
AERENEY underwear dry goods | you don't know the underwear maintenance tips

author:Butterfly Hall Culture
AERENEY underwear dry goods | you don't know the underwear maintenance tips

(Source: Visual China)

Under the wave of the rise of "her economy", women's economic strength has gradually improved, women are more pursuing exquisite and healthy quality of life, and underwear as our second skin, underwear as an indispensable intimate clothing for girls, than other clothes closer to our breasts, maintenance of underwear is equivalent to better protection of our breasts.

AERENEY underwear dry goods | you don't know the underwear maintenance tips

【How to judge the deformation of underwear】

Generally, the shoulder straps of underwear have a certain elasticity, and if they are deformed or machine washed for too long, they will become like cloth strips, with no elasticity to speak of, and even unable to adjust.

Normal underwear flanks are usually flat and smooth, while deformed underwear flanks often have mesh wrinkles on the flanks and carnelian arches in the flanks.

Normal underwear cup roundness is full of integrity. Deformed underwear cups usually appear: cup folds, chicken heart upturned, steel ring bending deformation, bottom circumference loose, uneven distribution of sponges in the cup and even bulging and other problems.

AERENEY underwear dry goods | you don't know the underwear maintenance tips

【How to clean and maintain】

Machine washing is easy to deform and lose elasticity of underwear, and it is also easy to hook and break the lace of underwear. It is best to hand wash in warm water and gently wring it out. Avoid co-washing with outerwear to prevent staining and uncleanness. Special underwear cleaning fluid should be used for cleaning. If it can only be machine washed, it is best to put it in the net pocket to wash, and the time should not be too long.

First of all, use a dry towel to absorb the moisture on the underwear, and do not use your hands to wring it out, otherwise it will deform the underwear badly. When drying underwear, it is best to clip the underwear upside down, and if there is no clothes clip, you can also dry the underwear folding.

AERENEY underwear dry goods | you don't know the underwear maintenance tips

(Source Network)

It is recommended to choose a separate space, drawer or box to avoid deformation and damage, and place the bra from thin to thick from the outside to the inside. In order to ensure the dryness of the storage environment, don't forget to put some dehumidifiers or desiccants, but don't put mothballs, which will make the lining and rubber tendons lose their elasticity.

note! If it is underwear with a steel rim, be sure to put it flat and not fold it. Two cups stand in parallel and upright, with the shoulder straps placed inside the cups.

AERENEY underwear dry goods | you don't know the underwear maintenance tips

【What to do if your underwear is slightly yellow】

For slightly yellowed underwear, you can soak it in 3% medical hydrogen peroxide for half an hour, and be sure to wash it with clean water after removal.

Add a little vinegar when washing, because the yellowing of light or white underwear is likely to be caused by our sweat, and adding a little vinegar can play a neutralizing role.

AERENEY underwear dry goods | you don't know the underwear maintenance tips

【What should I do if the light underwear is dyed】

Prepare a basin of brine, sprinkle some salt on the dyeing place, soak the dyed underwear in the basin, gently rub, the salt water itself has a fixed effect on the color of the clothes, and the dyeing part is not the original color of the clothes, and can naturally be washed off.

Washing underwear with Taomi water also has a magical color fixing effect, and can also prevent the problem of yellowing underwear to a certain extent. Of course, for the situation that is not very serious, it is recommended that if the dyeing is serious, try not to wear it, which is harmful to the body.

AERENEY underwear dry goods | you don't know the underwear maintenance tips

【How to special cleaning of lace underwear】

Do not use concentrated laundry detergent, bleach and other cleaning agents that are more harmful to the cloth, which will affect the stability and vividness of the lace color. It is recommended to use a soft soap or a cleaner specifically for cleaning delicate textiles when cleaning,

Try to choose a smoother basin, do not go to a rough place to wash, or spread a towel, wash and then fish it up to prevent the lace on the bra from being accidentally broken.

Wrap the washed wet lace underwear bra in a towel, absorb its moisture, and finally, lay it flat on the table or dry it naturally according to the previous method. Do not take it directly to the sun, lace will quickly harden and lose color.

AERENEY underwear dry goods | you don't know the underwear maintenance tips

(Love and Heart I Midsummer Love Series)

AERENEY has given you all the secrets! No more worry about how to maintain lace underwear ~ finally! For the girls to provide long-lasting washing without deformation of high-value sexy underwear - light, thin and transparent crystal cup, the brand chooses a material of nickel-titanium memory soft steel ring, the elasticity is 8 times that of ordinary steel ring.

AND! Midsummer is a carnival of desire for life, and this series has three products, including: crystal cup, shell cup and boxer pants. Meet you all!

This article is the original manuscript of "Butterfly Hall"

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