
The bottom of the pen is full of pride from the border guan chun lian pin reading the "clear love" of the soldiers

Source: People's Liberation Army Daily

The bottom of the pen is full of pride and pride, and the rivers and mountains in my heart are thousands of miles

——Reading the "Clear Love" of the Shubian Soldiers from the Border Pass Spring Lianpin

The bottom of the pen is full of pride from the border guan chun lian pin reading the "clear love" of the soldiers

The officers and men of the Japanese-Earth Aircraft Maintenance Station paid homage to the people of the whole country on a plateau of more than 5,000 meters above sea level.

The bottom of the pen is full of pride from the border guan chun lian pin reading the "clear love" of the soldiers

Officers and men of the Thélikti Border Defense Company climbed up to the patrol point and let the national flag fly on the top of the mountain.

The bottom of the pen is full of pride from the border guan chun lian pin reading the "clear love" of the soldiers

Officers and men of a certain border defense company of Ali patrolled in the snow.

The bottom of the pen is full of pride from the border guan chun lian pin reading the "clear love" of the soldiers

The Plateau Warrior wrote the Spring League.

The bottom of the pen is full of pride from the border guan chun lian pin reading the "clear love" of the soldiers

Coordinates: Nansha Fiery Cross Reef

The bottom of the pen is full of pride from the border guan chun lian pin reading the "clear love" of the soldiers

Coordinates: Triangle Mountain in Northern Xinjiang

The bottom of the pen is full of pride from the border guan chun lian pin reading the "clear love" of the soldiers

Coordinates: Tibetan Gambara

The bottom of the pen is full of pride from the border guan chun lian pin reading the "clear love" of the soldiers

Coordinates: A duty post in Inner Mongolia

The bottom of the pen is full of pride from the border guan chun lian pin reading the "clear love" of the soldiers

Coordinates: Kunmuga, Tibet

The bottom of the pen is full of pride from the border guan chun lian pin reading the "clear love" of the soldiers

Coordinates: A ship in the East China Sea

The bottom of the pen is full of pride from the border guan chun lian pin reading the "clear love" of the soldiers

Coordinates: Shenxian Bay, Southern Xinjiang

The bottom of the pen is full of pride from the border guan chun lian pin reading the "clear love" of the soldiers

Coordinates: Northern Xinjiang Kuktawu

Soldiers have their own feelings of soldiers, and the border passes have their own annual taste of border passes.

Today is the second day of the Chinese New Year, and the special edition of "China Border Pass" gives you a New Year's greeting! At this moment, reading a pair of vice Spring Leagues at the bottom of Shubian's pen, I still heard a song of "big wind song".

Like poetry, couplets are the most beautiful and condensed form of expression in Chinese. As a special art form of Chinese culture, couplets should be written in response to the scene, following the example, and also have different titles.

For example, hanging on the pillars of the courtyard of the building, it is thick and dignified, which is called the Yang Lian; when the Spring Festival comes, the Zi Yan is red, and the link at the bottom of the pen is also dyed with spring color, of course, it is called - Spring Lian.

Chunlian is poetry, and the rhythmic pen and ink spontaneously and ethereally mark the spiritual height of the Shubian people.

The Spring League is the aspiration, and the glory and dream of the border guards in the new era are expressed in a strong and colorful way.

Chunlian is the heart, and the words and phrases extend the spiritual trajectory of the soldier's youth and mission.

- Editor

Yes, spring is a verb.

Although the latitude difference between the north and south is 50 degrees, our vast motherland presents different seasons and climatic states at the same time. However, this does not prevent the footsteps of spring from quietly arriving and unfolding, brilliantly painting the motherland with the boundless spring color of "thousands of purples and thousands of reds are always spring".

However, no matter at any latitude, we can see the figure of our officers and men guarding the spring; no matter how far away the border post is, there will be a pair of spring lights swaying on the spring joint.

"The earth, mountains and rivers are born at the bottom of the pen, and the characters of Kyushu are proud." The overlapping rhymes of the Spring League can have a hundred patterns and a thousand ways of writing, but in the border outpost standing in Xiongguan, the Shubian people have their own writing and expression.

A pair of couplets full of soldiers' hearts and male children's records, or crazy books and snow outposts, or posting desert camps, or writing about tropical jungles, or walking on thousands of miles of blue waves... Compared with the exquisite carving and elegant brush of Mingshi Junqi, it may be just like cotton cloth for Ayara Silk Ge and Chai Fen cooking smoke for Zhong Mingding. However, they exalt the poignant personality of the soldiers with their unique aesthetic values, and they exude the cultural rivers and mountains in the chests of the men in the border pass.

