
What's New! Qingdao Municipal Center for Disease Control and Prevention released the latest health tips

author:Learn to be emergency

The best salvation is prevention

What's New! Qingdao Municipal Center for Disease Control and Prevention released the latest health tips

Emergency said

On the morning of the 30th, the Qingdao Municipal Health Commission issued the "Schematic Map of Classification and Control of Key Populations Entering Qingdao", what are the requirements for entering (returning) to Qingdao? Who should report in advance? ...... A picture to take you to understand.


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Spring Festival is coming,

Qingdao Municipal Center for Disease Control and Prevention released the latest health tips

I. Do a good job in preventing the "epidemic" during the festival

Recently, there have been reports of local clusters of epidemics in some parts of the country, and the risk of spread and spillover of the epidemic still exists. During the Spring Festival, visit relatives and friends, return to work and school after the festival, frequent population flows, increase the risk of epidemic transmission, remind the public to do a good job in prevention and control, and live a healthy holiday!

✪ Healthy young gathering.

During the Spring Festival, try not to go to crowd gathering places, especially closed places, reduce unnecessary gathering activities, and it is not appropriate to hold or participate in dinner gatherings with more people. It is recommended that the family private gathering and dinner be controlled to less than 10 people, and advocate "postponing the handling of happy events, simplifying funerals, and not holding banquets".

✪ Personal protection should be adhered to.

Implement "frequent hand washing, wearing masks, less gathering, regular ventilation, and one meter line". Wear masks throughout closed places such as public transportation and outdoor places where people gather. Be vigilant against the risk of the spread of imported cold chain food and goods, and disinfect the received mail and packages first. It is recommended that eligible members of the public be vaccinated against the new crown virus throughout the process, and that the public who have completed the full immunization for 6 months be encouraged to be immunized.

✪ The itinerary should be planned reasonably.

Reduce unnecessary travel, do not leave the country unless necessary, and do not travel to medium- and high-risk areas and local cities unless necessary. Personnel from medium- and high-risk areas and local cities do not need to come to Qingdao. People in high-risk positions should avoid travel as much as possible. Prepare adequate protective materials such as masks and hand sanitizers before traveling, and take precautions on the way. It is recommended to stagger the peak after the holiday, avoid the peak and return to work, and return to school.

✪ Report to the youth.

Prefecture-level cities where local epidemics occur and people returning to youth in adjacent areas with a risk of spread, those who have returned to Qingdao after the expiration of the quarantine period from other places, those who have completed the quarantine period in Qingdao, and those who have come to Qingdao in high-risk posts should contact their communities (villages) and units 3 days in advance, take the initiative to report personal information, and do a good job of nucleic acid testing, medical observation, health monitoring and other prevention and control measures as required.

✪ Don't forget about health monitoring.

During the New Year, it is not forbidden to avoid medical treatment, still pay close attention to the physical condition of yourself and your family, such as fever, cough, diarrhea, fatigue and other symptoms, you should wear a mask to the nearest fever clinic in time for investigation and diagnosis and treatment, and actively inform the activity trajectory and contact history of the past 14 days. Avoid public transportation as much as possible during the medical treatment process.

Second, be careful of "disease from the mouth"

During the Spring Festival, the number of visits to relatives and friends, wedding celebrations increased, family dinners, wine banquets, etc. also increased, food reserves increased, improper diet can easily lead to foodborne diseases, reminding the public to pay attention to:

✪ Turn off the good raw materials.

Be cautious about mail ordering cold chain food imported or in areas where indigenous cases have been reported. When purchasing cold chain food, pay attention to personal protection and do a good job of disinfection of outer packaging. When buying packaged food, it is necessary to see the trademark, production date, shelf life, etc., buy fresh fish, meat, seafood and other foods, refrigerate as soon as possible, and do not leave it in the external environment for too long. "Three noes" food and expired food must not be purchased and eaten.

✪ Turn off the processing.

Adhere to good personal hygiene habits, pay attention to washing hands before cooking food and eating, and wash your hands again after touching raw fish, raw meat and raw poultry. Separate raw and cooked, cooked and steamed thoroughly. Try not to eat raw meat, sea (aquatic) products and other foods.

✪ Keep the good storage off.

Divide and store, keep the kitchen ventilated and clean, and disinfect the environment and dishes and cookware if necessary. Eating leftovers and leftovers is not encouraged, and if there is any leftover food, it should be refrigerated in time. If you want to eat overnight meals, heat them up and cook them thoroughly. Remember that the refrigerator is not a safe deposit box and should not store food in the refrigerator for too long.

