
"Contemporary art figures" Chinese painting, there are beauty through the ages, there is beauty immersed in the world

Text/Feng Haitao Landscape Painting/Xiao Daping

Chinese painting, there is beauty through the ages, there is beauty in the world, Hoer! Because there is beauty to follow the path, there is beauty to the way to the present world. The Dao, the source of the Tao, the Tao of the present world is also popular! Therefore, the world is beautiful, and there are generations of people, and there are, only in the present! Beauty, avenue also! What is avenue? One culture also! One naturally too! One self-cultivation also! There is no accumulation of culture, no teacher law nature, no ancient, no reading, no red dust experience, the painter paints as rootless water! It's like smoothing out! Even if you can learn the beauty that is pleasing to the world! It cannot convey the future generations, but can only be short-lived.

"Contemporary art figures" Chinese painting, there are beauty through the ages, there is beauty immersed in the world

Xiao Daping's works

Nowadays, there are many people who practice painting. It can be said that a hundred flowers are blooming. However, most of them are speculators, using bright colors and special materials to create cool effects. Due to the development of science and technology, the pace of life has become faster and faster, and the rapid sensory stimulation has become the first visual choice of fast food culture. This led to the emergence of popular culture and spread rapidly. It also makes the elegant art with cultural precipitation no longer pleasing to the world. "Beauty" has also been controversial because of this!

"Contemporary art figures" Chinese painting, there are beauty through the ages, there is beauty immersed in the world

Beauty is defined, from good. Explanation of the text: Good, Yoshiya. From the chant, from the sheep. This is agreed with Yoshimi. Therefore, the change of beauty is the change of good. And, the good, the character, the morality, the literacy also! It has been defined since ancient times, people stand in the world, and the norms of practice are also immobile! Therefore, the beauty of the way, from the good to the good has been passed down through the ages! However, the popular, not good deeds, only visual pleasure, visual pleasure for immediacy, difficult to last. Therefore, it can only be like a flash in the pan and cannot be passed down through the ages.

"Contemporary art figures" Chinese painting, there are beauty through the ages, there is beauty immersed in the world

Only by knowing beauty and being good can we follow the road and draw classics that have been passed down from generation to generation. And those who do not know beauty for good, partial doors also! The paintings, no matter how visually gorgeous, attract the eye. The qi rhyme left behind is evil also! It should not be hung at home, nor should it be a collection. Because, evil qi invades, and it is also sick! Only beauty can be passed down through the ages, can be hung in the home, can be collected. Because, good deeds at home, good deeds in the body, great virtue also!

"Contemporary art figures" Chinese painting, there are beauty through the ages, there is beauty immersed in the world

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