Hot-blooded youth sings the gale

"The rivers meet here, the road begins here, and the sea leads here." On the border defense line of Heilongjiang Province, there are the famous natural grand scenery of the "Sanjiangkou", the historical sites of the century-old treaty port, and the smoke of the years when the people of all nationalities bravely resisted foreign invaders...

Although spring has not yet arrived in the meteorological sense, the cold wind and ice are still majestic, but the street and tianjin outposts on the front line of the border defense, a pair of spring leagues at the camp gate have attracted people to stop and appreciate. For the spring story of the motherland's great rivers and mountains, the officers and men have their own aesthetic interpretations of officers and soldiers, and the bold bones of the contemporary Shubian people are also fully contained in it -

Look at a post, stick to the three rivers, and I will guard the spring colors in all directions; ask a few boys, guard a hundred miles, and take on the role of fenghua.

Horizontal batch: Hot blood youth.

Fight the sword for the text, and sing the spring. Perhaps in terms of writing skills, the words and rhymes in the union have something to consider, and there is no super-easy god. However, the young sentinel who made this union in one fell swoop was still in his poems, and in his words it was called a pride: the ancients often said "poetry and speech", and the couplet created by our border guards with the feelings of happiness could not be called "joint speech".

What a "joint speech"! And look at how the young Shubian people are lyrical and arrogant.

The lion roars for the roaring tiger, each with its own majesty. The aspirations of border guards have always been to wear golden armor in the yellow sand and shoot wolves on the battlefield. Snowy jungles, plateau deserts, blue skies and oceans... Due to the geographical location of their respective defensive positions and the different scenery and scenery of mountains and rivers, the "scenery" of the pen borrows the scenery to express nostalgia, of course, it also has its own characteristics in viewing the mountains and reading the water. For example, Shengsi Island, which stands in the middle of the waves of the East China Sea, has a couplet carved on the reef, which is to inject the intention of defending the country in the splashing waves.

It was also in the 1950s that our army set off a wave of cadres becoming soldiers. The founding general Xu Shiyou came to Shengsi Island, an outpost in the East China Sea, and became an ordinary soldier of a certain coastal defense company, leaving many good stories that everyone still talks about. At the same time, a sentence written by the general to the company when he was parting became an encouraging word for the officers and men to practice their skills in defending the sea frontier: "Keep your eyes wide open and defend the eastern gate of the motherland." ”

Between the ebb and flow of the tide, the officers and men changed from generation to generation, and the general's words were always the determination and oath of the company. Later, the younger generation of officers and soldiers gushed out a new idea: Wouldn't it be better to give the general's vigorous inscription a loud and vocal link, and to pass on a new biography from a veteran? After a hundred responses, between your words and my words, a pair of tigers and tigers appeared in the company-

His eyes widened, he defended the eastern gate of the motherland; he clenched his iron fist and asked with a smile who dared to make waves.

Horizontal batch: Weizhen Haijiang.

Without love for the motherland, there is no conviction to be determined to defend the border. Similarly, without the pursuit of the beauty of nature, there is no deep affection for the love of mountains and rivers. Between the many couplets seen at the border pass, the bottom of the pen is impassioned, and the elegant sentences and gentle words are used to observe the youthful beauty and heroic style of the new generation of border defense officers and men.

It is not an exaggeration to describe the station of the Inner Mongolia Yimu River Defense Company in terms of mountains and beautiful mountains and watery waters. This company, located at the top of the chicken crown of the motherland's territory, is backed by the Daxing'an Mountains and looks at the Erguna River, and the scenery is beautiful and romantic, needless to say. Due to a series of national policies on the protection of forests and the natural environment, there are no villages and towns and no residents in hundreds of miles, and young officers and soldiers are stationed here, so it is inevitable that there will be a bit of loneliness and desertion. However, they have made great achievements in this remote and difficult environment, and the many honors and recognitions they have received have amazed the author who went to the interview. But what I admire even more is their dedication to practicing the dream of a strong army in their indifference and prosperity, and their insistence on letting go of the elegance of youth away from the noise. The company's couplet was so well written—"

The songs of the mountains and rivers, the beauty of the territory, the past of the thousand autumns surging in the heart; the men fighting swords, the prosperity of the fortunes of the country, and the Weiwu scriptures singing the gale.

