
Live in a new house, roll up your sleeves and work hard

author:Shanxi News Network

Fuhu celebrates the New Year, Nongyin greets the Spring Festival, and it is another year Chinese New Year's Eve.

On the afternoon of January 31, the reporter came to Feng Nanyuan Village in Huozhou City again, only to see every household with lights and joy everywhere.

The snow on the loess mound has not yet melted, and the distance is white. The weather was very cold, and the fire in the red soldier's house of the villager division was very warm. "Live in a new house, spend the New Year, double happiness at the door." I feel very satisfied, and I am not afraid of any great difficulties in the future, and I have the strength to continue to break through, thanking the party and the government. Shi Hongbing had a smile on his face.

A heavy rainfall in the fall of 2021 caused the collapse of the 4-hole brick kiln of the Red Soldier's house. With the help of the party and the government and all sectors of society, he quickly built 2 new houses on the original site and moved in on the eve of New Year's Day in 2022.

The new house was clean and sturdy, and the Shi Hongbing family was smiling happily. His wife, Zhu Haidan, was a young steamed bun, only to see her wearing a red embroidered cotton jacket, wearing an apron, and her hands dancing flexibly in front of the board. Different shapes of steamed buns are placed, step by step, ruyi jujube flowers, financial resources, healthy rabbits, fish every year... She said she would squeeze all the best wishes into the Bun.

The kitchen smelled of chives and lard, and when I opened the curtain and walked in, the house was steaming. The eldest son, Shi Yaping, is boiling the soup of Huozhou wonton noodles, and on the table are freshly fried tofu, twist flowers, balls, and a handful of green leeks. Shi Hongbing said: "Huozhou people Chinese New Year's Eve have a tradition of eating wonton noodles, noodles can not be eaten, to leave a little, indicating that the end of the year and the beginning of the year are connected, implying that the family is happy continuously." ”

Boom boom boom... On the other side, the second daughter-in-law Wang Hong chopped the lotus vegetables into small cubes, put them in a large basin, and then added some diced leeks, sausage diced sausages and crushed eggs, skillfully adjusted the dumpling filling, and the whole family gathered together to start wrapping dumplings.

"Grandpa, do you see this image of my bag not like Yuanbao?" Shi Ruikai, an 8-year-old grandson, held up the dough in his hand. A burst of laughter filled the clear living room, and it was full of joy. With a click, granddaughter Shi Jingyue used her mobile phone to record the moment of a good life for the family.

In the past few days, the small Feng Nanyuan village has been continuously crowded. The first small supermarket in the village opened its doors, and an agreement was signed with Yongan Property Company, and security guards and cleaning personnel have been put on duty. Shi Hongbing's family alone has applied for two business licenses. Huozhou City applied for the first business license after the post-disaster reconstruction of the village for Shi Hongbing's second son, and opened a steamed bun processing enterprise; the eldest son, Shi Yaping, had a chef's skill and ran a business license for the farm. Now the whole family is busy sourcing large and small bags of ingredients.

"General Secretary Xi Jinping encouraged everyone to rebuild a beautiful home with diligent hands and create a happy life with unremitting struggle, and I feel full of energy." In the New Year, Shi Yaping rolled up his sleeves, raced against the clock, and said he would do it. In a vacant lot in the courtyard, a red simple shed has been set up, and 4 sets of tables and chairs have been placed underneath, cooking utensils, large iron pots, tableware, spices and so on.

"It opens on the first day of the first lunar month." Shi Yaping folded his chef's overalls neatly and confidently looked forward to a better tomorrow.

A glass of wine under the belly of the New Year arrived. The sky was already dark, and through the bright windows, the whole family of Shi Hongbing, young and old, gathered together, frequently raised a glass, blessings continued, and laughter echoed in the night sky of the small mountain village.

Guo Yuqin, a reporter of this newspaper

(Editor-in-charge: Wen Wen, Ma Yunmei)