
China is India's largest trading nation, what have they sold to us?

author:Early Rain War Song Studio

About author:Former veteran of the naval diplomatic system, currently a top 500 social animal in China, and a graduate student in finance at Zhejiang University.

Autumn Rain Battle Song works

China is India's largest trading nation, what have they sold to us?

Let's look at two very interesting things, first sort out the process, I try to say it more relaxed, you bear with it.

China is India's largest trading nation, what have they sold to us?

Mumbai has India's largest port, and Indians consider it more developed than Shanghai

From the websites of China's Ministry of Commerce and the General Administration of Customs, the total trade between China and India in 2020 is 87.59 billion US dollars, which is almost 559.7 billion yuan (in order to facilitate the clarification of things, refer to the exchange rate of 6.39 conversion).

This figure is already very loud for India, which is deeply troubled by the epidemic, down 5.6% from 2019, and the decline is not much.

Last year, Chinese enterprises invested US$200 million in the entire Indian industry, down 15.7% year-on-year. Don't panic, this amount of funds is not enough for us to build a real estate in second- and third-tier cities;

Chinese enterprises signed new project contracts in India with US$2.28 billion, down 55.9% year-on-year, and completed turnover of US$1.8 billion, down 29.1% year-on-year. This piece is more unexpected, it turns out that there are also the figures of our infrastructure madness there.

In the mainland's total import and export volume in 2020, the proportion of Sino-Indian trade is extremely low, it is really not a huge number, the mainland is firmly ranked as India's largest trading partner, more than it is for the United States and the United Arab Emirates combined, indicating that the Indian economy has become heavily dependent on China, and vice versa.

In 2020, China imported US$20.86 billion from India, an increase of 16.0% year-on-year; exports to India amounted to US$66.73 billion, down 10.8% year-on-year. India imported $368 billion of goods from the world, down 23.2 percent year-on-year, and India's trade deficit with China was $45.87 billion, or about $293.1 billion.

There is nothing new in these Chinese and Indian data - in 2020 international trade, ASEAN has long replaced the United States as China's largest trading partner, with a surplus of nearly 600 billion yuan; the second place is the European Union, the United Kingdom stands on the side, there is nothing about the United Kingdom; the United States is ranked third, and the trade surplus between China and India is only 10.8% of that of China and the United States.

The real highlights are two, at the back.

China is India's largest trading nation, what have they sold to us?

In daily life, we are exposed to almost zero Indian products, and even if there is, it is also an industrial primary product, because India's industrial system is not complete, in addition to the handicraft industry is very developed, the complete manufacturing system is very small, so far even ammunition can not be produced, the overall is still at a relatively weak level.

I'm curious, what industrial products did India export to the mainland in 2020?

In the bilateral trade between China and India, India can generate 133.3 billion yuan in revenue, so there must be something we need. After some searching, it turned out that the main products exported by India to the mainland were metals and their raw materials, such as the mainland's import of aluminum ore from India, and the growth in 2020 exceeded 2000%!

China is India's largest trading nation, what have they sold to us?

Regardless of whether India's mining methods are primitive or industrial machinery mining, this is not our focus. In addition to aluminum ore, Indian iron ore exported to the mainland in 2020 has also risen sharply, followed by metal ores are light industrial primary products, such as textile raw materials, grain rice, rubber, animal and vegetable oils, cellulose pulp, etc., which belong to the raw materials of our secondary processing.

Very few relatively high-end products such as mechanical and electrical equipment and medical equipment are most likely manufactured by foreign companies in India and procured by foreign-funded enterprises in China.

From this point of view, most of the mainland's imports from India are not finished products, and those raw materials are the materials that the mainland first considers importing. So in daily life, it is not surprising that industrial finished products made in India are not seen.

They also don't have any decent fruit to export to China. India is far behind the 11 countries in Southeast Asia in this regard. For example, Thailand mainly exports durian and longan, the Philippines sells bananas, etc., and Southeast Asian countries have a total of 22 kinds of fruits exported to China.

In reality, India's citrus, apple and banana production is very large, no matter what reason it does not appear on our table, it must first pass China's strict agricultural product inspection and quarantine standards.

If you compare the fruits and grains of India, you know the seriousness of the problem. Because there are still many people at the bottom of Indian society who are hungry today, the Indian government is exporting a large amount of grain every year in order to earn foreign exchange.

China is India's largest trading nation, what have they sold to us?

Wouldn't it be better if I switched to fruit? This is India's own problem, and we can't help it. As for metal raw materials, as long as India's production capacity can keep up and the quality can pass, the more the merrier.

China is India's largest trading nation, what have they sold to us?

On the other hand, in 2020, the mainland exported $66.73 billion to India, which means that they spent about 426.4 billion yuan, what Chinese products did they buy?

China's exports to India are all industrial finished products, which they can't make, and the products are relatively high-end and sophisticated.

In addition to some heavy industrial products such as mechanical equipment and electrical equipment, mechanical and electrical products account for 50% exclusively, and there are a large number of electronic precision products such as smart phones, LCD TVs, ventilators, and medical devices.

No matter how much the nationalist sentiment of Indians is raging, the huge amount of Chinese-made electronics imported every year is the reality.

What Indians say is not important or credible. Only this bilateral trade figure is true, these electronics cover every aspect of Indian life, and if they had the choice, they would not have been so honest in their actions.

China is India's largest trading nation, what have they sold to us?

Now, many young Indians hold mobile phones such as Xiaomi, brush short videos everywhere, play selfies, and think that the mobile phones in their hands are made in India. The reality is that China's four mobile phone brands have already successfully entered the Indian market and achieved assembly in India, and in the Indian smartphone market, four of the top five sales are actually Chinese brands, which more or less take into account their fragile self-esteem.

Most of India's exports to the mainland are light industrial primary goods, as well as grain, ore (accounting for the majority);

Most of the mainland's exports to India are finished industrial products and precision manufacturing products.

In the comparison of bilateral trade between China and India, the added value of each is completely different, and the gap between the industrial strength of the two sides is clear at a glance, and I am afraid that it will make a fool of itself.

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