
Precious Memories 13


Today, I cooked turtle soup for my parents. Wild turtle is specially bought for our father's body, the soup put a lot of health materials, the taste has been recognized by them, especially because the father is particularly sensitive to the taste of illness, can get his affirmation, give me a lot of encouragement, after all, it is my first time to cook turtle soup. My mother told me to drink the soup, and I only took a small sip, wow, the taste is really not to say! What I brought back from thousands of miles away was originally prepared for the second elder, so let's leave it for them to drink. Mom drank two bowls in one gulp, not bad! Replenish vitality, leverage.

In the afternoon, change the old bedspread into a nursing mat and 2 small pot bottom waterproof mats. Staying at home, you always have to find something to do for yourself.

At dusk, my father called my mother in bed, and my mother trotted all the way to the head of the bed barefoot. Oh my God, it's amazing how fast she can be. I hurried to send her shoes, this big winter, how to do with the cold, hey! Father is all mother, handsome father, hehe! Gu said that Hubei is a beautiful man, indeed Ha.

Precious Memories 13