Horizontal batch: Righteous courage Dan heart.

There is no need to praise it with flowery words, but reading the chant carefully, the heart is always hot, because it not only contains the depth of the emotions of the shubian people, but also contains their spiritual aspirations to think and respond to the material world.

Van Gogh said: "In nature, I find feelings and souls everywhere. It is entirely possible to borrow this sentence to comment on the happy handwriting of border guards officers and men, and through every simple and sincere pair and every joint, we can discover and reconcile the feelings and hearts of the border guards in the new era.

The border stretched to the vast southern frontier and came under the jurisdiction of several neighboring provinces. At the junction of Guangxi and Yunnan, there is a large mountain that separates the two provinces of Guizhou and Yunnan at opposite ends of the mountain. The two companies were each encamped on a mountain and looked at each other from a distance. Although their names have changed several times, their superiors are different, and their affiliations are different, one thing is exactly the same - the mission and responsibility of defending the frontiers of the motherland.

Live day and night, fight side by side. In the ups and downs of defending the frontier for decades, they have become hot-blooded comrades-in-arms, iron brothers, and the best partners. When their superiors come to the company, they will definitely go to another company to see it; but whenever there is a new year's festival and celebration, the inter-provincial party is also standard... One after another, the higher authorities and the local people used to call them "brotherly companies"; the big mountain where they were stationed was also named "Brother Mountain".

The love crosses the mountains and the sea, and the youth is born together. In leisure, listen to the officers and soldiers singing and playing the piano, and those trendy and fashionable tunes flow endless romance in the side plug. However, there is an old song that has always been their favorite: "Comrades in arms are like brothers". Love is to be lyrical, so they wrote the rhyme in the song into the same couplet and pasted it on the mouths of the two companies.

Brothers and sisters under the mountain, blood is thicker than water and friendship, defending the frontier shoulder to shoulder; steel border defense steel soldiers, liver and gallbladder care for the mission is heavy, strong army march heart to heart.

Horizontal batch: comrades in arms and brothers.

The soul of Bian guan xiong is written in history

For nature, spring is a season. But for history, not all spring arrivals have been purely natural phenomena. The history of the frontier has always been a witness to the history of the country, and a pair of deputy spring leagues on the border defense line always integrate those vicissitudes and solemn histories into the mission of the soldiers through the sonorous rhythm of the spring.

"Zero Ding Yang Li Sigh Zero Ding", which is deeply embedded in the sad memory of the years, Wen Tianxiang's crying blood song of "leaving Dan's heart to take care of Sweat and Qing" has become a famous sentence for thousands of years with special values. The ship that escorted Wen Tianxiang that year passed by the foreign lingyang. In this sea, there is also a Neling Island.

In the troubled recent history, this rich and beautiful island has become an undefended place. After the British invaders invaded the island, they shamelessly used it as a base for drug dealers to collect and transport opium. Today, it has become a national nature reserve, but the border guards guarding the island have never forgotten the pain of erosion. On the door of the border post there is a couplet written decades ago, which everyone re-copied and posted every year, year after year, remembering and reminding future generations -

Sighing, the old garden wept blood, ashamed of the ancestors who opened up the wasteland and pioneered the land; love lingling, the country and mountains are picturesque, and the great cause of the nation is worthy of the iron wall.

Horizontal batch: Bao I river mountain.

On the day of landing on the island, the light rain was like tears, and the rain standing on the face in front of the couplet was hot. This is a couplet full of sadness and grandeur, but in full of indignation, it also writes down the fortitude of the soldiers, and this indomitable fortitude condenses dignity, and this high dignity contains the tenacity and strength tempered by history.

There is a movie called "Red River Valley", which tells the history of the British sending invading forces to invade Gyantse, Tibet, in order to "open the gates of Tibet" in 1904. "Red River Valley" is of course a fictional place name, but the battles such as the ancient castle and the Grand Canyon told in the film are historical truths. A "Monument to the Heroes of Mount Gyantse" standing in the snow and wind records the frontier defense battles in which the Tibetan military and people fought with their lives.

