
The Spring Festival is approaching, and the necessary disinfection of the family is indispensable

author:Linxia County Rong Media Center

Every Spring Festival, every household is cleaned up. Recently, due to the repeated epidemic situations across the country and the frequent flow of personnel, the necessary disinfection of households is indispensable.

Low-risk areas

Daily cleaning and hygiene are indispensable, and garbage is collected in time without overnight.

Regular ventilation in the room is critical. Open the window for ventilation in the morning, middle and evening, each time in 15 to 30 minutes.

If you must use disinfectants, you can choose a household disinfectant, according to the instructions at the lowest

Dilute with disinfectant concentration ratio, soak mop and rag to wipe the bathroom, kitchen floor, door handles, switches, faucets and other high-frequency contact surfaces. Wipe again with clean water after 30 minutes of use of the disinfectant.

The Spring Festival is approaching, and the necessary disinfection of the family is indispensable

Medium- and high-risk areas

If you are in a medium- to high-risk area, or if you have someone in home isolation or have been in contact with a suspected patient, you need to strictly disinfect it.

It is recommended to use chlorine disinfectants or alcohol-containing disinfectant wipes: cleaning and disinfecting high-frequency tables that family members often touch: door handles, switches, faucets, etc.;

Wipe bathroom and toilet floors and contact surfaces every day to increase the frequency of ventilation;

Food and beverage utensils: Use an environmentally friendly and effective boiling method for 30 minutes or a household disinfection machine


Refrigerator: remove the contents, power off, open for about 2 hours to restore to room temperature, spray the inner surface and the inside and outside of the drawer with alcohol-containing disinfectant wipes or 75% alcohol, wipe 2-3 times, ventilate and dry and then activate;

Regular washing of laundry in a washing machine, it is best to raise the water temperature to the temperature tolerated by the clothes, and then dry or dry at high temperatures;

Wear disposable medical gloves and masks to clean and touch surfaces, clothing, and bedding contaminated by the secretions of close contacts.

The Spring Festival is approaching, and the necessary disinfection of the family is indispensable

Other matters

Pets (cats, dogs) at home also try to go out as little as possible, walk the cat and walk the dog home from the outside after the cat, dog's paws, feet after disinfecting wipes wipes, wash their hands can be.

After disinfecting your hands with hand sanitizer, do not eat or touch food immediately, and wait until your hands are dry before eating.

Avoid disinfectant residue within your baby's reach.

Usually, the food is washed, cut, and stored, and the raw and cooked are separated.

It should be noted that although disinfection is one of the effective ways to block the spread of the virus, unreasonable disinfection methods not only do not play a role in killing the virus, but may cause harm to the body or the environment.

Source: Gansu Provincial Center for Disease Control and Prevention