
Single men and women new year, how a message to block bear relatives

author:Phase of the New Era
Single men and women new year, how a message to block bear relatives


Yesterday in the reader group saw someone sent the following screenshot, I don't know if it is true or not, but it was really poked.

Single men and women new year, how a message to block bear relatives

In the past, we were very annoyed that our parents, relatives, and neighbors asked questions about the east and west, forcing us to report on love and work.

Now the family seems to be "self-conscious", because the bear relatives ask east and west to block them.

Instead, there is less nagging and finger-pointing, and more understanding, heartache, and even support.

In the past, many people did not want to go home for the New Year, and now many people want to go back but cannot go back.

If you want to listen to your family's nagging and talk about this year's experience, it is difficult to have a chance.

Whether or not you're home this year, we'd like to ask you to participate in this little thing:

Take the initiative to report to your family how your year has been.

Tell your grandparents that you are in love, report to your parents that you have changed jobs, and even eat and snow, you can talk to them.

Today, I just want to remind you —

All the instability you encounter in your life can eventually find the reassurance you need most in your family, which is evidence that you are loved.

Single men and women new year, how a message to block bear relatives


@Big Goose Goose

In the past, when I went home for the New Year, as long as my family mentioned "blind date" and "finding a partner", I immediately walked away.

But this year I took the initiative to report and turned passive into active.

For example, yesterday, I frantically complained to them about how unreliable the object that my aunt introduced to me.

I live in Haidian, Beijing, and the boy lives in Tongzhou, Beijing.

My grandmother didn't understand: How far can we all be in Beijing?

So I showed them this picture, and the united front was smooth.

Single men and women new year, how a message to block bear relatives

It is not too much to say that this is a long-distance relationship, and then the war shifted to my sister-in-law.

It seems that the marriage crisis is not a "completely irreconcilable" year-end family conflict.


@Sugar Pinker

My mom, a woman who was only interested in my gossip, especially wanted me to fall in love quickly.

Simply talk to her about my "rotten peach blossoms", such as the work contact of the sea king, to satisfy her flood of gossip.

Even took the initiative to test her bottom line -

Me: Can you accept that I am pregnant before marriage?

Her: Yes.

Me: Can you accept my flash marriage?

Me: Find a poor condition, live in our house, can you accept it?

After saying that, she smiled and said, "As long as you can see it, I have no problem." ”

Single men and women new year, how a message to block bear relatives



I would take the initiative to talk to my mom about work.

I could tell she was trying very hard to understand what my job was all about.

Under my "tuning", she has fully understood -

Copywriting = Writing Weibo

Connecting artists = communicating with star assistants

bd (business development) = go social with customers

Touching the fish = deserting at work

She will now ask me directly: Is it good for artists to communicate? Can you finish PPT today?

I usually say it's okay, she will immediately praise me without any position: "Why are you so powerful, if I don't know how to do it." ”

Sometimes she also asks me if I want APT to see it and help me correct my mistakes.

Single men and women new year, how a message to block bear relatives


@Milk Cat

A while ago, because of the menstrual holiday, the work was not finished, and I stayed overtime at night.

On the holiday that day, my colleagues left early, and I was the only one left in the company.

I was a little scared and gave my parents a video.

We didn't really talk much, they just watched me work on video.

Dad suddenly said to Mom:

The girls who work hard are really beautiful, they are all glowing, and the youth is young and full of spirit.

At that time, it hit me, and suddenly I loved my father.


@ A fish

After I decided to go abroad in June this year, I reported to my grandmother.

A few days ago, in the middle of the night, she suddenly called me in tears and begged me not to go abroad.

Single men and women new year, how a message to block bear relatives

Her exact words were:

"I thought about it for days and couldn't sleep.

Although you are also drifting around In Beijing and Shanghai, as long as you are in China, at least we are at ease.

But if you go abroad, it is called every day and the earth should not be called the earth, who will help you if you are sick? You can't go abroad anyway. ”

In order to make her not worry too much, I said I would think again.