The history of snow white and blood red can be made into a movie to tell, but the iron hooves of the invaders can no longer trample on the snowy plateau. The Jiangzi Border Defense Company pasted such a pair of couplets on the side of the training ground, freely expressing the historical outlook of the new generation of border soldiers --

A "Red River Valley" uses sound and light images to record the hundred years of invaders' butcher knives running rampant and falsely claiming that "the sun will not set"; a "Zongshan Fort", swearing with guns and guns, today's Shubian people wear a strong and sharp bow to "shoot the wolf".

Horizontal batch: Snow Song.

Of course, through the tunnel of time and historical scenes, the majestic border pass leaves not only the echo of sadness, but also the fierce shouts of grandeur.

At the beginning of the 19th century, British imperialists seized the Katama area of the Nu River in Yunnan Province in an attempt to incorporate nearly 100,000 square kilometers of land from the Gaoligong Mountain Range into their colonial territory. However, the local garrison army and the people of all ethnic groups fought against the invaders for decades with rudimentary weapons, and finally regained the homeland reclaimed by their ancestors.

After the founding of New China, at the Gaoligong Mountain Pass, which can be called a "military relic," the border defense unit of our army dispatched a platoon town to guard this perennially stormy border pass, and the officers and men of the shu border created and continued to write new glory with loyalty and bravery. In 1963, the Ministry of National Defense awarded them the honorary title of "Steel Outpost - Wind and Snow Yakou Platoon". On the snowy night of Chinese New Year's Eve that year, the story of Premier Zhou Enlai personally calling the outpost to pay respects to the New Year has become the eternal pride of the border guards.

Of course, such a post must have its own couplet, and how can reading such a couplet not make people shudder-

Brave, loyal, brave, katama Yakou swore to die to resist the enemy heroes for eternity; not afraid of hardship, not afraid of danger, good soldiers of steel outposts are determined to take root in the wind and snow frontier of national defense.

Yokozuna: Good mountains, good water, good boys.

Since the couplet is a work that suits the time, the couplets of the outposts in the southeast, south, and northwest of the border defense line are naturally also a hundred flowers and a thousand flowers, each showing a regional style. But there was one thing that was surprisingly consistent--all the couplets could not see a little bit of Chu Zexing's sadness and sorrow, a trace of lonely groaning and complaining.

An old border guard laughed and solved the problem: There is a military saying called "Soldiers and Geography", the border passer, sharp blade and strong armor according to the pass, high wall to build a fortification to strangle the place of Xiongguan. Only the "broken line" of the iron plate copper lute and the "full river red" that roars in the sky are worthy of this side of the fortress.

There is a border defense company stationed in Yili, Xinjiang, in the "place where soldiers must fight since ancient times", and its name gives people a sense of "crossing" - the Yellow Flag Horse Team. The outpost, which was named more than 130 years ago, is still an important point on large-scale military maps. At that time, a horse team of the Yellow Banner in the Eight Banners of the Qing Dynasty camped here, hence the name. The positive yellow flag belongs to the nobles of the eight flags, which shows the importance of this section of the border. Today, the border guard forces continue the name of this century-old outpost, called the Yellow Flag Horse Team Border Guard Company.

Climbing the remaining beacon tower and the lookout ruins, the left side of the outpost is a vast desert, and the right side is a vast reed. Riding on the company's new type of border patrol car all the way to the smoke and dust, thinking about the past and the vicissitudes of the fortress, thousands of emotions do not know where to start. When I return to the company, I read that when the door is a couplet, I will express my chest directly——

A hundred years old sentinel, the horse team's majestic history is history; thousands of miles and strong passes, the wheels are sharp and cannot be a strong army to solidify the new chapter.

Horizontal batch: Mountain and River Spirit.

Sword plough and ming write mountains and rivers

"I am a colored pen in my dreams, and I want to send books and flowers and leaves to the clouds." The magnificent rivers and mountains of the motherland and the splendid countryside of the hometown, especially the ever-changing changes brought about by reform and opening up to the frontier areas of "rich and beautiful" and "strong and prosperous", have made border defense officers and men rush with passion and inspiration in writing in the shadows of time and space. The deep love for the motherland and the deep love for the mountains and rivers of the homeland have become the background color of the spring charm when they write together.

Green feelings come early in spring. On the Lancang River on the border of Yunnan, a state-level hydropower station stands majestically between the majestic Grand Canyons. There is a well-known name here - Nao Za Du. In the local Lahu language, "Nuozha" means hero. In the eyes of the Lahu masses, the builders and guardians of the power station are heroes.

