
From next month! "Bozhou City Dog Management Measures" is coming!

author:Bozhou released
From next month! "Bozhou City Dog Management Measures" is coming!

Bozhou City Dog Management Measures

Already December 27, 2021

Adopted at the 221st executive meeting of the municipal government

It is hereby announced

Effective as of February 1, 2022

The details are as follows


From next month! "Bozhou City Dog Management Measures" is coming!

Bozhou City Dog Management Measures


Chapter I General Provisions

Chapter II: Dog Immunization and Registration

Chapter III: Dog Breeding Code of Conduct

Chapter IV: Dog Adoption and Adoption

Chapter V: Diagnosis and Treatment and Management of Dogs

Chapter VI: Legal Liability

Chapter VII Supplementary Provisions

Chapter I General Provisions

Article 1: In order to strengthen the management of dog breeding, standardize dog breeding behavior, ensure citizens' health and personal safety, maintain urban appearance and environmental sanitation, and public order. These Measures are formulated in accordance with relevant laws and regulations and in combination with the actual conditions of this Municipality.

Article 2: These Measures apply to the immunization, registration, breeding, sheltering, operation, and related management activities of dogs within the administrative region of this Municipality.

The management of military and police dogs, as well as dogs for specific purposes in zoos, scientific research institutions and other units, shall be carried out in accordance with the relevant provisions of the State.

Article 3: The management of dog breeding implements the principle of combining self-discipline of dog owners, government supervision, participation of grass-roots and social organizations, and public supervision.

Article 4: The people's governments of cities and counties (districts), the management committees of Bozhou High-tech Zones, and the management committees of the Miwu Modern Industrial Park shall strengthen their leadership in establishing a coordination mechanism for the management of dog breeding, and regard the management of dog breeding as an important part of the creation of a civilized city and the comprehensive management of society. The people's governments of counties (districts), the management committees of Bozhou High-tech Zones, and the management committees of the Wuwu Modern Industrial Park shall establish a joint law enforcement mechanism for dog management with the participation of public security, urban management, agriculture and rural areas, and other departments, and carry out routine inspection work to promptly discover and investigate and deal with illegal dog breeding.

Township and town people's governments and subdistrict offices shall implement territorial management duties and cooperate with relevant departments to do a good job in dog breeding management.

The public security organs are the competent departments for the management of dog breeding in this municipality, and are responsible for organizing the registration of dogs and the issuance of dog tags. Investigate and deal with illegal acts such as raising dogs to interfere with the lives of others and allowing dogs to intimidate others in accordance with the law; organize the hunting and killing of rabid dogs; and investigate and deal with the illegal breeding of prohibited dogs. The urban management department is responsible for investigating and punishing violations of laws and regulations such as the impact of dog breeding on urban environmental health in accordance with the law. The agricultural and rural departments are responsible for the vaccine immunization monitoring of canine rabies, the review and licensing of dog diagnosis and treatment institutions and the supervision of the issuance of dog immunization certificates. Departments such as market supervision and management, health and health, housing and urban-rural construction, natural resources and planning, and finance shall do a good job in dog management in accordance with their respective responsibilities.

Article 6: Village (resident) committees, owners' committees, and property service enterprises shall assist relevant departments in carrying out dog breeding management work, promptly discourage and stop illegal dog breeding, and report the relevant situation to the competent department for dog breeding.

Article 7: Media at all levels in the municipality shall carry out publicity activities on lawful dog breeding, civilized dog breeding, and rabies prevention and treatment through radio, television, newspapers, new media, and other forms.

Article 8: Dog breeders shall raise dogs in accordance with law and in a civilized manner, and must not harm the societal public interest or the lawful rights and interests of others.

Article 9: Any unit or individual has the right to dissuade, complain or report illegal dog breeding. After public security, urban management, market supervision, agriculture and rural areas, and other such departments receive complaints and reports, they shall promptly handle them and promptly feedback on the handling situation.

Article 10: The municipal maintenance management shall be carried out in accordance with the general management area and the key management area. The scope of the key management area of the main urban area is set up as a closed area formed south of the North Outer Ring Road, east of Gujing Avenue, north of Bowu Avenue, and west of Mulan Avenue, and the section of the northern section of Mulan Avenue is bounded by the Beijing-Kowloon Railway. Areas other than the key management areas are general management areas. The key management areas of Woyang County, Mengcheng County, and Lixin County shall be determined by the people's governments of each county and announced to the public. Municipal and county (district) people's governments may, as actually necessary, make adjustments to the key management areas provided for in the preceding paragraph, and announce them to the public.

