
In the past year or two, I have found that one of the aspects that is very alarming is that some people, who do not know whether they are robots or people with ulterior motives, are intentionally or unintentionally creating divisions between different cities


In the past year or two, I have found that one of the most alarming aspects is that some people, who do not yet know whether they are robots or people with ulterior motives, are intentionally or unintentionally creating divisions between different cities.

There are many such examples, especially the comparison between Beijing and Shanghai, Luoyang and Xi'an, which can always provoke certain emotions of the public. Each city has its own trajectory and characteristics, just like people, each has its own differences, respecting history is respecting yourself. There is no first or second, history who is thick and who is not thick, like a child's dispute, and some people always take these cities upside down with the rhythm, is there any intention, over time, this is not what the division is.

#Life Diary # #随拍 #

In the past year or two, I have found that one of the aspects that is very alarming is that some people, who do not know whether they are robots or people with ulterior motives, are intentionally or unintentionally creating divisions between different cities