
Ms. Yang Dai said that in the most difficult time, don't always think too far into the future, just encourage yourself to live today. There are too many unprepared things in this world, and some things are not worthy of possessing you

author:Zhang Te, equity lawyer at Beijing company

Ms. Yang Dai said that in the most difficult time, don't always think too far into the future, just encourage yourself to live today. There are so many surprises in this world that some things are not worthy of possessing your emotions at all. Life is an experience, please have fun. #Yuheng Projector # #Yuheng Screening Room # #育珩一句话 #

Ms. Yang Dai said that in the most difficult time, don't always think too far into the future, just encourage yourself to live today. There are too many unprepared things in this world, and some things are not worthy of possessing you