Article 11: In general management areas, dog breeders shall abide by the relevant provisions of the State when raising dogs.

Article 12: Where individuals keep dogs in key management areas, each household must not exceed two (except for newborn puppies within three months).

The breeding, breeding, and sale of prohibited dogs is prohibited in key management areas, and the standards and breeds of prohibited dogs are to be determined by the public security organs in conjunction with the agricultural and rural departments, and announced to the public.

Article 13: Dog breeders in key management areas shall send their dogs to a qualified animal diagnosis and treatment institution for rabies immunization when they have been born for three months or the immunization interval expires, and obtain a dog immunization certificate.

Article 14: Applications for dog breeding in key management areas shall, within 20 days of obtaining the immunization certificate, bring the dog to the place designated by the public security organ to handle dog registration.

Article 15: Individual dog breeding in key management areas shall meet the following conditions:

(1) Have a household registration in this municipality or hold a residence permit in this municipality;

(2) Have full capacity for civil conduct;

(3) having a fixed residence and living in a single household;

(4) Other requirements provided for by laws and regulations.

Individuals applying for dog ownership shall submit the following materials:

(1) Proof of the identity of the dog owner;

(2) Dog immunization certificate;

(3) Proof of real property rights or proof of housing lease;

(4) A recent frontal photograph of the dog's full body;

(5) Description of dog breeds;

(6) Other materials provided for by laws and regulations.

Article 16: In key management areas, unit maintenance shall meet the following conditions:

(1) There is a need for escort work;

(2) Have a sound dog management system;

(3) Have a special personnel to guard the dogs;

(4) Have captive facilities such as kennels, kennels or fences, as well as dog breeding signs;

(5) Other requirements provided for by laws and regulations.

Units applying for dog ownership shall submit the following materials:

(1) Proof of the qualifications of the entity subject of the unit and proof of the identity of its legal representative;

(3) A list of dog breeds and quantities;

(4) Relevant materials that meet the requirements provided for in the first paragraph of this article;

(5) A recent frontal photograph of the dog's full body;

Article 17: Public security organs shall make a decision on whether to approve registration within 10 working days of receiving an application for dog breeding. Where the conditions are met, they shall be registered and a dog registration certificate and a dog identification shall be issued; if they do not meet the conditions, they shall not be registered and the reasons shall be explained in writing, and the applicant shall be informed that the dogs shall be disposed of or handed over to the dog shelter within 10 days.

Article 18: Public security organs and agricultural and rural departments shall provide convenient services for dog registration and dog immunization, and gradually realize that dog registration and dog immunization are handled in the same place.

Article 19: Where it is necessary to continue to keep a dog after the expiration of a one-year period, the dog owner shall, within 30 days before the expiration of the period, go to the place designated by the public security organ with the dog immunization certificate and the dog registration certificate to go through the formalities for the renewal of dog registration.

Article 20: In any of the following circumstances, dog breeders in key management areas shall, within 15 days, go to the place designated by the public security organs with their dog registration certificate and dog identification to go through the formalities for modification or cancellation:

(1) The dog owner's address or address is changed;

(2) Dogs raised are sold or given to others;

(3) Abandoning the keeping of dogs and handing them over to a place where dogs are sheltered;

(4) The dog raised is lost or dead.

Article 21: It is forbidden to carry prohibited dogs into key management areas. Bringing other dogs that are not registered in this city into the key management areas of this city shall have a dog immunization certificate; Where the period of continuous stay exceeds three months, registration formalities shall be completed in accordance with the provisions of these Measures.

Article 22: Dog breeders shall abide by the following provisions when raising dogs:

(1) Dogs must not be raised in common parts of the property such as roofs, corridors, and public venues;

(2) Must not affect the normal life of others, and when dogs bark and affect others, effective measures shall be taken to stop them;

(3) Dogs must not be allowed to intimidate others or drive dogs to harm others;

(4) Must not affect public environmental sanitation;

(5) Dogs that are not allowed to be abandoned;

(6) Dog corpses must not be discarded arbitrarily, and dog corpses shall be treated harmlessly in accordance with regulations, or handed over to relevant departments for harmless disposal.

