
Go language JSON processing

author:The Path to Programmer Wealth Freedom

The JSON string is parsed to the struct

Code example

type User struct {
 Name      string
 FansCount int64

// 如果反序列化的时候指定明确的结构体和变量类型
func TestJsonUnmarshal(t *testing.T) {
 const jsonStream = `
        {"name":"ethancai", "fansCount": 9223372036854775807}
 var user User // 类型为User
 err := JsonUnmarshal(jsonStream, &user)
 if err != nil {
  fmt.Println("error:", err)
 fmt.Printf("%+v \n", user)

Parsing Json arrays to slices (arrays)

type Person struct {
 Name string
 Age  int

type Family struct {
 Persons []Person

// 解析多维数组
var f Family

// 模拟传输的Json数据
familyJSON := `{"Persons": [{"Name":"Elinx","Age":26}, {"Name":"Twinkle","Age":21}] }`


// 解析字符串为Json
json.Unmarshal([]byte(familyJSON), &f)

Run the result

=== RUN   TestJsonMash
{[{Elinx 26 0001-01-01 00:00:00 +0000 UTC []} {Twinkle 21 0001-01-01 00:00:00 +0000 UTC []}]}
--- PASS: TestJsonMash (0.00s)

Use the struct tag to assist in building json

The fields that struct can be converted are all fields with uppercase initials, but if you want to use a key beginning with a lowercase letter in json, you can use the struttag to assist in reflection.

type Post struct {
 Id      int      `json:"ID"`
 Content string   `json:"content"`
 Author  string   `json:"author"`
 Label   []string `json:"label"`
func TestJsonMash1(t *testing.T){
 postp := &Post{
  "Hello World",
  []string{"linux", "shell"},

 p, _ := json.MarshalIndent(postp, "", "\t")

Running result:

=== RUN   TestJsonMash1
 "ID": 2,
 "content": "Hello World",
 "author": "userB",
 "label": [
--- PASS: TestJsonMash1 (0.00s)

How to use tags

  • The name identified in the tag will be called the value of the key in the json data
  • Tag can be set to json: "-" to indicate that this field is not converted to json data, even if the field's initials are capitalized
  • If you want the name of the json key to be the character "-", you can specially treat json: "-,", that is, add a comma
  • If the tag has the omitempty option, then if the value of this field is 0 values, i.e. false, 0, "", nil, etc., this field will not be converted to json
  • If the type of the field is bool, string, int class, float class, and the tag has the string option, then the value of the field will be converted to a json string

Parses Json data into a structure known to struct

    "id": 1,
    "content": "hello world",
    "author": {
        "id": 2,
        "name": "userA"
    "published": true,
    "label": [],
    "nextPost": null,
    "comments": [{
            "id": 3,
            "content": "good post1",
            "author": "userB"
            "id": 4,
            "content": "good post2",
            "author": "userC"

Test the code

type Post struct {
 ID        int64         `json:"id"`
 Content   string        `json:"content"`
 Author    Author        `json:"author"`
 Published bool          `json:"published"`
 Label     []string      `json:"label"`
 NextPost  *Post         `json:"nextPost"`
 Comments  []*Comment    `json:"comments"`

type Author struct {
 ID   int64  `json:"id"`
 Name string `json:"name"`

type Comment struct {
 ID      int64  `json:"id"`
 Content string `json:"content"`
 Author  string `json:"author"`

func TestJsonStruct(t *testing.T){
 jsonData :="{\n    \"id\": 1,\n    \"content\": \"hello world\",\n    \"author\": {\n        \"id\": 2,\n        \"name\": \"userA\"\n    },\n    \"published\": true,\n    \"label\": [],\n    \"nextPost\": null,\n    \"comments\": [{\n            \"id\": 3,\n            \"content\": \"good post1\",\n            \"author\": \"userB\"\n        },\n        {\n            \"id\": 4,\n            \"content\": \"good post2\",\n            \"author\": \"userC\"\n        }\n    ]\n}"
 var post Post
 // 解析json数据到post中
 err := json.Unmarshal([]byte(jsonData), &post)
 if err != nil {
 fmt.Println(post.Author, post.Content, post.Comments[0].Content,post.Comments[0].ID, post.Comments[0].Author )
=== RUN   TestJsonStruct
{1 hello world {2 userA} true [] <nil> [0xc00016d1a0 0xc00016d1d0]}
{2 userA} hello world good post1 3 userB
--- PASS: TestJsonStruct (0.00s)

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