
Popular science explores the unknown ninth planet, and human beings are only a drop in the ocean in the dimension of the universe

author:Space science knowledge

Today we're going to explore the unknown ninth planet. Technological advances in the field of astronomy have not stopped in recent years. Huge discoveries, such as the first photograph of a black hole, suggest that there are still many unexplored objects and phenomena in our universe. According to astrophysicists, there could be as many as 100 billion galaxies in space. And the Milky Way galaxy alone has the same number of planets, and who exists, we don't yet know the part of the universe that humans can see, resembling a small puzzle piece that researchers have pieced together for centuries. Even the solar system as we know it has not been fully explored. As can be seen from the discovery of this possible dwarf planet, two years ago there was still a discussion about the existence of a gas in Venus's atmosphere that could predict life.

Popular science explores the unknown ninth planet, and human beings are only a drop in the ocean in the dimension of the universe

For several years, researchers have also speculated on the possibility of another planet in the solar system, with eight more planets included since Pluto's planetary status was abolished. The latest findings from California should excite astronomy enthusiasts. In fact, the ninth planet in our solar system has mathematical proofs that, in the history of astronomy, there is a planet. It was predicted before it was finally confirmed by telescope observations. This is the blue gas giant Neptune. In September 1846, the Frenchman Le Verrier predicted his position through mathematical calculations. According to the orbital perturbations observed by Uranus, the planet was observed hundreds of years ago in other planets in Galilee, but was not recognized, but mistook it for a star. Through Levanier's letter to the German astronomer Johann Godred, who searched for predictions through various calculations, the existence of Neptune could be confirmed. There was also speculation in modern times for a while. There may be an unknown planet nine in our solar system, which is named Planet X. Before Pluto was discovered, there was the first speculation as early as the 19th century that there must be a celestial body outside neptune.

Popular science explores the unknown ninth planet, and human beings are only a drop in the ocean in the dimension of the universe

Meanwhile, people are even talking about three other planets, just for a while, after there is no evidence for these views, Statin Jay and Michael Brown, a leader in the field of engineering and natural sciences in California, two scientists. Finally, mathematical evidence was provided to prove what the existence of Planet X, a hypothetical planet with orbits far greater than the dwarf planet Pluto, was finally provided. That's why he used to be called Pluto. The two researchers hypothesized that the object must have ten times the mass of Earth and that it orbited the Sun in a very long orbit, with the Earth orbiting the Sun. It takes 365 days, while Planet X takes at least 10,000 days. In extreme cases, the orbit around the central star can take up to 20,000 years. In contrast, it is the farthest from the sun. Planet Neptune takes 165 Earth years to orbit, while Mercury takes 88 days. Two astrophysicists from California, through the work of colleagues, began testing this hypothesis. Their idea of the existence of planetary objects beyond Neptune for the first time is credible.

Popular science explores the unknown ninth planet, and human beings are only a drop in the ocean in the dimension of the universe

Ironically, the researchers themselves admit that they initially studied a model. The purpose was to prove the existence of X stars, and the final calculations supported the idea that planets existed beyond Neptune. Later calculations, however, only considered objects of such a size. He was able to twist the orbits of established objects by a full 90 degrees, thus forming their unusual shapes. In the influential astronomical journal Jan. 20, 2016, two scientists first hypothesized Planet X. It must have entered the Kepper Belt region about 3 million years ago, possibly due to the gravitational pull of jupiter, the massive gas. The 9th planet in the Capper Belt, the Capper Belt is outside the orbit of Neptune. A ring-like region, Neptune is between 39 and 48 times farther from Earth, meaning that the average distance between the Sun and Earth is about 149 billion to 597 million, the most famous object in this superband located on the outer edge of the solar system is Pluto, an icy and dark region known for its variety of interesting objects. For example, many comets are from Kai Broken Eggs. However, due to the distance from Earth, the reflection of sunlight is very weak, and objects in this region of the universe are difficult to observe. This is why the planet has not yet been discovered by humans.

Popular science explores the unknown ninth planet, and human beings are only a drop in the ocean in the dimension of the universe

Most recently many dwarf planets similar in size to Pluto have been discovered in ancient times. At the meeting of the International Astronomical Union, he eventually lost his status as a planet. So how do you explain the existence of Planet X? We should recall the history of Neptune, which was eventually predicted and discovered by orbital perturbations. But Neptune itself is also affected by its orbital distortions, which cannot be explained by Pluto alone. After all, the dwarf planet is too mass to affect Neptune's orbit, but Neptune is not the only planet affected by these perturbations, in addition to Pluto, there are many objects. Its orbit around the Sun is very unusual, which must be explained by the gravitational pull of another unknown object, which is the appearance of the planet AX. It assumes that the size and mass are not overloaded and the difference beyond overload. A reasonable explanation is provided. The orbits of many smaller bodies are thought to be explained by the new planet's orbits tending to form clumps or galaxy clusters, which can only be explained by the gravitational pull of a larger object. These include highly elliptical objects like Sedna, where calculations by the two scientists suggest that Planet X is an icy giant planet with a surface temperature of -226 degrees Celsius. He should also have a major axis semi-axis shaped orbit of planet X evidence for the existence of planet X is still based on calculations based on mathematical models, which are almost certainly true. But it has not yet given us a specific concept of this unknown Big Brother.

Popular science explores the unknown ninth planet, and human beings are only a drop in the ocean in the dimension of the universe

We took hundreds of images of this part of the sky and stacked them on top of each other to calculate the amount of light emitted by the underlying celestial body. The problem with unknown objects is their reflection of sunlight. It is very faint, so it is difficult to identify by pure observation. In the course of further steps, the possible path of the object is verified by further observations. This method has been proven in. Very useful in astronomical research, it is possible to detect objects in Neptune's influence. In a recent paper from Yale University, NASA tested images from the Exoplanet Telescope. Used to capture signals from several extra-Neptune objects. Now the research department hopes to finally take a snapshot of the still invisible Earth Brother. Although there is no consensus in the field of research. And there are also criticisms of the concept of Planet X. The two scientists were once again convinced that he must have existed with a 99 9% chance of his existence. Now are the astronomers. It's time to take your first photo, and then take credit for it. In addition, the name of the new planet has not yet been determined to use the gods of Roman mythology to name the previous planet. It's a good tradition, but whatever it will be called, why the eventual search has begun an astronomical search for Planet X is underway, a discussion about what it might look like, and what properties it might have. Also in progress, we are particularly interested in the opinions of the audience. What are your thoughts on Planet X? Do you think the existing evidence is credible? What do you think Planet X might look like? Do you think there are other planets in our solar system besides this one that hasn't been discovered until now?