✪ Turn off the meal.

During the festival, eat reasonably, eat regularly, and do not overeat. Pay attention to dietary hygiene, advocate the use of public chopsticks and spoons, implement a meal sharing system, and refuse to eat wild game. When eating out, you should choose a catering unit with good health conditions and high credibility.

Third, prevent accidental injuries

Due to the weak safety awareness and poor self-protection ability of students, it is difficult to put in place guardianship during the winter vacation, and it is easy to have accidental injury accidents. The Spring Festival is also a period of high incidence of accidental injuries such as firecracker injuries, and citizens should also take precautions while celebrating the Spring Festival.

✪ Abide by Qingdao City's regulations on the prohibition of fireworks and firecrackers, and keep away from dangerous sources such as sewers and gas pipelines when fireworks are allowed in the permitted area.

✪ When using coal stove heating, gas water heater bathing, charcoal (gas) hot pot, do a good job of ventilation and ventilation to prevent gas poisoning.

✪ Do not provoke strange pets, stray dogs, cats, etc., once bitten, timely go to the regular rabies exposure treatment clinic to inject rabies vaccine.

✪ Pay attention to traffic safety, strictly prohibit drunk driving; safe use of electrical appliances; do not play on the ice surface such as lakes and rivers to prevent drowning.

In addition, during the Spring Festival and holidays, life should be regular, ensure adequate sleep, temperate diet and tobacco and alcohol, and avoid excessive fatigue. Patients with chronic diseases need to pay attention to cold protection, keep warm, maintain a stable mood, and prevent the recurrence of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases.

Qingdao's COVID-19 vaccine has been vaccinated with a total of 24,166,300 doses

Vaccination rate of 60-69 years old exceeds 90%

Q: Why should older people get covid-19 vaccines?

A: According to the epidemic situation in the mainland, the phenomenon is that the vast majority of young people who have been fully vaccinated can survive safely, while most of the hospitalized patients are unvaccinated, while the elderly, frail and immunocompromised high-risk groups are the main targets of severe COVID-19. The older the age, the higher the incidence of critical cases and the higher the case fatality rate.

The best way to avoid critical illness in older people is to increase COVID-19 vaccination rates.

The vaccination rate of adolescents and adults in our city exceeds 95%, and the vaccination coverage rate of the elderly over 60 years old in our city is only 79.89%, which shows that there is still a large gap in the immunization of people over 60 years old in our city compared with other groups, and there are hidden dangers in epidemic prevention.

This is why we have been vigorously promoting the vaccination of the elderly.

Q: The range of activities of the elderly is very small, and other family members have been vaccinated, is it still necessary to vaccinate?

A: The small range is not the small range you think, and now some of the uncles and aunts are more active than young people, they prefer to get together, and they lack the awareness of safety prevention and control, where there are more people, where they go, where they are lively. A small probability is not without consequences, and now that the vaccination rate of children aged 3-11 and people over 12 years old has exceeded 95%, the elderly should complete the vaccination as soon as possible as young people and children, and set a good example for grandchildren!

Q: What kind of COVID-19 vaccine can the elderly get?

A: The current COVID-19 vaccine for the elderly in our city is an inactivated vaccine for the new crown virus, with a total of 2 injections, with an interval of 3-8 weeks. Different manufacturers of the same vaccine can replace each other.

Q: Where to get the COVID-19 vaccine?

A: All citizens who meet the vaccination requirements can go to the vaccination site near their place of residence to be vaccinated.

Q: What should I pay attention to before and after vaccination?

A: Before vaccination, be sure to inform the pre-examination registered doctor of your body and disease, and the doctor will evaluate whether you can vaccinate.

After vaccination, be sure to follow the guidance of the vaccination clinic staff, stay for 30 minutes, if adverse reactions occur, please inform the doctor in time.

After returning home, if you are unwell, please contact the vaccination clinic in time, if the situation is serious, you should seek medical treatment as soon as possible.

Q: Can older adults with chronic diseases be vaccinated?

A: There are no other contraindications, people with chronic diseases who are in stable health and have good drug control can also be vaccinated against COVID-19.

Retweets remind you of the people you care about~

I wish you all a healthy and safe holiday!

Source: Qingdao Daily, Guanhai News, Qingdao News Network, Qingdao Health, Qingdao Disease Control, etc

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What's New! Qingdao Municipal Center for Disease Control and Prevention released the latest health tips
What's New! Qingdao Municipal Center for Disease Control and Prevention released the latest health tips
What's New! Qingdao Municipal Center for Disease Control and Prevention released the latest health tips