
Great! Sebel saves the ball directly in front of the court to become an assist Maxi made a layup and scored the game directly to the end

Great! Sebel saves the ball directly in front of the court to become an assist Maxi made a layup and scored the game directly to the end

Live Bar Feb. 1, 2019 The 76ers narrowly beat the Grizzlies in overtime, and in the final moments of the game, Maxi and Sable teamed up to seal the win.

In the last minute, Maxi went to the basket to overtake 1 point, and in the last 17.3 seconds, the Grizzlies had the ball, Sebel defended Morant, who passed the team to the teammates to miss three points, and in the chaotic battle, Sepble flew out of the bottom line to save the ball, and the result was directly near the midfield, Maximi understood that he would catch the ball and quickly counterattack to the basket, the ball was lit up, and the game ended directly.


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