Article 23: Dogs taken out of key management areas shall comply with the following provisions:

(1) Wearing a dog tag logo for dogs;

(2) The length of the leash (chain) for the dog shall not exceed 1.5 meters;

(3) Actively avoid pedestrians and vehicles, and consciously tighten the dog leash (chain) in crowded occasions;

(4) When taking the elevator or going up and down stairs, measures to prevent dogs from injuring people, such as tightening the dog leash (chain), putting the dog in a dog bag, dog cage or embrace;

(5) Immediately clean up dog excrement;

(6) Minors must not carry dogs alone;

(7) Where dogs raised by the unit need to leave the breeding place for reasons such as diagnosis and treatment, immunization, etc., they shall be loaded into a dog cage.

Article 24: It is forbidden to bring dogs into the following places:

(1) Office areas for government organs, state-owned enterprises and public institutions;

(2) School teaching areas, student accommodation areas, hospitals, nursing homes, kindergartens, and other such places;

(3) Public cultural venues such as museums, libraries, art galleries, exhibition halls, theaters, gymnasiums, convention and exhibition centers, and cultural relics protection units;

(4) Waiting (machine, boat) rooms, hotels, guesthouses, shopping malls, large supermarkets and other crowded places;

(5) Public transportation such as buses and rail transit;

(6) Where dogs are carried in taxis or online ride-hailing vehicles, the consent of the driver shall be obtained.

For establishments other than those provided for in the preceding paragraph, their operators or managers may independently decide whether to allow dogs to enter; where dogs are prohibited from entering, they shall set up prohibited entry signs at a conspicuous position at their entrances and exits.

Military dogs, police dogs, guide dogs and other working dogs are not subject to this restriction.

Article 25: Where a dog injures another person, the dog owner shall immediately send the victim to a medical and health institution for diagnosis and treatment and epidemic prevention, and bear corresponding legal responsibility in accordance with law. Dog owners are encouraged to take out dog liability insurance.

Article 26: Where dog breeders and other responsible persons discover that a dog they are breeding has or is suspected of having rabies, they shall immediately employ isolation and control measures and promptly report to the animal disease prevention and control institution.

Article 27: The people's governments of counties (districts), the management committees of Bozhou High-tech Zones, and the management committees of the Modern Industrial Park shall set up dog shelters in accordance with actual needs, and encourage industry associations and animal protection organizations to participate in the establishment of dog shelters, but they must not be used for business and consciously accept supervision.

Dog shelters are responsible for accommodating the following dogs:

(1) Lost dogs;

(2) Unowned dogs;

(3) Dogs sent by the dog owner;

(4) Dogs seized.

Article 28: Dog shelters shall notify the dog breeder to claim lost dogs or seized dogs registered in accordance with law within five working days, and where the dog keeper retrieves the dog, it shall bear the expenses incurred by the dog in the shelter in accordance with law; if the dog keeper does not claim or is unable to notify the dog owner within the time limit, it shall be handled as an unowned dog.

Article 29: Dog shelters shall establish a dog adoption system, allowing units and individuals to adopt dogs that are sheltered and disposed of in accordance with relevant provisions.

Article 30: Where units and individuals discover lost dogs or unowned dogs, they may send them to a dog shelter.

Article 31: Institutions engaged in animal diagnosis and treatment activities shall apply for an animal diagnosis and treatment permit from the competent departments for agriculture and rural affairs of local people's governments at the county level or above.

The bazaars for the operation of dogs shall meet the conditions for animal epidemic prevention prescribed by the State and shall be subject to supervision and inspection by agricultural and rural departments. Those engaged in dog sales, grooming, exhibitions, training and other business activities shall go through formalities such as registration, epidemic prevention, and quarantine in accordance with law. Operators engaged in dog sales activities shall truthfully record the breed, quantity and buyer information of dogs, and inform buyers of the relevant provisions on the management of dog breeding in this city. Dog business activities shall not interfere with the normal life of others and shall not pollute the environment.

Article 33: It is forbidden to engage in dog sales, grooming, training, and other business activities in residential quarters, commercial and residential buildings, or in public places such as roads, bridges, pedestrian bridges, and underpasses. In key management areas, it is forbidden to engage in the commercial breeding of dogs and the sale of prohibited dogs.