For the guards of the power station, the officers and men of a squadron of the armed police, in this position without smoke and guns, more often they are unsung heroes who are silently dedicated. But they know that guarding the green waters and green mountains under their feet is to create the golden mountains and silver mountains, including the frontier land of the Lancang River Basin, which has historically bid farewell to the absolute poverty that has lasted for thousands of years. Among them, there is the contribution of the power station guardians.

Therefore, when the Yunshui Panhuan passed a strong sense of spring, the door of the dam's duty post posted the first link of the New Year ——

In the past, over the past thousand years, a river of clear water and a string of pearls are bright and send wealthy, get rid of poverty and become well-off; high gorges come out of Ping Lake, a dam and a group of soldiers sacrifice border passes for generations of youth, loyally casting steel guns.

Horizontal batch: Shanshui Guardian.

For this couplet full of sunshine and brightness, it is completely possible not to hesitate to praise, the battle is neat, the level is coordinated, and more cleverly, the upper and lower links begin with the poet's poems borrowed, becoming the finishing touch of the whole union.

When the good news of the comprehensive victory in the mainland's battle against poverty came like a spring breeze, reading this link was even more enlightened that "autumn water articles do not stick to dust." Due to environmental protection requirements for rivers and hydropower stations, the area around the dam reservoir is quite closed, and the officers and soldiers always laugh at themselves as "living in seclusion in the mountains and rivers." However, the sense of mission in the development of the motherland's rich and strong frontiers has filtered out the impurities of various emotions of officers and men. The "Guardians of The Landscape and Water" of the Lianheng Criticism is the finishing touch, and the strings and songs measure the noble feelings of the young soldiers who are rich and strong.

The Zhushan Port of Guangxi Border Defense is known as the "End of China" – China's land border and coastline, both starting in Sri Lanka and ending in Si. In 1890, the rulers of the time signed a "boundary treaty" with foreign officials and erected a monument here. Numbered sequentially, it becomes the place where the "No. 1 Boundary Monument" stands.

The unbearable memories left by the century-old dappled boundary monument are all in the past. Today, the former reed beach has become a busy harbor pier, the golden passage from the great southwest to Southeast Asia has set sail; the ancient boundary monuments, the zero-kilometer starting point of the highway, the estuary of the Beilun River and other landscapes are all bustling tourists "punching in".

The couplets written by the officers and men of the outposts stationed here have oceans and land, history and reality, heroic courage and style-

Half is seawater and half land, but see the No. 1 boundary monument of Haitao Road Haohao to witness the rise and fall of a hundred years; one shoulder is strong and one shoulder is rich, and listening to the wind and the flag fluttering for thousands of miles border defense write a thousand autumn grand events.

Horizontal batch: the sea and the sky are the same color.

All stories are not the stories of time, and the Shubian people are not only the protagonists of the epic poems of the thousand-year frontier, but also the record writers of historical storms.

"The sword does not fall, and the bow is more than bright." A red land on the frontier of Yunnan is a battlefield for many soldiers to defend the frontier. Today, the thunderfield of the past has become a fertile land with fragrant rice and a bustling market full of people.

Those border guards who witnessed, participated in, and created this history of war and peace are the most qualified to comment on the history of the development of border customs with swords and ploughs and whistles. The spring breeze blows on the border pass, and the sun and the moon continue. In the old mountain border defense company in Malipo, the soldiers waved every wave to welcome the spring and collected the smoke and iron blood of the gunpowder -

He is afraid of the thunder field between life and death, the battlefield pride I recommend Xuanyuan with my blood; I only wish that the mountains and rivers are quiet and beautiful, and the border passes are happy to see the rice and the thousand waves.

Horizontal batch: strong border enrichment.

Has been the body and mind reward community, the country and mountains magnificent poetry pen. Compared with many name-to-name joint sentences, the border guard post is a pair of spring leagues, simple as wheat, and the true color is like the land, which is really just some anonymous works. However, written among the spring breeze and willows of the motherland, engraved on the gate of the border and the country, the loyal heart and clear love contained in the spring union of the border guards are not the works of the world and the great beauty of the union?!

(Photo by Chen Wubin, Liu Xiaodong, Qiao Yufei, Feng Yakun, Zhang Zixuan, Xu Jianning, Xue Hao, Fan Chao, Mei Zhifeng, Hu Yonghua, Li Rongrong Author: Zheng Shuyan)