Recently, I tried to pick out gifts and make her old man happy for the New Year.

Single men and women new year, how a message to block bear relatives


@Danny Total

My grandfather was a senior engineer, but he still uses the old man's machine.

It is the more old-fashioned type of old-fashioned among the elderly.

The first thing he said when he came home and saw me was: Do you think your hair looks good?

Me: I like it very much, Grandpa, you also try, this black you dye now is too stiff.

Then he would fall into a long silence.

Single men and women new year, how a message to block bear relatives

After that, I also took the initiative to report to him: I changed jobs and went to a game company.

My Grandpa: Huh? Play games every day? Can that also be a company?

Anyway, he felt that I was in Beijing, not doing my job all day, and my hair was like that.

If nothing else, let's just say, is there a problem with this kind of hair going home?


@It's water

This winter, for the first time in my life, I volunteered to report to my mother that I was wearing autumn pants.

Maybe it's because I'm older.

She was relieved.

My mom is also very polite.

I took the initiative to tell me that she did not even engage in "pickles" this winter, and she was seriously living a "low-salt life".

I'm relieved.

PS: Her thyroid has not been very good, she didn't listen to anything before, and she ate several jars of pickled pickles every winter.



I was in Chengdu for a hair transplant a few years ago, and I never dared to tell my parents.

Afraid they don't agree & nag & say I'm spending money haphazardly.

Single men and women new year, how a message to block bear relatives

Just after doing it, I lay down for 5 days and it hurt.

His head swollen several times, and he only showed half of his face in the video with his parents.

When I came home for the New Year, I honestly explained the whole process of hair transplantation, but I didn't expect that they didn't have any "blame".

Mom is still a little distressed: No one pours water for you, right? Why did you eat?

Finally, the sentence: This bitterness is not in vain, your head is big, and the brain gate has more hair to look better.


@All the time

This year, I didn't go home, hoarded a bunch of New Year goods, and my dad and I showed some of the results of the New Year goods:

Single men and women new year, how a message to block bear relatives

A few days later, I received an overweight courier, and my parents SF rushed me a pile of food.

It was so heavy that I couldn't move it alone.

It's full of my favorite croquettes, fried potatoes, fried tofu, large pieces of roast meat, fried striped fish, lakba garlic...

The courier fee is estimated to be more expensive than these foods.



Near home, I sent these two pictures to my parents -

A green code: Rest assured, I'm safe! green!

A bank card balance: payroll, this year I sent red envelopes to my parents!

Single men and women new year, how a message to block bear relatives


@ Pickup

Xiao Chinese New Year's Eve, and I sent some "demo version Chinese New Year's Eve rice" to the family group.

Single men and women new year, how a message to block bear relatives

My eldest aunt and fourth uncle solitaire said that the person who married me was blessed.

In fact, I regret it after sending it, how did it involve my marital status?

But in the end, the aunt's original words are super cute:

"The person who married you is too blessed (not to urge marriage)."

Go home quickly, aunt will make everything for you to eat. ”

【Write at the end】

Reader @元迟 & Bridge said that this semester is over and has not yet taken the initiative to call his parents.

When I videotaped my parents, my mother said, "If you don't call me again, I'll forget what you look like." ”

This sentence touched me.

In fact, when you take the initiative to share your life with your family, communicate equally without any stereotypes.

You will find that the gap between us and our families is disappearing at an unprecedented rate.

They are very cute and alive, curious and will be adoring you unconditionally.

We also need these seemingly useless "cares" to hedge against mechanical life for a short time.

In the end, you will rely on your friends as much as you would on them.

Written by: Water Ice Moon

Editor-in-charge: Yuan Sandian

Single men and women new year, how a message to block bear relatives

Vespers Hours:

Single men and women new year, how a message to block bear relatives
Single men and women new year, how a message to block bear relatives

Tomorrow the day after tomorrow

Also wish you meet

Good relatives with a sense of proportion