Article 34: Where the provisions of these Measures are violated and any of the following conduct is committed, the agricultural and rural departments are to handle it:

(1) Where, in violation of the provisions of Article 13 of these Measures, a dog that is kept fails to be immunized against rabies on a regular basis in accordance with the provisions, shall be ordered to make corrections within a time limit and may be fined not more than 1,000 yuan; if the correction is not made within the time limit, a fine of not less than 1,000 yuan but not more than 5,000 yuan shall be imposed, and the competent departments for agriculture and rural affairs shall entrust animal diagnosis and treatment institutions, harmless treatment sites, etc. to handle it on their behalf, and the necessary expenses shall be borne by the offender;

(2) Whoever, in violation of the provisions of Article 31 of these Measures, engages in animal diagnosis and treatment activities without obtaining an animal diagnosis and treatment license, orders the suspension of diagnosis and treatment activities, confiscates the illegal gains, and imposes a fine of not less than one time but not more than three times the illegal gains; where the illegal gains are less than 30,000 yuan, a fine of between 3,000 and 30,000 yuan shall be imposed;

(3) Where the provisions of Article 32 of these Measures are violated and the bazaar where the dog is operated does not meet the prescribed conditions for epidemic prevention, it shall be ordered to make corrections and shall be fined not less than 3,000 yuan but not more than 30,000 yuan; if the circumstances are serious, it shall be ordered to suspend business for rectification and shall also be fined between 30,000 and 100,000 yuan.

Article 35: Where the provisions of these Measures are violated and any of the following conduct is committed, the public security organs are to punish them:

(1) Where, in violation of the provisions of the first and second paragraphs of Article 12 of these Measures, an individual raises a dog in excess of the limit or raises, breeds, or sells a prohibited dog in violation of the law, he shall be ordered to make corrections within a time limit; if he fails to make corrections within the time limit, he shall be fined not less than 500 yuan but not more than 1,000 yuan;

(2) Violating the provisions of Articles 14 and 19 of these Measures, failing to follow provisions to handle dog registration or renewal formalities, ordering corrections within a time limit;

(3) Whoever, in violation of the provisions of item 2 of Article 22 or item 2 of Article 23 of these Measures, raises a dog to interfere with the lives of others, or goes out with a dog without a leash (chain) or a leash (chain) longer than 1.5 meters, shall be given a warning, and if the warning is not corrected, or if the animal is allowed to intimidate others, a fine of not less than 200 yuan but not more than 500 yuan shall be imposed. Whoever drives an animal to harm another person shall be detained for not less than five days but not more than ten days, and shall also be fined not less than 200 yuan but not more than 500 yuan; if the circumstances are less serious, he shall be detained for not more than 5 days or fined not more than 500 yuan.

Article 36: Where the provisions of these Measures are violated and any of the following conduct is committed, the urban management departments are to give punishment:

Where the provisions of item 4 of Article 22 and item 5 of Article 23 of these Measures are violated, and a dog leaves pet feces in a public place and is not removed immediately, thus affecting environmental health, the urban management department shall impose a fine of between 50 and 200 yuan on its breeder.

Article 37: Dog breeders who violate the provisions of these Measures more than three times within one year shall not go through dog registration or renewal formalities within three years.

Article 38: Where laws and regulations that violate the provisions of these Measures already have provisions on punishment, follow those provisions; where a crime is constituted, criminal responsibility is to be pursued in accordance with law.

Article 39: Where dog breeding management departments and their staff engage in any of the following acts, the relevant responsible personnel are to be given governmental sanctions in accordance with law.

(1) Handling dog registration and other formalities for dog breeders who do not meet the requirements;

(2) Failing to handle or delaying the handling of dog registration and other formalities for eligible dog breeders;

(3) Failing to handle problems discovered in the course of performing duties or receiving reports or complaints received, or prevaricating between them in accordance with law;

(4) Other conduct of dereliction of duty, abuse of power, or favoritism.

Chapter VII Supplementary Provisions

Article 40:These Measures take effect on February 1, 2022.


Source: Bozhou Municipal People's Government Office

Editor: He Mengru Reviewer: Xi Ting Review: Deng Chuangong

From next month! "Bozhou City Dog Management Measures" is coming!
From next month! "Bozhou City Dog Management Measures" is coming!