the holidays, but the Israeli air force is taking advantage of the night to take off, and Syria has a huge explosion

The Syrian side announced the tragic situation at the scene

At that time, Israel stressed that the attacked container contained weapons sent by Iran, but the reality proved that it was not at all, which naturally made Israel look very humiliated, as if the airstrike operation was suspended for several days, and no one expected that Israel would choose to start air strikes when Chinese Chinese New Year's Eve. Perhaps Israel believes that if it has not launched air strikes for more than a month, the Syrian side will lose its vigilance and intends to launch air strikes while Syria has relaxed its vigilance.

This air raid can be called: the first bomb in 2022! Mainly aimed at: northeast Damascus, ground targets near the city of Erkutev in the Karamon Mountains, for the Iranian-related armed forces camp, this time launched a number of cruise missiles, but did not cause much damage, Syrian military propaganda: most of the missiles were shot down by the Syrian air defense missile system, only some missiles caused certain material losses, has not caused any casualties.

China is celebrating the holidays, but the Israeli air force is taking advantage of the night to take off, and Syria has a huge explosion

Firefighters are actively putting out fires

As a result of the long-term confrontation with the Israeli Air Force, the Syrian air defense forces have accumulated considerable experience and improved their capabilities a lot, and with Russia's personal training and guidance, it is impossible to be too low a level. The Israeli airstrikes were clearly far less effective than expected, and were likely to be just a demonstrative airstrike, after all, before that, Russian Air Force fighters and Syrian fighters conducted joint patrols near the Golan Heights, which was equivalent to a warning to Israel that in the context of the Russian-Ukrainian war, Russia did not want anything to happen to Syria.

Israel is not convinced and naturally wants to create some trouble to respond, but unfortunately there is no point, Israel has been opposing iran's presence in Syria, launched airstrikes, but for several days, has not allowed Iran to reduce its presence in Syria.

China is celebrating the holidays, but the Israeli air force is taking advantage of the night to take off, and Syria has a huge explosion

It is clear to see what is going on at the scene

Russia's attitude has been very clear, is Israel going to prepare for war with Russia? Otherwise, it is a matter of shouting two sentences, and the situation in Syria today is quite delicate, and Israel is mixing it up and asking for trouble. Do not give face to face, Russia and Israel have a good relationship, do not want to be too difficult for Israel, otherwise there will be no Syrian army S300 system has never been put into use, obviously Russia is restricting the Syrian army counterattack. If Israel has to make Russia uncomfortable, don't cry when it is counterattacked!

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