
Cute tiger infestation! Xiamen's first wave of New Year tiger babies came to report to it

Yesterday was the first day of the Lunar New Year

Major hospitals in Xiamen have been rumored one after another

The first "tiger roar" of "Yin Tiger Baby"

The reporter contacted the family that gave birth to the "tiger baby" on the same day to share their joy and joy: some babies are very "tiger" from the pregnancy, following the mother to the full term, some babies and sisters have "ECG induction", the sister touches the mother's belly, there is "fetal movement"...

Cute tiger infestation! Xiamen's first wave of New Year tiger babies came to report to it

Super Daddy is skilled with a baby

Dabao Erbao has "ECG induction"

Venue: Xiamen Maternal and Child Health Hospital

Time: 0:11 am

In the obstetric ward of the Municipal Maternal and Child Health Hospital

A sleeping baby tiger has just woken up

Babbling sounds in the crib

It was 00:11 last night

The Municipal Maternal and Child Health Hospital ushered in the Year of the Tiger

The first baby tiger

Cute tiger infestation! Xiamen's first wave of New Year tiger babies came to report to it

"The little tiger is hungry, I'll make you a milk." As soon as he heard the movement, Mr. Wu, the "daddy", immediately got up, skillfully took out a tool to soak up the milk powder, and after soaking it, he also dripped a few drops on the back of his hand to try the temperature, and then picked up the baby to feed her.

"When I first had the baby, my husband brought a lot, and now he brings the baby and is familiar with the road." Ms. Yang, the mother, lay on the hospital bed and looked at the father and daughter, her face full of happiness. Ms. Yang said that in order to give her a better rest, since Dabao was born, most of the husbands who work with children have done it themselves. Now Dabao is also close to her father, when she is pregnant with the second treasure, her husband will work home while working with the baby, which also saves her a lot of heart, pregnant with the "little tiger" period, Ms. Yang also obtained a health management certificate.

"Because Dabao and Erbao are only more than a year apart, my 'milk baby' skills are not yet unfamiliar, and now my ability to carry a baby may be better than my wife." Mr. Wu, while holding Erbao to sleep, said that in the future, this little "tiger" may also bring more by himself, so that the two daughters are closer to him, and he feels particularly happy when he thinks of the picture of the two daughters jumping up and sticking to him when he comes home.

Looking at the sleeping Erbao after drinking the milk, Ms. Yang quickly took out her mobile phone and showed the reporter the photo of dabao when he was born. "You see how she's asleep now, almost exactly like my eldest daughter was born, like twins." Speaking of the similarities between the two babies, Ms. Yang was a little excited. It turned out that during pregnancy, the two sisters had a special "electrocardiogram". Ms. Yang explained to reporters that in the past few months, when erbao was given prenatal education, whenever Dabao touched her stomach and wanted to "talk" to her sister, Erbao in her mother's belly would become active, as if she was really responding to her sister.

"When the two of them are older, I take them out and tell them I'm twins." Looking at her daughter, Ms. Yang joked.

Cute tiger infestation! Xiamen's first wave of New Year tiger babies came to report to it

Follow your mom until full term

Baby Tiger Chinese New Year's Eve "stepping on the point" to start

Venue: Xiamen Hongai Maternity Hospital

Time: 7:16 a.m

Yesterday morning

Xiamen Hongai Maternity Hospital ushered

The first "New Year Baby" in the Year of the Tiger

7:16 a.m

The maternal lady Ye shun gave birth to a daughter

Cute tiger infestation! Xiamen's first wave of New Year tiger babies came to report to it

"I actually have a little hunch in my heart that the baby may be born on the first day of the new year." Yesterday morning, Ms. Ye stretched out her hand, which was still tied with an indwelling needle, gently flicked open the swaddle and looked gently at her daughter's sleeping face.

3 hours after the birth of the child, although Ms. Ye was a little tired, she still had a sense of excitement on her face when she talked about the delivery process. "The baby's due date is actually Chinese New Year's Eve, and last night I was just about to wash and sleep after eating Chinese New Year's Eve meal, and I felt 'activated'." Ms. Ye described that just after midnight, she vaguely felt that the water was broken, so she contacted the hospital and was admitted to the hospital with her husband to wait for delivery; at 7 o'clock in the morning, her "female tiger treasure" was born smoothly, weighing 6 pounds. "My husband and I are both surnamed Ye, and we plan to call the baby 'Xiao Xiaoye' for the time being, as a nickname!" Ms. Ye said that when "Xiaoxiaoye" was born, the crying was quite loud. Yesterday morning, Hong'ai Maternity Hospital also sent a New Year gift to Ms. Ye and "Xiaoxiaoye" - a bouquet of flowers, a small doll who can sing.

Cute tiger infestation! Xiamen's first wave of New Year tiger babies came to report to it

Ms. Ye's mother, Aunt Zhu, told reporters that the night before yesterday, she and "Xiao Xiaoye's father" almost did not close their eyes overnight, accompanying her daughter's entire delivery, "born very fast, very smooth, and energy also recovered quickly!" Aunt Zhu smiled happily. Aunt Zhu told reporters that her daughter did not run around during pregnancy - Ms. Ye, who is in her early 30s this year, is engaged in Korean translation work, and she is still traveling continuously in Fuzhou, Quanzhou and other places for a week or two before giving birth, and she does not rest until full term. "She would occasionally tell me that she was uncomfortable when she was older, and I would encourage her: 'Being a mother is really like this, it's not so easy', in fact, I still feel a little sad in my heart." 」 At the same time, Aunt Zhu also supports her pregnant daughter to work hard even if she can. In this way, "XiaoXiaoye" followed his mother and came to the world on the first day of the Year of the Tiger.

Cute tiger infestation! Xiamen's first wave of New Year tiger babies came to report to it

Let us bless the baby tigers

Healthy growth can be cute and love

Produced by The New Media Center of Xiamen Daily

Text/Photo Reporter: Lu Chen Zhao Zhangyun

Editor: Luo Xiaozhou Review: Cai Wenyan

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Cute tiger infestation! Xiamen's first wave of New Year tiger babies came to report to it

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