
"Second Growth"

"Second Growth"

Why are some people as helpless as children when they are obviously adults? We experienced our first growth without any experience, the natural stage from birth to the age of 18. The process of growing up for the first time is full of ups and downs, and the results of growth cannot be truly satisfactory and happy. Do we have a chance to do it all over again? The answer is very certain, each of us has the opportunity to grow a second time, thanks to the strong plasticity of our psychological and spiritual world, and the second growth is actually a process of reshaping the personality that has been stereotyped.

In the first growth, the formation of our personality depends heavily on our parents, and we are very passive; but in the second growth, we ourselves are the subject. Most of the methods provided in this book can be used independently, and it will be a journey of self-dialogue and exploration in the full sense of the word, where you will have the opportunity to decide for yourself what you really want to do, who you really want to be.

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