
My happy family

author:Puyang Online

I have a home, an ordinary home, a home with mom and dad, me and my sisters, this is my home, a happy home.

My parents live in an ordinary rural area in Xinxian County, Shandong Province, they have passed the rare years, they work hard like most farmers, they are diligent and thrifty, raising our brothers and sisters to start a family and have their own successes, they should have raised their children and enjoyed the joy of heaven, and before the Spring Festival in 2015, my father's serious illness, home has become our concern day and night.

My happy family

This time the father got a cerebral thrombosis, causing part of the brain death, the left limb lost consciousness, life can not take care of itself, can only rely on others to dress and feed, thinking of the father's future life, we are all a little sad and tearful. After 45 days of hospitalization, we were discharged from the hospital in a stable condition and went home to recover, and we understood that our father's daily life in the future could not be separated from us.

The eldest brother said: "Second and third, you can work in the field with peace of mind, there is me at home, don't worry." Although the younger sister married into the countryside, she also came back every three to five to wash the quilt for her father, and in case of emergency, one of her mother's phone sisters arrived immediately. The third brother is in the Shengli Oilfield in Dongying, it is inconvenient to go back and forth far from home, the usual telephone calls are continuous, and he always comes from afar with his wife and children on holidays, bringing a warm smile to his seriously ill father. Although I am in the Puyang oil field, not close to home, more than 50 kilometers away can not go home every day to take care of, but Saturday and Sunday have become my fixed family visit days, but also become my father and I unimpeded agreement, the school winter and summer vacation has also become my twice a year family visit leave.

My happy family

As the saying goes: brothers and sisters clearly settle accounts, but our brothers and sisters have never calculated the account on the issue of their parents' pension, and no one has mentioned it. Eat, wear, use at home, who sees the lack of will take the initiative to buy, usually go home as much as possible to carry, other expenses at home do not need to be said by the mother, have left the money on the table, do not ask how much others have paid. My mother once said to outsiders, "My child, he can take out the door" (meaning that there is no shame in going out). We do our best to repay our parents' nurturing grace.

The father's illness did not become a burden on us, but we leaned closely to the side of our parents, which is the so-called "sisterly heart, its profit is broken."

My parents are old, I have long been a parent, and my children have also established a family, but every time I return to my parents on weekends and tell my mother about my parents' shortness and eat the home-cooked meals made by my mother, I feel as if I have returned to my childhood. In good weather, using a wheelchair to push my father to the street and walk around in the fields, my father would smile when he saw his old partner; when he saw the construction of the highway outside the village and the construction of the 11,000-volt high-voltage tower, my father always forgot to go home like a child to see the end. Shave and wash my father's face, and I will be like a child, and my childlike heart will be ignited again; when I wipe my body and cut my nails for my father, I can feel that I am connected to my father's flesh and blood.

My happy family

"There is an old family, and there is a treasure in the victory." With my parents, I am a very happy and happy big "child", although it is a little tiring to serve my father, but such a day is worth cherishing and having, because "parents are here, home is in".

This is my home, a warm and happy home. May the brothers and sisters in the world live in harmony and the parents in the world be happy in their old age!

(Puyang Oilfield No. 9 Middle School Li Zhongshuo)

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